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`df.groupBy(..cols).agg()` to group data and get aggragates" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "1cb3589a-bffe-422a-8e32-a853161b93c4", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "CarName": "alfa-romero giulia", "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "car_ID": 1, "carbody": "convertible", "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "compressionratio": 9, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber": "four", "doornumber": "two", "drivewheel": "rwd", "enginelocation": "front", "enginesize": 130, "enginetype": "dohc", "fuelsystem": "mpfi", "fueltype": "gas", "highwaympg": 27, "horsepower": 111, "peakrpm": 5000, "price": 13495, "stroke": 2.68, "symboling": 3, "wheelbase": 88.6 }, { "CarName": "alfa-romero stelvio", "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "car_ID": 2, "carbody": "convertible", "carheight": 48.8, 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13alfa-romero giuliagasstdtwoconvertiblerwdfront88.6168.864.148.82548dohcfour130mpfi3.472.6891115000212713495
23alfa-romero stelviogasstdtwoconvertiblerwdfront88.6168.864.148.82548dohcfour130mpfi3.472.6891115000212716500
31alfa-romero Quadrifogliogasstdtwohatchbackrwdfront94.5171.265.552.42823ohcvsix152mpfi2.683.4791545000192616500
42audi 100 lsgasstdfoursedanfwdfront99.8176.666.254.32337ohcfour109mpfi3.193.4101025500243013950
52audi 100lsgasstdfoursedan4wdfront99.4176.666.454.32824ohcfive136mpfi3.193.481155500182217450
" ] }, "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import { display } from \"https://deno.land/x/display@v0.1.1/mod.ts\";\n", "import { Plot } from \"https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts/raw/plots.ts\";\n", "import pl from \"npm:nodejs-polars\";\n", "\n", "let data = await Deno.readTextFile(\"assets/CarPrice_Assignment.csv\");\n", "let df = pl.readCSV(data, { sep: \",\" });\n", "\n", "await display(df.head(5));" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "id": "a82e43fd-04a6-4bc8-a752-3b03abd6e983", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "describe": "mean", "enginesize": 126.90731707317073, "horsepower": 104.1170731707317, "price": 13276.710570731706 }, { "describe": "std", "enginesize": 41.642693438179855, "horsepower": 39.54416680936116, "price": 7988.852331743148 }, { "describe": "min", "enginesize": 61, "horsepower": 48, "price": 5118 }, { "describe": "max", "enginesize": 326, "horsepower": 288, "price": 45400 }, { "describe": "median", "enginesize": 120, "horsepower": 95, "price": 10295 } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "describe", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "enginesize", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "horsepower", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "price", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "await display(\n", " df.select(\n", " \"enginesize\",\n", " \"horsepower\",\n", " \"price\",\n", " ).describe(),\n", ");" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "5c931435-0e19-4d32-8ca8-ae81a9cb43c8", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Data Cleaning" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "id": "e70e5f22-bdde-4140-9015-a6281b8478bf", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "\u001b[33mfalse\u001b[39m" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// check for duplicates\n", "const hasDups = df.select(\"car_ID\").isDuplicated().toArray().includes(true);\n", "// if there are duplicates, use df.filter()\n", "hasDups;" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "7fb89a88-f3ad-457d-9211-2b75eef6096f", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Resolve categorical values. For this dataset it is a brand name:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "id": "ffb4509e-1930-4e2e-954c-51e919084514", "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "brand": "toyota" }, { "brand": "mercury" }, { "brand": "mitsubishi" }, { "brand": "honda" }, { "brand": "mazda" }, { "brand": "peugeot" }, { "brand": "porcshce" }, { "brand": "renault" }, { "brand": "isuzu" }, { "brand": "dodge" }, { "brand": "bmw" }, { "brand": "vw" }, { "brand": "maxda" }, { "brand": "volkswagen" }, { "brand": "alfa-romero" }, { "brand": "chevrolet" }, { "brand": "toyouta" }, { "brand": "jaguar" }, { "brand": "saab" }, { "brand": "porsche" }, { "brand": "audi" }, { "brand": "vokswagen" }, { "brand": "subaru" }, { "brand": "nissan" }, { "brand": "plymouth" }, { "brand": "volvo" }, { "brand": "buick" } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// get brand names from `CarName`\n", "let brandNameTable = df.select(\"CarName\").map((row) => {\n", " const [carName] = row;\n", " const brand = carName.split(\" \")[0].toLowerCase();\n", " return brand;\n", "});\n", "\n", "// create a dataframe from brand names\n", "let brandDf = pl.DataFrame({\n", " \"brand\": brandNameTable,\n", "});\n", "await display(brandDf.unique());" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "id": "7f91cbc3-364c-49c9-97e3-370f78b708f8", "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "brand": "nissan" }, { "brand": "toyota" }, { "brand": "isuzu" }, { "brand": "plymouth" }, { "brand": "subaru" }, { "brand": "audi" }, { "brand": "renault" }, { "brand": "honda" }, { "brand": "dodge" }, { "brand": "bmw" }, { "brand": "volvo" }, { "brand": "peugeot" }, { "brand": "volkswagen" }, { "brand": "chevrolet" }, { "brand": "mitsubishi" }, { "brand": "buick" }, { "brand": "alfa-romero" }, { "brand": "porsche" }, { "brand": "mazda" }, { "brand": "saab" }, { "brand": "jaguar" }, { "brand": "mercury" } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// transform to remove duplicates\n", "brandNameTable = brandNameTable.map((name) => {\n", " name = name\n", " .replace(\"maxda\", \"mazda\")\n", " .replace(\"porcshce\", \"porsche\")\n", " .replace(\"toyouta\", \"toyota\")\n", " .replace(/(vw|vokswagen)/ig, \"volkswagen\");\n", " return name;\n", "});\n", "\n", "brandDf = pl.DataFrame({\n", " brand: brandNameTable,\n", "});\n", "await display(brandDf.unique());" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "id": "eb19de54-11bb-40af-8e27-e5e3a6bd11f0", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "CarName": "alfa-romero giulia", "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "brand": "alfa-romero", "car_ID": 1, "carbody": "convertible", "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "compressionratio": 9, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber": "four", 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alfa-romero13alfa-romero giuliagasstdtwoconvertiblerwdfront88.6168.864.148.82548dohcfour130mpfi3.472.6891115000212713495
alfa-romero23alfa-romero stelviogasstdtwoconvertiblerwdfront88.6168.864.148.82548dohcfour130mpfi3.472.6891115000212716500
alfa-romero31alfa-romero Quadrifogliogasstdtwohatchbackrwdfront94.5171.265.552.42823ohcvsix152mpfi2.683.4791545000192616500
audi42audi 100 lsgasstdfoursedanfwdfront99.8176.666.254.32337ohcfour109mpfi3.193.4101025500243013950
audi52audi 100lsgasstdfoursedan4wdfront99.4176.666.454.32824ohcfive136mpfi3.193.481155500182217450
" ] }, "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// add new column `brand` to our dataframe\n", "df = brandDf.hstack(df);\n", "await display(df.head(5));" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "81abdb0d-41ce-445c-9a75-f9494eb1f9d3", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Drop unnecessary values, and write to the new file:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "id": "6da96c06-b0b6-46b7-be2d-824af909aec4", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "brand": "alfa-romero", "carbody": "convertible", "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "compressionratio": 9, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber": "four", "doornumber": "two", "drivewheel": "rwd", "enginelocation": "front", "enginesize": 130, "enginetype": "dohc", "fuelsystem": "mpfi", "fueltype": "gas", "highwaympg": 27, "horsepower": 111, "peakrpm": 5000, "price": 13495, "stroke": 2.68, "wheelbase": 88.6 }, { "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "brand": "alfa-romero", "carbody": "convertible", "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "compressionratio": 9, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber": "four", "doornumber": "two", "drivewheel": "rwd", "enginelocation": "front", "enginesize": 130, "enginetype": "dohc", "fuelsystem": "mpfi", "fueltype": "gas", "highwaympg": 27, "horsepower": 111, "peakrpm": 5000, "price": 16500, "stroke": 2.68, "wheelbase": 88.6 }, { "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 2.68, "brand": "alfa-romero", "carbody": "hatchback", "carheight": 52.4, "carlength": 171.2, "carwidth": 65.5, "citympg": 19, "compressionratio": 9, "curbweight": 2823, "cylindernumber": "six", "doornumber": "two", "drivewheel": "rwd", "enginelocation": "front", "enginesize": 152, "enginetype": "ohcv", "fuelsystem": "mpfi", "fueltype": "gas", "highwaympg": 26, "horsepower": 154, "peakrpm": 5000, "price": 16500, "stroke": 3.47, "wheelbase": 94.5 } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "fueltype", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "aspiration", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "doornumber", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "carbody", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "drivewheel", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "enginelocation", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "wheelbase", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "carlength", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "carwidth", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "carheight", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "curbweight", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "enginetype", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "cylindernumber", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "enginesize", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "fuelsystem", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "boreratio", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "stroke", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "compressionratio", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "horsepower", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "peakrpm", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "citympg", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "highwaympg", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "price", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df = df.drop(\"car_ID\", \"symboling\", \"CarName\");\n", "df.head(3);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "0f827b40-99b5-445d-b339-2bb55b9d6686", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "- Use df.groupBy(...cols) in order to get aggregates form the dataset:\n", "\n", "Count cars by brand:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "id": "7512602c-6ce4-4167-9f74-78bc5e8c0332", "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "brand": "mercury", "brand_count": 1 }, { "brand": "renault", "brand_count": 2 }, { "brand": "jaguar", "brand_count": 3 }, { "brand": "alfa-romero", "brand_count": 3 }, { "brand": "chevrolet", "brand_count": 3 }, { "brand": "isuzu", "brand_count": 4 }, { "brand": "porsche", "brand_count": 5 }, { "brand": "saab", "brand_count": 6 }, { "brand": "audi", "brand_count": 7 }, { "brand": "plymouth", "brand_count": 7 }, { "brand": "buick", "brand_count": 8 }, { "brand": "bmw", "brand_count": 8 }, { "brand": "dodge", "brand_count": 9 }, { "brand": "peugeot", "brand_count": 11 }, { "brand": "volvo", "brand_count": 11 }, { "brand": "volkswagen", "brand_count": 12 }, { "brand": "subaru", "brand_count": 12 }, { "brand": "honda", "brand_count": 13 }, { "brand": "mitsubishi", "brand_count": 13 }, { "brand": "mazda", "brand_count": 17 }, { "brand": "nissan", "brand_count": 18 }, { "brand": "toyota", "brand_count": 32 } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand_count", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "integer" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "let brandCount = df.groupBy(\"brand\").len().sort(\"brand_count\");\n", "brandCount;" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "id": "44b5baf0-cbd2-48d7-a28b-e871682bbaf0", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "brand": null, "describe": "mean", "price": 15079.877371916704 }, { "brand": null, "describe": "std", "price": 8738.804703803093 }, { "brand": "alfa-romero", "describe": "min", "price": 6007 }, { "brand": "volvo", "describe": "max", "price": 34600 }, { "brand": null, "describe": "median", "price": 10534.274509803921 } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "describe", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "price", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "let avgPricePerBrand = df.groupBy(\"brand\").agg({ \"price\": [\"mean\"] });\n", "avgPricePerBrand.describe();" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "id": "98a18f05-665f-4143-b5d5-6ecda68ca2df", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{\n", " renault: \u001b[33m9595\u001b[39m,\n", " jaguar: \u001b[33m34600\u001b[39m,\n", " saab: \u001b[33m15223.333333333334\u001b[39m,\n", " nissan: \u001b[33m10415.666666666666\u001b[39m,\n", " toyota: \u001b[33m9885.8125\u001b[39m,\n", " mitsubishi: \u001b[33m9239.76923076923\u001b[39m,\n", " porsche: \u001b[33m31400.5\u001b[39m,\n", " plymouth: \u001b[33m7963.428571428572\u001b[39m,\n", " dodge: \u001b[33m7875.444444444444\u001b[39m,\n", " mazda: \u001b[33m10652.882352941177\u001b[39m,\n", " honda: \u001b[33m8184.692307692308\u001b[39m,\n", " peugeot: \u001b[33m15489.09090909091\u001b[39m,\n", " audi: \u001b[33m17859.166714285715\u001b[39m,\n", " volvo: \u001b[33m18063.18181818182\u001b[39m,\n", " buick: \u001b[33m33647\u001b[39m,\n", " chevrolet: \u001b[33m6007\u001b[39m,\n", " isuzu: \u001b[33m8916.5\u001b[39m,\n", " bmw: \u001b[33m26118.75\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"alfa-romero\"\u001b[39m: \u001b[33m15498.333333333334\u001b[39m,\n", " volkswagen: \u001b[33m10077.5\u001b[39m,\n", " mercury: \u001b[33m16503\u001b[39m,\n", " subaru: \u001b[33m8541.25\u001b[39m\n", "}" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// map brand name to price\n", "avgPricePerBrand = avgPricePerBrand\n", " .toRecords()\n", " .reduce((acc, rec) => ({ ...acc, [rec.brand]: rec.price }), {});" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "id": "9e7dd2b4-4356-41ad-bd1e-20b7938f55f0", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "brand_category": "Mid_Range" }, { "brand_category": "Budget" }, { "brand_category": "Mid_Range" }, { "brand_category": "Mid_Range" }, { "brand_category": "Budget" } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "brand_category", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// create brand categories by budget\n", "let brandCategory = df.brand.toArray().map((brand) => {\n", " const avgPrice = avgPricePerBrand[brand];\n", " return avgPrice < 10000\n", " ? \"Budget\"\n", " : avgPrice > 20000\n", " ? \"Luxury\"\n", " : \"Mid_Range\";\n", "});\n", "let catDf = pl.DataFrame({\n", " \"brand_category\": brandCategory,\n", "});\n", "\n", "catDf.sample(5);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "14930aef-1fc0-4baf-92bf-8a093c3d2e86", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Write the cleaned dataset to a new file:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "id": "350c57c7-ec9e-400d-a8e7-19301c720c56", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "df = catDf.hstack(df);\n", "df.writeCSV(\"assets/cleaned_car_prices.csv\");" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "0ea22d38-cb20-47a0-8f92-422bc5925abf", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "## Exploratory Data Analysis\n", "\n", "For plotting we use [@observable/plot](https://observablehq.com/plot) and\n", "configured shotcuts for jupyter notebooks imported from\n", "[l12.xyz/x/shortcuts](https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts)." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "id": "2fed060e-1785-4dc1-ba44-4bcd5cee92f6", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[\n", " { brand: \"mercury\", brand_count: 1 },\n", " { brand: \"renault\", brand_count: 2 },\n", " { brand: \"jaguar\", brand_count: 3 },\n", " { brand: \"alfa-romero\", brand_count: 3 },\n", " { brand: \"chevrolet\", brand_count: 3 },\n", " { brand: \"isuzu\", brand_count: 4 },\n", " { brand: \"porsche\", brand_count: 5 },\n", " { brand: \"saab\", brand_count: 6 },\n", " { brand: \"audi\", brand_count: 7 },\n", " { brand: \"plymouth\", brand_count: 7 },\n", " { brand: \"buick\", brand_count: 8 },\n", " { brand: \"bmw\", brand_count: 8 },\n", " { brand: \"dodge\", brand_count: 9 },\n", " { brand: \"peugeot\", brand_count: 11 },\n", " { brand: \"volvo\", brand_count: 11 },\n", " { brand: \"volkswagen\", brand_count: 12 },\n", " { brand: \"subaru\", brand_count: 12 },\n", " { brand: \"honda\", brand_count: 13 },\n", " { brand: \"mitsubishi\", brand_count: 13 },\n", " { brand: \"mazda\", brand_count: 17 },\n", " { brand: \"nissan\", brand_count: 18 },\n", " { brand: \"toyota\", brand_count: 32 }\n", "]\n" ] }, { "data": { "image/svg+xml": [ "toyotanissanmazdahondamitsubishisubaruvolkswagenpeugeotvolvododgebmwbuickaudiplymouthsaabporscheisuzualfa-romerochevroletjaguarrenaultmercurybrand051015202530brand_count →" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "\n", "import { document } from \"https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts/raw/plots.ts\";\n", "\n", "const brandCountRecords = brandCount.toRecords();\n", "console.log(brandCountRecords);\n", "const brandCountPlot = Plot.plot({\n", " marginLeft: 80,\n", " style: {\n", " backgroundColor: \"#fff\",\n", " },\n", " x: { padding: 0.4 },\n", " marks: [\n", " Plot.barX(brandCountRecords, {\n", " x: \"brand_count\",\n", " y: \"brand\",\n", " sort: { y: \"x\", order: \"descending\" },\n", " }),\n", " ],\n", " document,\n", "});\n", "await display(brandCountPlot);" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "id": "e21f5bdf-a5a8-43b2-855b-0eb079656da7", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[\n", " \u001b[32m\"wheelbase\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"carlength\"\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"carwidth\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"carheight\"\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"curbweight\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"enginesize\"\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"boreratio\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"stroke\"\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"compressionratio\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"horsepower\"\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"peakrpm\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"citympg\"\u001b[39m,\n", " \u001b[32m\"highwaympg\"\u001b[39m\n", "]" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "let numericColumns = df.columns.filter((col) =>\n", " df[col].isNumeric() && col !== \"price\"\n", ");\n", "numericColumns;" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "1c8d3b90-b4b1-4da6-9e7c-f8fd7cffb77d", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Sometimes we can get some intuitive insight seeing the data plotted from\n", "different dimensions. It is an optional step, but it might help to get some\n", "assumtions about the relationships in the dataset. Below is an example for\n", "drawing plots side-by-side." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "id": "9a82f623-b39a-473a-91b9-0a0347c64c63", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", " \n", "
\n", " " ] }, "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import { sideBySidePlot } from \"https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts/raw/plots.ts\";\n", "\n", "let records = df.toRecords();\n", "\n", "const plt = sideBySidePlot({\n", " x: numericColumns,\n", " y: [\"price\"],\n", " marks: [\n", " (x, y) => Plot.dot(records, { x, y }),\n", " (x, y) => Plot.linearRegressionY(records, { x, y, stroke: \"red\" }),\n", " ],\n", " cols: 3,\n", "});\n", "\n", "await display(\n", " plt,\n", ");" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "53d04850-df05-474c-8568-a5f7c97146f3", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "Let's view the list of top features that have high correlation coefficient. The\n", "pearsonCorr() function calculates the Pearson'r correlation coefficients with\n", "respect to the 'price'." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "id": "924838be-1b4d-4edf-abe5-8bf02e02cf11", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "Variable": "enginesize", "idx (price)": 0.8741448025245117 }, { "Variable": "curbweight", "idx (price)": 0.8353048793372955 }, { "Variable": "horsepower", "idx (price)": 0.8081388225362217 }, { "Variable": "carwidth", "idx (price)": 0.7593252997414263 }, { "Variable": "carlength", "idx (price)": 0.6829200156779843 }, { "Variable": "wheelbase", "idx (price)": 0.5778155982921477 }, { "Variable": "boreratio", "idx (price)": 0.5531732367984261 }, { "Variable": "carheight", "idx (price)": 0.11933622657047727 }, { "Variable": "stroke", "idx (price)": 0.07944308388192935 }, { "Variable": "compressionratio", "idx (price)": 0.06798350579944248 }, { "Variable": "peakrpm", "idx (price)": -0.0852671502778569 }, { "Variable": "citympg", "idx (price)": -0.6857513360270401 }, { "Variable": "highwaympg", "idx (price)": -0.6975990916465564 } ], "description": null, "dialect": null, "encoding": null, "format": null, "hash": null, "homepage": null, "licenses": null, "mediatype": null, "path": null, "schema": { "fields": [ { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "Variable", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "string" }, { "constraints": null, "description": null, "example": null, "format": null, "name": "idx (price)", "rdfType": null, "title": null, "type": "number" } ], "foreignKeys": null, "missingValues": null, "primaryKey": null }, "sources": null, "title": null }, "text/html": [ "
Variableidx (price)
" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "// we select pearon's idx from dataframe for all numeric cols,\n", "// then we transpose result so that columns become rows,\n", "// then we sort by the idx column\n", "df.select(\n", " ...numericColumns.map((col) => pl.pearsonCorr(col, \"price\")),\n", ")\n", " .transpose({\n", " columnNames: [\"idx (price)\"],\n", " headerName: \"Variable\",\n", " includeHeader: true,\n", " })\n", " .sort(\"idx (price)\", true);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "63bc6b92-5ab9-43e0-a957-57d895bc60f9", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "### Linearity Assumption\n", "\n", "Linear regression needs the relationship between independent variable and the\n", "dependent variable to be linear. We can test this assumption with some scatter\n", "plots and regression lines.\n", "\n", "** Here we use the same side-by-side plot shortcut, but for selected varisbles\n", "with high correlation coefficent." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "id": "2d5a635a-c819-4989-9818-a1927363993d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", " \n", "
\n", " " ] }, "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "const plt = sideBySidePlot({\n", " x: [\"enginesize\", \"curbweight\", \"horsepower\", \"carwidth\"],\n", " y: [\"price\"],\n", " marks: [\n", " (x, y) => Plot.dot(records, { x, y }),\n", " (x, y) => Plot.linearRegressionY(records, { x, y, stroke: \"red\" }),\n", " ],\n", " cols: 2,\n", "});\n", "\n", "await display(\n", " plt,\n", ");" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "0a351f17-309b-444b-b4a8-26500b077e47", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "### Homoscedasticity\n", "\n", "The assumption of homoscedasticity (constant variance), is crucial to linear\n", "regression models. Homoscedasticity describes a situation in which the error\n", "term or variance or the \"noise\" or random disturbance in the relationship\n", "between the independent variables and the dependent variable is the same across\n", "all values of the independent variable. In other words, there is a constant\n", "variance present in the response variable as the predictor variable increases.\n", "If the \"noise\" is not the same across the values of an independent variable, we\n", "call it heteroscedasticity, opposite of homoscedasticity.\n", "\n", "#### Residuals\n", "\n", "Next we apply residual expression to 'price' and 'enginesize' varibles in order\n", "to check this assumption.\n", "[The residuals function](https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts/src/branch/main/expr.ts)\n", "uses mean squared." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "id": "fc9a31c3-6ac0-4058-b5bb-341eb1c40dd1", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/svg+xml": [ "−10,000−8,000−6,000−4,000−2,00002,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,00014,000↑ price100150200250300enginesize →" ] }, "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import { residuals } from \"https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts/raw/expr.ts\";\n", "\n", "let residualDf = df.select(\n", " \"enginesize\",\n", " residuals(pl.col(\"enginesize\"), pl.col(\"price\")),\n", ");\n", "\n", "let residPlot = Plot.plot({\n", " x: \"enginesize\",\n", " y: \"price\",\n", " marks: [\n", " Plot.dot(residualDf.toRecords(), { x: \"enginesize\", y: \"price\" }),\n", " Plot.ruleY([0], { stroke: \"#ccc\" }),\n", " ],\n", " document,\n", "});\n", "\n", "await display(residPlot);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "29a0ec4e-084c-4af6-9af6-a14ae5cee4e7", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "From the above plot, we can tell the error variance across the true line is\n", "dispersed somewhat not uniformly, but in a funnel like shape. So, the assumption\n", "of the _homoscedasticity_ is more likely not met." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "33d787f3-2a7b-421c-9d9b-a86719a92f9a", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "## Normality\n", "\n", "The linear regression analysis requires the dependent variable, 'price', to be\n", "normally distributed. A histogram, box plot, or a Q-Q-Plot can check if the\n", "target variable is normally distributed. The goodness of fit test, e.g., the\n", "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test can check for normality in the dependent variable.\n", "[This documentation](https://towardsdatascience.com/normality-tests-in-python-31e04aa4f411)\n", "contains more information on the normality assumption.\n", "\n", "Let's display all three charts to show how our target variable, 'price' behaves." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "id": "b94d0d8d-ae95-41f5-b17f-0ab9b3aa27ec", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " " ] }, "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import { threeChart } from \"https://l12.xyz/x/shortcuts/raw/plots.ts\";\n", "\n", "await display(threeChart(records, \"price\"));" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "81fe890e-56c4-4076-b57c-38fe438c0ead", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "These three charts above can tell us a lot about our target variable:\n", "\n", "- Our target variable, 'price' is not normally distributed\n", "- Our target variable is right-skewed\n", "- There are some outliers in the variable\n", "\n", "The right-skewed plot means that most prices in the dataset are on the lower end\n", "(below 15,000). The 'max' value is very far from the '75%' quantile statistic.\n", "All these plots show that the assumption for accurate linear regression modeling\n", "is not met.\n", "\n", "Next, we will perform the log transformation to correct our target variable and\n", "to make it more normally distributed." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "id": "8f8c6044-d3a1-4f8e-89ba-365fea3fbd8b", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " \n", "
\n", "
\n", " " ] }, "execution_count": 20, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "let log2df = df.select(pl.col(\"price\").log());\n", "\n", "await display(threeChart(log2df.toRecords(), \"price\"));" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "09a9d9c0-7fb6-4353-91f8-4899520b36d7", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "## Data Encoding" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 21, "id": "79f05578-b839-4278-afb1-0123c1d32d17", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "brand": "alfa-romero", "brand_category": "Mid_Range", "carbody": "convertible", "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "compressionratio": 9, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber": "four", "doornumber": "two", "drivewheel": "rwd", 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" ] }, "execution_count": 21, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "let carData = pl.readCSV(\n", " await Deno.readTextFile(\"assets/cleaned_car_prices.csv\"),\n", " { sep: \",\" },\n", ");\n", "\n", "carData.head(5);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "af6eb67c-574a-430a-a04c-24d0ef9f35fa", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "We'll drop some unnecessary columns:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "id": "e2df0c3f-dbc0-4820-b807-373ce3787645", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "aspiration": "std", "boreratio": 3.47, "brand_category": "Mid_Range", "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber": "four", "doornumber": "two", "drivewheel": "rwd", "enginesize": 130, "enginetype": "dohc", "fuelsystem": "mpfi", "fueltype": "gas", "highwaympg": 27, 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" ] }, "execution_count": 22, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "let carDataGeneralized = carData.drop(\n", " \"brand\",\n", " \"carbody\",\n", " \"enginelocation\",\n", " \"stroke\",\n", " \"compressionratio\",\n", " \"peakrpm\",\n", ");\n", "carDataGeneralized.head(5);" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "826ab213-65a2-43d0-b9ce-fecdebd79eb8", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "source": [ "Next we use one hot (binary) encoding. We assume that all non-numeric colums are\n", "categorical." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 23, "id": "9bc95dd8-0240-45c6-a0f9-21b1873ae04b", "metadata": { "editable": true, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "" }, "tags": [] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.dataresource+json": { "bytes": null, "data": [ { "aspiration_std": 1, "aspiration_turbo": 0, "boreratio": 3.47, "brand_category_Budget": 0, "brand_category_Luxury": 0, "brand_category_Mid_Range": 1, "carheight": 48.8, "carlength": 168.8, "carwidth": 64.1, "citympg": 21, "curbweight": 2548, "cylindernumber_eight": 0, "cylindernumber_five": 0, "cylindernumber_four": 1, "cylindernumber_six": 0, "cylindernumber_three": 0, "cylindernumber_twelve": 0, "cylindernumber_two": 0, "doornumber_four": 0, "doornumber_two": 1, "drivewheel_4wd": 0, "drivewheel_fwd": 0, "drivewheel_rwd": 1, "enginesize": 130, "enginetype_dohc": 1, "enginetype_dohcv": 0, "enginetype_l": 0, "enginetype_ohc": 0, "enginetype_ohcf": 0, 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