import { assert } from ""; import { join } from "../deps.ts"; import * as mod from "../mod.ts"; import type { FileMeta, PickConfig } from "../mod.d.ts"; const { test } = Deno; test("mod", async (t) => { const repo = "saadeghi/daisyui"; const version = "v2.47.0"; await t.step("mod.githubPick", async () => { const pick = [ /^.*\/base\/.*\.css$/, /src\/index\.js/, ]; const files: FileMeta[] = []; for await (const file of mod.githubPick({ repo, version, pick })) { files.push(file); } assert(files.length > 0); assert(files.filter((f) => f.fileName?.endsWith(".js")).length == 1); assert(files.filter((f) => f.fileName?.endsWith(".css")).length == 2); }); await t.step("mod.getFetchCache", async () => { const name = `${repo}@${version}`; const cached = await mod.getFetchCache(name); assert(cached?.endsWith(version)); assert(cached == join(mod.CACHE_DIR, name)); }); await t.step("mod.write: autoStrategy", async () => { const output = ".daisyui"; const config: PickConfig = [ { source: `${repo}@${version}`, output, pick: [ /^.*\/base\/.*\.css$/, /src\/index\.js/, ], }, ]; await mod.write(config); const files = await Deno.readDir(output); for await (const file of files) { assert(file.isFile); assert(".js") ||".css")); await Deno.remove(join(output,; } await Deno.remove(output); }); await t.step("mod.write: use glob", async () => { const output = ".daisyui"; const config: PickConfig = [ { source: `${repo}@${version}`, output, pick: [ "**/base/*.css", "src/index.js", ], }, ]; await mod.write(config); const files = await Deno.readDir(output); for await (const file of files) { assert(file.isFile); assert(".js") ||".css")); await Deno.remove(join(output,; } await Deno.remove(output); }); }); test("cmd line interface", async () => { const p = await{ cmd: [ "deno", "run", "-A", "pickit.ts", "saadeghi/daisyui@v2.47.0", "daisyui", "**/src/index.js", "**/base/*.css", ], }); const status = await p.status(); assert(status.success); await Deno.remove("daisyui", { recursive: true }); await p.close(); });