2024-08-31 01:07:22 +02:00

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What is SSH

SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that is used to securely connect to remote systems over an unsecured network, such as the internet. SSH provides a secure encrypted connection between a client and a server, allowing users to remotely access and control systems and services.

SSH works by creating a secure channel between the client and the server using encryption algorithms to secure the connection. This secure channel can be used to run various network services and applications, such as a command shell, file transfer protocol, or remote desktop application.

Find SSH Port


nmap -sV -SC IP -p20,21
  • Possible to find SSH on an other port


  • Brute Force
hydra -t X -l USERNAME -P WORDLIST -vV IP ssh

Let's break it down:

  • hydra      --->  Runs the hydra tool
  • -t X         --->  Number of parallel connections per target
  • -l ---> Points to the user who's account you're trying to compromise
  • -P ---> Points to the file containing the list of possible passwords
  • -vV          ---> Sets verbose mode to very verbose, shows login + password
  • IP        ---> The IP address of the target machine
  • ssh --->  Sets the protocol


Linux Connection

  • Command
ssh -i id_rsa USER@IP
  • id_rsa ---> Private
  • id_rsa.pub ---> Public (Contain Username)

Windows Connection

  • Option
Remmina (tool)

Active Directory Connection

  • Options
- Remmina (tool)


- ssh AD-DOMAIN\\<AD Username>@URL/IP/AD-ADDRESS        ---> From Linux terminal