## Description Ligolo-ng is a versatile tool designed for network pivoting, offering a seamless integration of agent and proxy functionalities for penetration testers. Here's an overview of its components and operations: ##### Agent (Target Machine): - The agent component is installed and executed on the target machine. - It establishes a robust reverse TCP/TLS connection, enabling bidirectional communication with the proxy on the attacker's machine. - The agent typically listens for incoming connections initiated by the proxy, facilitating remote access and control. ##### Proxy (Attacker Machine): - The proxy tool operates on the attacker's machine, acting as a conduit for network traffic manipulation - It communicates securely with the agent through the established reverse connection, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity. - The proxy facilitates seamless tunneling and pivoting of network traffic between the attacker's system and the compromised target, enabling various attack scenarios and reconnaissance activities. ## Commands - **Starting the Agent**: On the target machine to initiate the agent, which will start listening for incoming connections from the proxy. ``` ./ligolo-ng -listen ``` - **Starting the Proxy**: Launch the proxy tool on the attacker's machine, establishing a connection with the agent using its IP address for communication. ``` `./ligolo-ng -connect ` ``` ## More Information More information ---> https://github.com/sysdream/ligolo