## Top Injection Detect the vulnerability Basic entity test, when the XML parser parses the external entities the result should contain "John" in `firstName` and "Doe" in `lastName`. Entities are defined inside the `DOCTYPE` element. ```Terminal ]> John &example; ``` Types of XXE Attacks: - Exploiting XXE to retrieves files ---> [Commands]([[1 - XXE Retrieve Files]]) - Exploiting XXE to perform SSRF attacks ---> [Comamnds]([[2 - XXE SSRF attacks]]) - Exploiting blind XXE to exfiltrate data out-of-band ---> [SQL]([[1 - Database]]) & [XML]([[3 - XXE (Blind)]]) - Exploiting blind XXE to retrieve data via error messages ---> [SQL]([[1 - Database]]) & [XML]([[3 - XXE (Blind)]])