## Commands Command (Connection) ``` crackmapexec smb IP -u '' -p '' ``` - -u ---> Username - -p ---> Passowrd Trying **NULL** and **guest** username to login are a good thing to test when trying to connect to a target via SMB Command (Brute Force) ``` crackmapexec smb IP -u USERNAMES.txt -p PASSWORD.txt --continue-on-success ``` - -u ---> Usernames - -p ---> Passowrds - --continue-on-success ---> Continue enumaration after finding one valid user Domain admin will be flag with the keyword (Pwn3d!) Command (Shares Enumeration) ``` # Take note you need a valid account to perform the following crackmapexec smb IP -u '' -p '' --shares ``` - -u ---> Username - -p ---> Passowrd - --shares ---> Enumerate shares access (Show folders & permissions) ## More Information More information ---> [Crackmapexec]([[Red Team/6 - Machine/3 - Active Directory/General/Tools/TOP/1 - Crackmapexec]])