## What is Hydra Hydra is a parallelized, fast and flexible login cracker. If you don't have Hydra installed or need a Linux machine to use it, you can deploy a powerful [Kali Linux machine](https://tryhackme.com/room/kali) and control it in your browser! Brute-forcing can be trying every combination of a password. Dictionary-attack's are also a type of brute-forcing, where we iterating through a wordlist to obtain the password. ## Common uses and commands Hydra can be used for various purposes such as password brute-forcing, account takeover, and network authentication testing. Some of the common commands that can be used with Hydra include: Website ```Terminal hydra -l USERNAME -P PASSWORD.txt IP http-POST|GET-form "/PATH-URL/something.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:INVALID-STATEMENT-HTML" -VV -T X hydra -l phillips -P /home/ubuntu/Downloads/list.txt http-get-form "/login-get /index.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:S=logout.php" -f ``` - http-post-form = Request ---> CHANGE POST OR GET - PATH = URL Path (From Website or BurpSuite) - ^USER^ = Keyword to define the FUZZ of username - ^PASS^ = Keyword to define the FUZZ of password.txt - -t = Speed - -VV = Verbose Enable - Login trigger - S= ---> Element on the other page (After login) - HTML ---> HTML login fail element - Tips - If there is no ?something= ---> Simply add : after the URL (/account-login.php:BURP-STUFF-HERE) - Example - ![[Pasted image 20221010211610.png]] - ![[Pasted image 20221010211700.png]] SSH ```Terminal hydra -l USERNAME -P WORDLIST.txt MACHINE_IP -t X ssh hydra -L USERNAME.txt -P PASSWORD MACHINE_IP -t X ssh ``` - ssh = Service FTP ```Terminal hydra -l user -P passlist.txt ftp://MACHINE_IP ``` - ftp:// = FTP server SMTP ``` hydra -l email@company.xyz -P /path/to/wordlist.txt smtp://10.10.x.x -v ``` ## More Information Hydra can be downloaded from its GitHub page at [https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra](https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra). The tool is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS. Hydra has extensive documentation available on its GitHub page, including examples, tutorials, and user guides.