**Signal** ![[Screenshot_2022-08-18_21-23-22.png]] - First step is to analyse the signal (Frequency and modulation) - Second, setup the parameters in the Arduino Roll file - Frequency - Jam Frequency - Jam Power - ... **➡️ MORE INFORMATION** **SD Card Setup** - Add the HTML file to the micro SD card **Device Setup (Roll)** - Install esptool: sudo apt install esptool - Install pyserial: sudo pip install pyserial - Download and Install the Arduino IDE: [https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software](https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software) - Download Evil Crow RF V2 repository: git clone [https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2.git](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2.git) - Download the ESPAsyncWebServer library in the Arduino library directory: git clone [https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer.git](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer.git) - Download the AsyncElegantOTA library in the Arduino library directory: git clone [https://github.com/ayushsharma82/AsyncElegantOTA.git](https://github.com/ayushsharma82/AsyncElegantOTA.git) - Download the ESP32-targz library in the Arduino library directory: git clone [https://github.com/tobozo/ESP32-targz.git](https://github.com/tobozo/ESP32-targz.git) - Download the AsyncTCP library in the Arduino library directory: git clone [https://github.com/me-no-dev/AsyncTCP.git](https://github.com/me-no-dev/AsyncTCP.git) - Edit AsyncTCP/src/AsyncTCP.h and change the following: - #define CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_USE_WDT 1 to #define CONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_USE_WDT 0 - Open Arduino IDE - Go to File - Preferences. Locate the field "Additional Board Manager URLs:" Add "[https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json](https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json)" without quotes. Click "Ok" - Select Tools - Board - Boards Manager. Search for "esp32". Install "esp32 by Espressif system version 1.0.6". Click "Close". - Open the EvilCrowRF-V2/firmware/v1.3.1/EvilCrow-RFv2/EvilCrow-RFv2.ino sketch - Select Tools: - Board - "ESP32 Dev Module". - Flash Size - "4MB (32Mb)". - CPU Frequency - "80MHz (WiFi/BT)". - Flash Frequency - "40MHz" - Flash Mode - "DIO" - Upload the code to the Evil Crow RF V2 device - Copy the EvilCrowRF-V2/firmware/v1.3.1/SD/HTML folder to a MicroSD card. - Copy the EvilCrowRF-V2/firmware/v1.3.1/SD/URH folder to a MicroSD card. (OPTIONAL) **WIFI Setting (** - (DEPEND ON THE ROLL VERSION, ROLL V.3 DOES NOT SUPPORT) - Connec to the RollJam WIFI - Go to - Change the setting to: - Set the module to (Module2) - Set the Frequency (Depending on the annalyse from URH) - Set the RxBW (Default 58) - Set the Deviation (Default 8) - Set the Data rate (Default 5) > >**More Information** > > [![Webpanel](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/raw/main/images/webpanel.png)](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/blob/main/images/webpanel.png) > **RX Config Example** > >- Module: (1 for first CC1101 module, 2 for second CC1101 module) >- Modulation: (example ASK/OOK) >- Frequency: (example 433.92) >- RxBW bandwidth: (example 58) >- Deviation: (example 0) >- Data rate: (example 5) > [![RX](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/raw/main/images/rx.png)](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/blob/main/images/rx.png) > >**RX Log Example** > [![RXLog](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/raw/main/images/rx-log.png)](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/blob/main/images/rx-log.png) > >**RAW TX Config Example** > >- Module: (1 for first CC1101 module, 2 for second CC1101 module) >- Modulation: (example ASK/OOK) >- Transmissions: (number transmissions) >- Frequency: (example 433.92) >- RAW Data: (raw data or raw data corrected displayed in RX Log) >- Deviation: (example 0) > [![TXRAW](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/raw/main/images/txraw.png)](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/blob/main/images/txraw.png) > >**Binary TX Config Example** > >- Module: (1 for first CC1101 module, 2 for second CC1101 module) >- Modulation: (example ASK/OOK) >- Transmissions: (number transmissions) >- Frequency: (example 433.92) >- Binary Data: (binary data displayed in RX Log) >- Sample Pulse: (samples/symbol displayed in RX Log) >- Deviation: (example 0) > [![TXBINARY](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/raw/main/images/txbinary.png)](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/blob/main/images/txbinary.png) > **Pushbuttons Configuration** > >- Button: (1 for first pushbutton, 2 for second pushbutton) >- Modulation: (example ASK/OOK) >- Transmissions: (number transmissions) >- Frequency: (example 433.92) >- RAW Data: (raw data or raw data corrected displayed in RX Log) >- Deviation: (example 0) > [![TXBUTTON](https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/EvilCrowRF-V2/raw/main/images/pushbutton.png)