## Vertical Privilege Escalation - Non-administrative user gaining access to an admin page where they can delete accounts - Attacker might be able to access administrative functions via the URL https://insecure-website.com/admin - Admin URL might be more obscure but still leaked in JavaScript that constructs the user interface: ``` ``` Parameter-based Access Control Methods- Storing access information in a user-controlled location (hidden field, cookie, query string, etc.) https://insecure-website.com/login/home.jsp?admin=true https://insecure-website.com/login/home.jsp?role=1 - Platform Misconfiguration - Restricting access at the platform layer by specific URLs and HTP methods: ``` DENY: POST, /admin/deleteUser, managers ``` - Can override by editing the request header ``` POST / HTTP/1.1 X-Original-URL: /admin/deleteUser ```