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2024-08-30 23:07:22 +00:00
## Manipulation
## ## **SELECT**
SELECT * (or SOMETHING) FROM table_name;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- SOMETHING = Speficy the name of the columns we want to take the information (Columns Name)
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = EX: Table (Composed of coluns and rows) (Data in form of TEXT, DATE, REAL, ...)
- ; = end of the statment
SELECT name AS 'Titles'
FROM movies;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- name = columns normal name
- AS = Change the name of the Column
- 'Titles' = The name column renamed
- - FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = EX: Table (Composed of coluns and rows) (Data in form of TEXT, DATE, REAL, ...)
- ; = end of the statment
FROM inventory;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- DISTINCT = Return unique values in the output
- tools = Column name
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = EX: Table (Composed of coluns and rows) (Data in form of TEXT, DATE, REAL, ...)
- ; = end of the statment
FROM movies
WHERE imdb_rating > 8;
- `=` `!=` `>` `<` `>=` `<=`
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- imdb_rating > 8 = Looking for imdb_rating that is unter 8
- ; = end of the statment
FROM movies
WHERE name LIKE 'Se_en';
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- name = columns
- LIKE 'Se_en' = `LIKE 'Se_en'` is a condition evaluating the `name` column for a specific pattern.
- ; = end of the statment
FROM movies
WHERE name LIKE '%man%';
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- name = Column name
- LIKE = `LIKE` is a condition evaluating the `name` column for a specific pattern.
- '%man%' = Mean anything that has something before 'man' and something after
- ; = end of the statment
**IS / IS NOT**
FROM movies
WHERE imdb_rating IS (NOT) NULL;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- imbd_rating = columns name
- IS (NOT) NULL = Looking for field that are NULL or NOT
- ; = end of the statment
FROM movies
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- name = Column name
- BETWEEN = Looking for value between 2 elements
- 'D' AND 'G' = Values we are looking for
- IS (NOT) NULL = Looking for field that are NULL or NOT
- ; = end of the statment
FROM movies
WHERE year BETWEEN 1990 AND 1999
   AND genre = 'romance';
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- year = Column name
- BETWEEN = Looking for value between 2 elements
- '1990' AND '1999' = Values we are looking for
- AND = Add a condition
- genre = 'romance'; = Looking for column genre = romance
- ; = end of the statment
WHERE year > 2014   
OR genre = 'action';
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- WHERE = Looking for value (following statement)
- year = Column name
- > 2014 = Biger the 2014
- OR = Add a OR condition
- genre = 'action'; = Looking for column genre = romance
- ; = end of the statment
**Order By**
FROM movies
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- ORDER BY = Order by
- name = columns name
- ASD, DSC = Assendent, Dessendent
- ; = end of the statment
FROM movies
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- LIMIT 10 = Limit the number of responses to 10 (In this case)
- ; = end of the statment
SELECT name,
  WHEN imdb_rating > 8 THEN 'Fantastic'
  WHEN imdb_rating > 6 THEN 'Poorly Received'
  ELSE 'Avoid at All Costs'
FROM movies;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- name = Column name
- CASE = Only show element that correspond to specific CASE
WHEN = Condition
ELSE = Everything that does not fit in those condition
- END = End the case statement
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table name
- ; = end of the statment
## ## **Join**
FROM orders
JOIN customers
  ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- * = Everything
- orders = Table
- JOIN = Join to the other table
- customer = Second table (the one we merge in)
- ON = Explain what field are the same (to add the right info the right customer)
## ## **CREATE**
CREATE TABLE table_name (
   id INTEGER,
   name TEXT,
   age INTEGER
- CREATE = Indicate the action --> *`clause
- TABLE = Specify the table
- table_name = EX: Table (Composed of coluns and rows) (Data in form of TEXT, DATE, REAL, ...)
- id, name, age = Indicate the name of the columns
- INTEGER, TEXT, ... = Indicate the type of value that will be incerted
- ; = end of the statment
## ## **INSERT**
INSERT INTO celebs (id, name, age)
VALUES (1, 'Justin Bieber', 22);
- INSERT INTO = Indicate the action (Add info to a table) --> *`clause
- (id, name, age) = Identifying the columns that data will be inserted into.
- VALUES = Specify the value that will be inclouded in the table --> *`clause
- (1, 'Justin Bieber', 22) = Value included
- ; = end of the statment
## ## **ALTER**
ADD COLUMN twitter_handle TEXT;
- ALTER TABLE = Indicate the action (change the structure of the database) --> *`clause
- celebs = Table selected
- ADD COLUMN = Specify to add a columns --> *`clause
- twitter_handle = Name of the column added
- TEXT = Type of element in this column
- ; = End of the statment
## ## **Update**
UPDATE celebs
SET twitter_handle = '@taylorswift13'
WHERE id = 4;
- UPDATE = Indicate the action --> *`clause
- celebs = table selected
- SET = Action --> *`clause
- twitter_handle = Column name
- = '@...' = Input to be added
- WHERE id equal 4 = Searching for id equal 4
- ; = End of the statment
## ## **Delete**
WHERE twitter_handle IS NULL;
- DELETE = Indicate the action
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause
- celebs =
- WHERE = Searching for --> *`clause
- twitter_handle = Column Name
- IS NULL = Equal Nothing (Empty) --> *`clause
- ; = End of the statment
## ## **Constraints**
Reject & accept specific data
   name TEXT UNIQUE,
   date_of_birth TEXT NOT NULL,
   date_of_death TEXT DEFAULT 'Not Applicable'
1. `PRIMARY KEY` columns can be used to uniquely identify the row. Attempts to insert a row with an identical value to a row already in the table will result in a _constraint violation_ which will not allow you to insert the new row.
2. `UNIQUE` columns have a different value for every row. This is similar to `PRIMARY KEY` except a table can have many different `UNIQUE` columns.
3. `NOT NULL` columns must have a value. Attempts to insert a row without a value for a `NOT NULL` column will result in a constraint violation and the new row will not be inserted.
4. `DEFAULT` columns take an additional argument that will be the assumed value for an inserted row if the new row does not specify a value for that column.
## Function
## ## **Count**
FROM table_name;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- COUNT() = Count the number of row in the column (star) = ALL --> *`clause
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = table name
- ; = End of the statement
## ## **Sum**
SELECT SUM(downloads)
FROM table_name;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- SUM(downloads) = Check the summury of the download column --> *`clause
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = table name
- ; = End of the statement
## ## **Max / Min**
SELECT MAX(downloads)
FROM Table_name;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- MAX(downloads) = Check the maximum download (Highest value) --> *`clause
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = table name
- ; = End of the statement
## ## **Average**
SELECT AVG(downloads)
FROM fake_apps;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- AVG(downloads) = Check the average download --> *`clause
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = table name
- ; = End of the statement
## ## **Round**
SELECT ROUND(price, 0)
FROM fake_apps;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- ROUND(price, 0) = round the price value with 0 precision value after the decimal
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- table_name = table name
- ; = End of the statement
## ## **Group By I**
SELECT year,
FROM movies
ORDER BY year;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- year, AVG(imdb_rating) = columns
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table
- GROUP BY year = Group elements by years
- ; = End of the statement
## ## **Group By II**
SELECT category,
FROM fake_apps
GROUP BY category, price;
- SELECT = Indicate the action (Witch is select) --> *`clause`*
- year, AVG(imdb_rating), ... = columns
- FROM = Indicate what table to check --> *`clause`*
- movies = Table
- GROUP BY category, price = Group elements by category and price
- ; = End of the statement