handbook/templates/legal/Statement of Work.md

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2024-08-24 20:18:53 +00:00
**Statement of Work For:** [Client]
**Document Created:** [Date]
**Author:** [Author]
**Distribution:** [Distribution List]
**Document Revision History**
| Revised By | Date | Comment |
| -----------------|:--------------:|:---------------------:|
| Initials or name | Date modified | Reason for revision |
| Initials or name | Date modified | Reason for revision |
| Start Date | End Date | Project Manager |
| :---------:|:-----------:| :--------------:|
|dd-mon-yyyy |dd-mon-yyyy | Initials |
## Background
*[Optional section]*
If there is a background to this SOW that is relevant, possibly because it will be distributed to multiple stakeholders that are not aware of the work background then describe it here. For example: *“[client] has been experiencing difficulty identifying sources coming to their website, which makes it difficult to track marketing spend…”* This type of background is often a justification for rapid sign-off of the SOW as it highlights the commercial imperative of the recipient of the work.
## Objectives
State the high-level business objectives and proposed solution so that the two marry up, with the solution an explanation of how the objectives will be met. For example: *“to implement [solution] by [development steps] so that [objectives] can be met in a timely and efficient fashion.*
## Project Scope
### High-Level Requirements
List the requirements that must be satisfied in order for the projects goals to be realised.
| Requirement | Comment | |
| ------------- | --------------------------------- | --- |
| Requirement A | Delivery of A enables B to happen | |
| Etc. | Etc. | |
| | | |
### Milestones and Deliverables
*List the major project milestones and the deliverables from them*
| Milestone | Deliverable |
| ------------- |---------------------------------|
|Milestone A |Deliverable 1 |
|Milestone B |Deliverable 2 |
|Milestone C |Deliverable 3 |
|Etc. |Etc. |
### Project Plan
#### Timeline
Lay out the timeline for delivery at a high level. It is generally wise not to commit to dates, only to durations in a SOW, as delays in approval often occur with the deadline not shifting accordingly.
1. Wk 1
- a. Kick off session
- b. GAP Analysis
2. Wk 2
- a. Deliver detailed technical spec for sign off
- b. Deliver database schema
3. Etc.
## Risks and Assumptions
### Risk Analysis
If you are creating a sophisticated SOW you may have a separate Risk Register. <u>Do not link to it</u>, instead call out the risks in a table with the column headings below:
**Risk Id** A unique identification number [can be used to identify and track the risk in the risk register if one is in use].
**Category** Is the risk financial (cost and/or revenue), regulatory or compliance, timeline, resource, environment, or some other key category? Categorising risks groups them and aligns them with stakeholders who are best placed to assess/mitigate and stakeholders for whom the risk is greatest.
**Description** Describe the potential risk. For instance: Item A cannot be completed until Item B has been purchased but approval is not yet forthcoming and there is a delivery lead time, or Item A requires resources that have not been identified and the project is currently resource constrained.
**Potential Impact** A quantitative rating of the potential impact on the project if the risk should materialize. Impact in a Risk Register should be scored on a scale of 1 10 with 10 being the highest impact.
### Assumptions
List all of the assumptions that are being made. For example: *“to successfully meet its goals in a timely manner with benefits reflected in the current financial year, all parties have signed-off the budget and the project will begin on the scheduled start date.”*
## Pricing
List the price, stating clearly:
1. Currency (dont get paid in Canadian dollars when you meant US dollars!)
2. Amount
3. Payment Terms (including any staged/milestone payments)
4. If price is Fixed or Time and Materials. If the latter, then specify that there is a Rate Card in the Appendix and put it there.
## Approval
*This Statement of Work has been reviewed and accepted by the following people, as indicated by signature below:*
[List all individuals whose signature is required, along with their titles and/or roles on the project. As a general rule, try not to put all the text of an Approval section on a page by itself and always place it immediately beneath the pricing information.]
**Full Name** ...............................................................................
**Full Name** ...............................................................................
*[it is advisable to specify dates in dd-mon-yyyy format, which is the international standard]*
Include the relevant text of any documents referenced in this SOW (for example a Rate Card if T&M). <u>Do not link to documents outside of the physical SOW</u> as this document forms the basis for a contractual agreement and should therefore be complete in itself.
| Term | Definition |
| ------------------------|----------------------------------|
|Term used in the document|Its definition in lay terms |
|Etc. |Etc. |