# Grip [A take on Go Style Error Handling In JavaScript](https://dev.to/nesterow/a-take-on-go-style-error-handling-in-javascript-577) Simplified result/error handling for JavaScript. Grip always returns a consistent call result ready to be handled. It makes the control flow similar to that of Golang, but doesn't force you to make additional null checks or create transitional variables to hold error results. Instead of returning a nullish error, Grip always returns a consistent status object: ```javascript const [value, status] = grip(callable) // or {value, status} if (status.of(MySpecificError)) { // handle specific error } if (status.fail()) { // handle any error } ``` The call result is better than tuple: ```javascript const result = grip(callable) if (result.of(MySpecificError)) { // handle specific error } if (result.fail()) { // handle any error } console.log(result.value) // result[0] ``` Grip also works with Promises, functions that return promises, generators and async generators. ## Install ```bash bun add github:nesterow/grip # or pnpm ``` ## Usage The `grip` function accepts a function or a promise and returns a result with return value and status. The result can be hadled as either an object or a tuple. ```javascript import { grip } from '@nesterow/grip'; ``` ## Handle result as an object The result can be handled as an object: `{value, status, Ok(), Fail(), Of(type)}` ```javascript const res = await grip( fetch('https://api.example.com') ); if (res.fail()) { // handle error } const json = await grip( res.value.json() ); if (json.of(SyntaxError)) { // handle parse error } ``` ## Handle result as a tuple The result can also be received as a tuple if you want to handle errors in Go'ish style: ```javascript const [res, fetchStatus] = await grip( fetch('https://api.example.com') ); if (fetchStatus.fail()) { // handle error } const [json, parseStatus] = await grip( res.json() ); if (parseStatus.of(SyntaxError)) { // handle parse error } ``` ## Handle functions Grip can also handle functions: ```javascript const [result, status] = grip(() => "ok"); // result = "ok" const [result1, status1] = grip(() => { if (1) throw new Error("error") }); // result1 = null // status.Of(Error) = true ``` ## Handle generators Generators can be handled using the `Iter()` method: ```javascript const res = grip(async function* () { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 2) throw new Error("2"); yield i; } }); for await (let [value, status] of res.iter()) { if (status.of(Error)) { // handle error properly break; } // typeof value === "number" console.log(value) } ``` ## License MIT