Revone 670225e775 fix: Fix the issue where an extra array layer was processed for entries during TreeMultiMap instantiation.
feat: Add support for  configuration in TreeMultiMap and AVLTreeMultiMap.
docs: Add example code for a game leaderboard using TreeMultiMap.
2024-12-03 11:47:32 +13:00

297 lines
9.5 KiB

// @ts-ignore
import fs from 'fs';
// @ts-ignore
import path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, './config.json');
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
const config = JSON.parse(fileContent);
function toPascalCase(str: string): string {
return str
.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2') // Add space between lowercase and uppercase letters
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, ' ') // Replace non-alphanumeric characters with spaces
.split(' ') // Separate strings by spaces
.map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase()) // The first letter is capitalized, the rest are lowercase
.join(''); // Combine into a string
const isReplaceMD = true;
const START_MARKER = '[//]: # (No deletion!!! Start of Example Replace Section)';
const END_MARKER = '[//]: # (No deletion!!! End of Example Replace Section)';
const pkgRootDir = config.individualsDir;
const dirMap: Record<string, string | string[]> = {
Heap: "heap-typed",
AvlTree: "avl-tree-typed",
BinaryTree: "binary-tree-typed",
BST: "bst-typed",
Deque: "deque-typed",
DirectedGraph: "directed-graph-typed",
DoublyLinkedList: ["doubly-linked-list-typed", "linked-list-typed"],
Graph: "graph-typed",
LinkedList: "linked-list-typed",
MaxHeap: "max-heap-typed",
MaxPriorityQueue: "max-priority-queue-typed",
MinHeap: "min-heap-typed",
MinPriorityQueue: "min-priority-queue-typed",
PriorityQueue: "priority-queue-typed",
SinglyLinkedList: "singly-linked-list-typed",
Queue: "queue-typed",
RedBlackTree: "red-black-tree-typed",
Stack: "stack-typed",
TreeMultimap: "tree-multimap-typed",
Trie: "trie-typed",
UndirectedGraph: "undirected-graph-typed",
const classMap: Record<string, string> = {
Bst: "BST",
AvlTree: "AVLTree",
AvlTreeMultiMap: "AVLTreeMultiMap",
AvlTreeCounter: "AVLTreeCounter"
const fileName = '';
* Recursively retrieve all `.ts` files in a directory.
function getAllTestFiles(dir: string): string[] {
const entries = fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
const files = entries
.filter(file => !file.isDirectory() &&'.ts'))
.map(file => path.join(dir,;
const directories = entries.filter(entry => entry.isDirectory());
for (const directory of directories) {
return files;
* Extract test cases with `@example` from TypeScript files using AST.
function extractExamplesFromFile(filePath: string): { name: string; body: string }[] {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePath, fileContent, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, true);
const examples: { name: string; body: string }[] = [];
function visit(node: ts.Node) {
if (
ts.isCallExpression(node) && // Ensure it's a function call
node.arguments.length >= 2 && // At least two arguments
ts.isStringLiteral(node.arguments[0]) && // First argument is a string
node.arguments[0].text.startsWith('@example') && // Matches @example
ts.isArrowFunction(node.arguments[1]) // Second argument is an arrow function
) {
const exampleName = node.arguments[0].text.replace('@example ', '').trim();
const bodyNode = node.arguments[1].body;
let exampleBody: string;
if (ts.isBlock(bodyNode)) {
// If it's a block, remove outer {}
exampleBody = bodyNode.statements
.map(stmt => stmt.getFullText(sourceFile))
} else {
// If it's a single expression, use it directly
exampleBody = bodyNode.getFullText(sourceFile).trim();
const transformedBody = exampleBody
(match, actual, method) => {
const expectedValue = method === 'toBeUndefined' ? 'undefined' : 'null';
return `console.log(${actual}); // ${expectedValue}`;
// @ts-ignore
/expect\((.*?)\)\.(toEqual|toBe|toStrictEqual|toHaveLength|toMatchObject)\((.*?)\);/gs, // Use `s` flag for multiline
(match, actual, method, expected) => {
expected = expected.replace(/\n/g, '\n //')
return `console.log(${actual}); // ${expected}`;
examples.push({ name: exampleName, body: transformedBody });
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
return examples;
* Add examples to the corresponding class in the source file.
function addExamplesToSourceFile(
sourceFilePath: string,
className: string,
examples: { name: string; body: string }[]
): void {
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFilePath)) {
console.warn(`Source file not found: ${sourceFilePath}`);
const sourceContent = fs.readFileSync(sourceFilePath, 'utf-8');
const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(sourceFilePath, sourceContent, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, true);
let updatedContent = sourceContent;
const classNode = sourceFile.statements.find(
stmt => ts.isClassDeclaration(stmt) && === className
) as ts.ClassDeclaration | undefined;
if (classNode) {
const classStart = classNode.getStart(sourceFile);
const classEnd = classNode.getEnd();
const classText = classNode.getFullText(sourceFile);
// Extract annotation content
const existingCommentMatch = classText.match(/\/\*\*([\s\S]*?)\*\//);
if (!existingCommentMatch) {
console.warn(`No existing comment found for class: ${className}`);
const existingCommentInner = existingCommentMatch[1].replace(/^\n \* /, ''); // Extract comment content (excluding `/**` and `*/`)
// Replace @example part
const exampleSection = examples
example => {
const indentedBody = ' ' + example.body;
return ` * @example\n * \/\/ ${}\n${indentedBody
.map(line => {
if (line.trim() === '') return ` *`
return ` * ${line}`})
.join('\n') + '\n ';
let newComment = '';
if (existingCommentInner.includes('@example')) {
newComment = existingCommentInner.replace(/ \* @example[\s\S]*?(?=\*\/|$)/g, exampleSection);
} else {
newComment = existingCommentInner + `${exampleSection.trimStart()}`;
// Replace original content
updatedContent =
sourceContent.slice(0, classStart - existingCommentInner.length - 3) +
newComment +
classText.slice(existingCommentMatch[0].length).trim() +
fs.writeFileSync(sourceFilePath, updatedContent, 'utf-8');
console.log(`Updated examples in ${sourceFilePath}`);
* Process all test files and update and source files.
function updateExamples(testDir: string, sourceBaseDir: string): void {
const testFiles = getAllTestFiles(testDir);
for (const file of testFiles) {
const examples = extractExamplesFromFile(file);
if (examples.length === 0) {
console.log(`No @example found in test file: ${file}`);
const relativePath = path.relative(testDir, file);
const sourceFilePath = path.resolve(sourceBaseDir, relativePath.replace('.test.ts', '.ts'));
let className = toPascalCase(path.basename(sourceFilePath, '.ts'));
if (className === 'Bst') className = 'BST';
if (className === 'AvlTree') className = 'AVLTree';
className = classMap[className] || className;
addExamplesToSourceFile(sourceFilePath, className, examples);
const dirKey = dirMap[className];
if (!dirKey) {
console.warn(`No directory mapping found for class: ${className}`);
const newExamples =
example => {
const indentedBody = ' ' + example.body;
return `### ${}\n\`\`\`typescript\n${indentedBody}\n\`\`\``}
if (isReplaceMD && newExamples.length > 0) {
if (dirKey instanceof Array && dirKey.length > 0) {
for (const readmeRoot of dirKey) {
const readmePath = path.resolve(pkgRootDir, readmeRoot, fileName);
replaceExamplesInReadme(readmePath, newExamples);
if (typeof dirKey === 'string') {
const readmePath = path.resolve(pkgRootDir, dirKey, fileName);
replaceExamplesInReadme(readmePath, newExamples);
* Replace content between markers in
function replaceExamplesInReadme(readmePath: string, newExamples: string[]): void {
let readmeContent: string;
try {
readmeContent = fs.readFileSync(readmePath, 'utf-8');
} catch (error) {
console.warn(`Failed to read ${fileName} at ${readmePath}: ${error}`);
const startIdx = readmeContent.indexOf(START_MARKER);
const endIdx = readmeContent.indexOf(END_MARKER);
if (startIdx === -1 || endIdx === -1) {
throw new Error(`Markers not found in ${readmePath}`);
const before = readmeContent.slice(0, startIdx + START_MARKER.length);
const after = readmeContent.slice(endIdx);
const updatedContent = `${before}\n\n${newExamples.join('\n\n')}\n\n${after}`;
fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, updatedContent, 'utf-8');
console.log(`${fileName} updated with new examples.`);
// Run the script
const testDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../test/unit');
const sourceBaseDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../src');
updateExamples(testDir, sourceBaseDir);