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Pain Points Addressed

Enhancing the Performance of Simulated Data Structures in JS/TS

  • Queue: While many resort to using Arrays to simulate Queues and Deques, the time complexity of Array.shift is O(n). We have tackled this challenge by implementing a Queue and Deque with O(1) time complexity for enqueue and dequeue operations.

  • HashMap: Opting for a pure HashMap over the built-in Map (technically a LinkedHashMap) can boost algorithmic speed. However, the performance is compromised due to the necessity of considering insertion order. We have independently implemented an optimized HashMap.

  • Stack: In JS, simulating a Stack with an Array is acceptable, and its performance is on par with a genuine Stack.

Introducing Missing Native Data Structures in JS/TS

  • Heap / Priority Queue: Algorithms with O(log n) time complexity have been pivotal in improving efficiency since the dawn of computers. A Heap supports insertion, deletion, and search with O(log n) time complexity, coupled with the ability to obtain the minimum / maximum value in O(1) time.

  • Red Black Tree: Developers well-versed in databases, file systems, Linux virtual memory management, and network routing tables often have a nuanced understanding of Red-Black Trees. It stands out as the least operation-intensive among all balanced binary search trees, offering optimal performance balance in CRUD operations.

  • Linked List: In scenarios where insertion or deletion of elements with O(1) time complexity is required at a specific index in an ordered collection, JS lacks a provided data structure. Hence, the need for a LinkedList to implement this functionality.

  • Trie: Efficient for fast string queries and space-efficient string storage, yet not commonly found in the standard libraries of most programming languages.

  • Graph: This data structure is not commonly found in the standard libraries of most languages, making it a non-issue in JS.



  • The performance of some ours data structures has surpassed JS's built-in data structures (Queue, Deque, HashMap), while most are comparable to or even surpass those in other languages. Some are still undergoing refinement (Graph, AVL Tree).


    1. Implementation or constraint of forEach, filter, map, every, some, reduce, find, has, hasValue, get, print, isEmpty, clear, clone methods in the base class.
    1. Use of generators to uniformly implement [Symbol.iterator], entries, keys, values. Delaying iterator execution prevents performance loss and provides control during traversal.
    1. All deletion methods uniformly use the widely adopted delete in ES6, while addition methods uniformly use add. Compatibility with some specifications in Java.
    1. The first parameter for all constructors is data, and the second parameter is configuration, maintaining uniformity. The first parameter accepts any iterable type for seamless conversion between data structures.
    1. Uniform return types, for example, the add method consistently returns a boolean.

Convenience and Simplicity of APIs

  • Inspired by ES6, Java, ESNext, TypeScript, Python, featuring methods like forEach, filter, map, every, some, reduce, find, has, hasValue and get.

Use of Commonly Understood Industry Standard Naming

  • enqueue, dequeue, push, pop, poll, push, unshift, shift, pop, isEmpty, clear, print, clone.

Implementation of Customizable Features Whenever Possible

  • Such as providing callback functions (lambda expressions) for all traversal methods.

Comprehensive Documentation

  • The documentation not only explains the purpose of methods but also annotates time and space complexity across the entire series.


Java中 添加元素(类似 push add(E element): 将元素添加到列表的末尾。 add(int index, E element): 在指定的索引位置插入元素。

移除元素(类似 pop remove(int index): 移除指定索引位置的元素。

获取并移除首个元素(类似 shift remove(0): 移除索引为0的元素。

在首位插入元素(类似 unshift add(0, E element): 在指定索引0处插入元素。

大多数程序员更喜欢JS中的Array的push, pop, shift, unshift。


命名更直观。JS中的push, pop, shift, unshift的命名更加直观可以直接理解其操作的含义。而Java中的add和remove的命名则比较抽象需要一定的理解才能理解其操作的含义。 使用更方便。JS中的push, pop, shift, unshift的操作更加方便只需要一个参数即可完成操作。而Java中的add和remove的操作则需要两个参数第一个参数指定操作的索引第二个参数指定操作的值。 性能更高。JS中的push, pop, shift, unshift的性能更高因为其操作只需要修改数组的长度即可完成。而Java中的add和remove的性能则较低因为其操作需要移动数组中的元素。