# Commands Overview of the commands to test, run and build this project as well as those that were used to set up it. ## Most important commands for development - `npm install` Installs all dependencies and creates the folder `node_modules`, that is needed for all following commands. - `npm run lint` Lint src/ and test/ codebase (using ESLint) - `npm run format` Pretty src/ and test/ codebase (using Prettier) - `npm run inspect` Check src/ and test/ codebase (using TSC and ESLint) - `npm run changelog` Update CHANGELOG.md - `npm login` + `npm publish` To publish a new release. Be sure to run npm run package first. ## Commands to test, run and build the project - `npm test` or `npm run test:unit` Run all unit tests (using Jest) with reporting coverage - `npm test:perf` Run all performance tests (using Benchmark.js) with reporting results - `npm run test:perf -- priority-queue.test` Run specific performance test [//]: # (- `npm run coverage-badge` Updates code coverage badge inside `README.md`) - `npm run build:docs` Generates JSDoc Documentation in folder "docs" - `npm run build` Build the application for production including es6(ESModule), es5(CommonJS) and minification(UMD) ## Commands used to set up the project - `npm audit fix` Fixes vulnerabilities - `npm install typedoc --save-dev` Setup TypeScript Documentation (typedoc) - `npm install eslint --save-dev` Setup linter (static code quality analyzer) - `npx eslint --init` Initialize linter configuration file ## References - [ESLint - Getting Started](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/getting-started)