Class TreeMultiset<N>

The only distinction between a TreeMultiset and a AVLTree lies in the ability of the former to store duplicate nodes through the utilization of counters.

Type Parameters





_comparator: BSTComparator = ...
_count: number = 0



  • The BFS function performs a breadth-first search on a binary tree, accumulating properties of each node based on a specified property name.

    Returns number[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class with generic type N.

  • The BFS function performs a breadth-first search on a binary tree, accumulating properties of each node based on a specified property name.


    • nodeOrPropertyName: "id"

      The parameter nodeOrPropertyName is an optional parameter that represents either a node or a property name. If a node is provided, the breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm will be performed starting from that node. If a property name is provided, the BFS algorithm will be performed starting from the

    Returns number[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class with generic type N.

  • The BFS function performs a breadth-first search on a binary tree, accumulating properties of each node based on a specified property name.


    • nodeOrPropertyName: "val"

      The parameter nodeOrPropertyName is an optional parameter that represents either a node or a property name. If a node is provided, the breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm will be performed starting from that node. If a property name is provided, the BFS algorithm will be performed starting from the

    Returns N["val"][]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class with generic type N.

  • The BFS function performs a breadth-first search on a binary tree, accumulating properties of each node based on a specified property name.


    • nodeOrPropertyName: "node"

      The parameter nodeOrPropertyName is an optional parameter that represents either a node or a property name. If a node is provided, the breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm will be performed starting from that node. If a property name is provided, the BFS algorithm will be performed starting from the

    Returns N[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class with generic type N.

  • The BFSCount function returns an array of counts from a breadth-first search of nodes.

    Returns number[]

    The BFSCount() function returns an array of numbers, specifically the count property of each node in the BFS traversal.

  • The DFS function performs a depth-first search traversal on a binary tree and returns the accumulated properties of each node based on the specified pattern and property name.

    Returns number[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class, which contains the accumulated properties of the binary tree nodes based on the specified pattern and node or property name.

  • The DFS function performs a depth-first search traversal on a binary tree and returns the accumulated properties of each node based on the specified pattern and property name.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The "pattern" parameter is used to specify the traversal order of the binary tree. It can have three possible values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "id"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is a string that represents the name of a property of the nodes in the binary tree. This property will be used to accumulate values during the depth-first search traversal. If no nodeOrPropertyName is provided, the default value is 'id'.

    Returns number[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class, which contains the accumulated properties of the binary tree nodes based on the specified pattern and node or property name.

  • The DFS function performs a depth-first search traversal on a binary tree and returns the accumulated properties of each node based on the specified pattern and property name.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The "pattern" parameter is used to specify the traversal order of the binary tree. It can have three possible values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "val"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is a string that represents the name of a property of the nodes in the binary tree. This property will be used to accumulate values during the depth-first search traversal. If no nodeOrPropertyName is provided, the default value is 'id'.

    Returns N[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class, which contains the accumulated properties of the binary tree nodes based on the specified pattern and node or property name.

  • The DFS function performs a depth-first search traversal on a binary tree and returns the accumulated properties of each node based on the specified pattern and property name.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The "pattern" parameter is used to specify the traversal order of the binary tree. It can have three possible values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "node"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is a string that represents the name of a property of the nodes in the binary tree. This property will be used to accumulate values during the depth-first search traversal. If no nodeOrPropertyName is provided, the default value is 'id'.

    Returns N[]

    an instance of the AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties class, which contains the accumulated properties of the binary tree nodes based on the specified pattern and node or property name.

  • The DFSCount function returns an array of counts for each node in a depth-first search traversal.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The pattern parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the order in which the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm should traverse the nodes. It can have one of the following values:

    Returns number[]

    The DFSCount function returns an array of numbers, specifically the count property of each node in the DFS traversal.

  • The DFSIterative function performs an iterative depth-first search traversal on a binary tree, with the option to specify the traversal pattern and the property name to accumulate results by.

    Returns number[]

    an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties.

  • The DFSIterative function performs an iterative depth-first search traversal on a binary tree, with the option to specify the traversal pattern and the property name to accumulate results by.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The "pattern" parameter determines the order in which the nodes of the binary tree are visited during the depth-first search. It can have one of the following values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "id"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is used to specify the property of the nodes that you want to retrieve or perform operations on during the depth-first search traversal. By default, it is set to 'id', which means that the traversal will accumulate results based on the id property of the

    Returns number[]

    an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties.

  • The DFSIterative function performs an iterative depth-first search traversal on a binary tree, with the option to specify the traversal pattern and the property name to accumulate results by.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The "pattern" parameter determines the order in which the nodes of the binary tree are visited during the depth-first search. It can have one of the following values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "val"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is used to specify the property of the nodes that you want to retrieve or perform operations on during the depth-first search traversal. By default, it is set to 'id', which means that the traversal will accumulate results based on the id property of the

    Returns N[]

    an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties.

  • The DFSIterative function performs an iterative depth-first search traversal on a binary tree, with the option to specify the traversal pattern and the property name to accumulate results by.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The "pattern" parameter determines the order in which the nodes of the binary tree are visited during the depth-first search. It can have one of the following values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "node"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is used to specify the property of the nodes that you want to retrieve or perform operations on during the depth-first search traversal. By default, it is set to 'id', which means that the traversal will accumulate results based on the id property of the

    Returns N[]

    an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties.

  • The function DFSIterativeCount performs an iterative depth-first search and returns an array of node counts based on the specified traversal pattern.


    • Optional pattern: "in" | "pre" | "post"

      The pattern parameter is a string that specifies the traversal order for the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm. It can have three possible values: 'in', 'pre', or 'post'.

    Returns number[]

    The DFSIterativeCount function returns an array of numbers, which represents the count property of each node in the DFS traversal.

  • The function _accumulatedByPropertyName accumulates values from a given node based on the specified property name.


    • node: N

      The node parameter is of type N, which represents a node in a data structure.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: NodeOrPropertyName

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that can be either a string representing a property name or a reference to a Node object. If it is a string, it specifies the property name to be used for accumulating values. If it is a Node object, it specifies

    Returns void

  • The function adds a new node to a binary tree if there is an available slot on the left or right side of the parent node.


    • newNode: null | N

      The newNode parameter represents the node that needs to be added to the tree. It can be either a node object (N) or null.

    • parent: N

      The parent parameter represents the parent node to which the new node will be added as a child.

    Returns undefined | null | N

    The method returns either the parent.left, parent.right, or undefined.

  • The balance factor of a given AVL tree node is calculated by subtracting the height of its left subtree from the height of its right subtree.


    • node: N

      The parameter "node" is of type N, which represents a node in an AVL tree.

    Returns number

    The balance factor of the given AVL tree node.

  • The _balancePath function balances the AVL tree by performing appropriate rotations based on the balance factor of each node in the path from the given node to the root.


    • node: N

      The node parameter is an AVLTreeNode object, which represents a node in an AVL tree.

    Returns void

  • The function compares two binary tree node IDs using a comparator function and returns whether the first ID is greater than, less than, or equal to the second ID.


    • a: number

      a is a BinaryTreeNodeId, which represents the identifier of a binary tree node.

    • b: number

      The parameter "b" in the above code refers to a BinaryTreeNodeId.

    Returns CP

    a value of type CP (ComparisonResult). The possible return values are (greater than), (less than), or CP.eq (equal).

  • The function checks if a given property of a binary tree node matches a specified value, and if so, adds the node to a result array.


    • cur: N

      The current node being processed.

    • result: (undefined | null | N)[]

      An array that stores the matching nodes.

    • nodeProperty: number | N

      The nodeProperty parameter is either a BinaryTreeNodeId or a N type. It represents the property value that we are comparing against in the switch statement.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property name to compare against when pushing nodes into the result array. It can be either 'id' or 'val'. If it is not provided or is not equal to 'id' or 'val', the

    • Optional onlyOne: boolean

      The onlyOne parameter is an optional boolean parameter that determines whether to stop after finding the first matching node or continue searching for all matching nodes. If onlyOne is set to true, the function will stop after finding the first matching node and return true. If `onlyOne

    Returns undefined | boolean

    a boolean value indicating whether only one matching node should be pushed into the result array.

  • The function sets the root property of an object to a given value, and if the value is not null, it also sets the parent property of the value to undefined.


    • v: null | N

      The parameter v is of type N | null, which means it can either be of type N or null.

    Returns void

  • The function updates the height of a node in an AVL tree based on the heights of its left and right subtrees.


    • node: N

      The parameter node is an AVLTreeNode object, which represents a node in an AVL tree.

    Returns void

  • The add function adds a new node to a binary search tree, maintaining the tree's properties and balancing if necessary.


    • idOrNode: null | number | N

      The idOrNode parameter can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId or a N (which represents a BinaryTreeNode).

    • Optional val: N["val"]

      The val parameter represents the value to be added to the binary tree node.

    • Optional count: number

      The count parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the number of times the value should be added to the binary tree. If the count parameter is not provided, it defaults to 1.

    Returns undefined | null | N

    The method add returns either the inserted node (N), null, or undefined.

  • The addMany function takes an array of node IDs or nodes and adds them to the tree multiset, returning an array of the inserted nodes.


    • idsOrNodes: (null | number)[] | (null | N)[]

      An array of BinaryTreeNodeId or BinaryTreeNode objects, or null values.

    • Optional data: N["val"][]

      The data parameter is an optional array of values (N['val'][]) that corresponds to the nodes being added. It is used when adding nodes using the idOrNode and data arguments in the this.add() method. If provided, the data array should

    Returns (undefined | null | N)[]

    The function addMany returns an array of N, null, or undefined values.

  • The allGreaterNodesAdd function adds a delta value to the specified property of all nodes in a binary tree that have a greater value than a given node.


    • node: null | number | N

      The node parameter can be either of type N (a generic type), BinaryTreeNodeId, or null. It represents the node in the binary tree to which the delta value will be added.

    • delta: number

      The delta parameter is a number that represents the amount by which the property value of each greater node should be increased.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property name of the nodes in the binary tree that you want to update. If not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value.

  • The function allGreaterNodesAddCount updates the count property of all nodes in a binary tree that have an ID greater than a given ID by a specified delta value.


    • node: null | number | N

      The node parameter can be one of the following:

    • delta: number

      The delta parameter is a number that represents the amount by which the count property of each node should be increased.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value.

  • The function creates a new BSTNode with the given id, value, and count.


    • id: number

      The id parameter is the unique identifier for the binary tree node. It is used to distinguish one node from another in the tree.

    • Optional val: N["val"]

      The val parameter represents the value that will be stored in the binary search tree node.

    • Optional count: number

      The "count" parameter is an optional parameter of type number. It represents the number of occurrences of the value in the binary search tree node. If not provided, the count will default to 1.

    Returns N

    A new instance of the BSTNode class with the specified id, value, and count (if provided).

  • The fill function clears the binary tree and adds multiple nodes with the given IDs or nodes and optional data.


    • idsOrNodes: (null | number)[] | (null | N)[]

      The idsOrNodes parameter is an array that can contain either BinaryTreeNodeId or N values.

    • Optional data: N["val"][] | N[]

      The data parameter is an optional array of values that will be assigned to the nodes being added. If provided, the length of the data array should be equal to the length of the idsOrNodes array. Each value in the data array will be assigned to the

    Returns boolean

    The method is returning a boolean value.

  • The function returns the first node in a binary tree that matches the given property name and value.


    • nodeProperty: number | N

      The nodeProperty parameter can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId or a generic type N. It represents the property of the binary tree node that you want to search for.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property name to use for searching the binary tree nodes. If not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    Returns null | N

    The method is returning either a BinaryTreeNodeId or N (generic type) or null.

  • The getHeight function calculates the maximum height of a binary tree, either recursively or iteratively.


    • Optional beginRoot: null | number | N

      The beginRoot parameter is optional and can be of type N (a generic type representing a node in a binary tree), BinaryTreeNodeId (a type representing the ID of a binary tree node), or null.

    Returns number

    the height of the binary tree.

  • The getLeftMost function returns the leftmost node in a binary tree, starting from a specified node or the root if no node is specified.

    Returns null | N

    The function getLeftMost returns the leftmost node in a binary tree. If the beginRoot parameter is provided, it starts the traversal from that node. If beginRoot is not provided or is null, it starts the traversal from the root of the binary tree. If there are no nodes in the binary tree, it returns null.

  • The getLeftMost function returns the leftmost node in a binary tree, starting from a specified node or the root if no node is specified.


    • node: N

    Returns N

    The function getLeftMost returns the leftmost node in a binary tree. If the beginRoot parameter is provided, it starts the traversal from that node. If beginRoot is not provided or is null, it starts the traversal from the root of the binary tree. If there are no nodes in the binary tree, it returns null.

  • The getMinHeight function calculates the minimum height of a binary tree using either a recursive or iterative approach.


    • Optional beginRoot: null | N

      The beginRoot parameter is an optional parameter of type N or null. It represents the starting node from which to calculate the minimum height of a binary tree. If no value is provided for beginRoot, the this.root property is used as the default value.

    Returns number

    The function getMinHeight returns the minimum height of the binary tree.

  • The function getNodes returns an array of nodes in a binary tree that match a given property value.


    • nodeProperty: number | N

      The nodeProperty parameter can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId or an N type. It represents the property of the binary tree node that you want to compare with.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName = 'id'

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property name to use for comparison. If not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    • Optional onlyOne: boolean

      The onlyOne parameter is an optional boolean parameter that determines whether to return only one node that matches the given nodeProperty or all nodes that match the nodeProperty. If onlyOne is set to true, the function will return an array with only one node (if

    Returns N[]

    an array of nodes (type N).

  • The function getNodesByCount returns an array of nodes that have a specific count property, either recursively or using a queue.


    • nodeProperty: number | N

      The nodeProperty parameter can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId or a N. It represents the property of the nodes that you want to search for.

    • Optional onlyOne: boolean

      The onlyOne parameter is an optional boolean parameter that determines whether to return only one node that matches the nodeProperty or all nodes that match the nodeProperty. If onlyOne is set to true, the function will return only one node. If onlyOne

    Returns N[]

    an array of nodes that match the given nodeProperty.

  • The function getPathToRoot returns an array of nodes representing the path from a given node to the root node, with an option to reverse the order of the nodes.


    • node: N

      The node parameter represents a node in a tree structure. It is of type N, which could be any type that represents a node in your specific implementation.

    • Optional isReverse: boolean = true

      The isReverse parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether the resulting path should be reversed or not. If isReverse is set to true, the path will be reversed before returning it. If isReverse is set to false or not provided, the path will

    Returns N[]

    The function getPathToRoot returns an array of nodes (N[]).

  • The getRightMost function returns the rightmost node in a binary tree, either recursively or iteratively using tail recursion optimization.

    Returns null | N

    The function getRightMost returns the rightmost node (N) in a binary tree. If the node parameter is not provided, it defaults to the root node of the tree. If the tree is empty or the node parameter is null, the function returns null.

  • The getRightMost function returns the rightmost node in a binary tree, either recursively or iteratively using tail recursion optimization.


    • node: N

      The node parameter is an optional parameter of type N or null. It represents the starting node from which we want to find the rightmost node. If no node is provided, the node parameter defaults to this.root, which is the root node of the data structure

    Returns N

    The function getRightMost returns the rightmost node (N) in a binary tree. If the node parameter is not provided, it defaults to the root node of the tree. If the tree is empty or the node parameter is null, the function returns null.

  • The function getSubTreeCount calculates the number of nodes and the sum of their counts in a subtree, using either recursive or iterative traversal.


    • subTreeRoot: undefined | null | N

      The subTreeRoot parameter represents the root node of a subtree in a binary tree.

    Returns [number, number]

    The function getSubTreeCount returns an array [number, number].

  • The function checks if a binary tree node has a specific property.


    • nodeProperty: number | N

      The nodeProperty parameter can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId or N. It represents the property of the binary tree node that you want to check.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the property to be checked in the nodes. If not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value.

  • The function returns the id of the rightmost node if the comparison between two values is less than, the id of the leftmost node if the comparison is greater than, and the id of the rightmost node otherwise.

    Returns number

    The method lastKey() returns the id of the rightmost node in the binary tree if the comparison between the values at index 0 and 1 is less than, otherwise it returns the id of the leftmost node. If the comparison is equal, it returns the id of the rightmost node. If there are no nodes in the tree, it returns 0.

  • The lesserSum function calculates the sum of property values in a binary tree for nodes that have a property value less than a given node.


    • beginNode: null | number | N

      The beginNode parameter can be one of the following:

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property name to use for calculating the sum. If not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    Returns number

    The function lesserSum returns a number, which represents the sum of the values of the nodes in the binary tree that have a lesser value than the specified beginNode based on the propertyName.

  • The lesserSumCount function calculates the sum of the counts of all nodes in a binary tree that have a lesser value than a given node.


    • beginNode: null | number | N

      The beginNode parameter can be one of the following:

    Returns number

    the sum of the counts of nodes in the binary tree that have a lesser value than the given beginNode.

  • The levelIterative function performs a level-order traversal on a binary tree and returns the values of the nodes in an array, based on a specified property name.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object representing the starting node for the level order traversal. It can be null if no specific node is provided, in which case the root node of the tree is used as the starting node.

    Returns number[]

    The function levelIterative returns an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties<N>.

  • The levelIterative function performs a level-order traversal on a binary tree and returns the values of the nodes in an array, based on a specified property name.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object representing the starting node for the level order traversal. It can be null if no specific node is provided, in which case the root node of the tree is used as the starting node.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "id"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that can be either a BinaryTreeNode property name or the string 'id'. If a property name is provided, the function will accumulate results based on that property. If no property name is provided, the function will default to accumulating results

    Returns number[]

    The function levelIterative returns an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties<N>.

  • The levelIterative function performs a level-order traversal on a binary tree and returns the values of the nodes in an array, based on a specified property name.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object representing the starting node for the level order traversal. It can be null if no specific node is provided, in which case the root node of the tree is used as the starting node.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "val"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that can be either a BinaryTreeNode property name or the string 'id'. If a property name is provided, the function will accumulate results based on that property. If no property name is provided, the function will default to accumulating results

    Returns N["val"][]

    The function levelIterative returns an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties<N>.

  • The levelIterative function performs a level-order traversal on a binary tree and returns the values of the nodes in an array, based on a specified property name.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object representing the starting node for the level order traversal. It can be null if no specific node is provided, in which case the root node of the tree is used as the starting node.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "node"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that can be either a BinaryTreeNode property name or the string 'id'. If a property name is provided, the function will accumulate results based on that property. If no property name is provided, the function will default to accumulating results

    Returns N[]

    The function levelIterative returns an object of type AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties<N>.

  • The listLevels function collects nodes from a binary tree by a specified property and organizes them into levels.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object or null. It represents the root node of a binary tree. If it is null, the function will use the root node of the current binary tree instance.

    Returns number[][]

    The function listLevels returns a 2D array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperty<N> objects.

  • The listLevels function collects nodes from a binary tree by a specified property and organizes them into levels.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object or null. It represents the root node of a binary tree. If it is null, the function will use the root node of the current binary tree instance.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "id"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property of the BinaryTreeNode object to collect at each level. It can be one of the following values:

    Returns number[][]

    The function listLevels returns a 2D array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperty<N> objects.

  • The listLevels function collects nodes from a binary tree by a specified property and organizes them into levels.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object or null. It represents the root node of a binary tree. If it is null, the function will use the root node of the current binary tree instance.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "val"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property of the BinaryTreeNode object to collect at each level. It can be one of the following values:

    Returns N["val"][][]

    The function listLevels returns a 2D array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperty<N> objects.

  • The listLevels function collects nodes from a binary tree by a specified property and organizes them into levels.


    • node: null | N

      The node parameter is a BinaryTreeNode object or null. It represents the root node of a binary tree. If it is null, the function will use the root node of the current binary tree instance.

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "node"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property of the BinaryTreeNode object to collect at each level. It can be one of the following values:

    Returns N[][]

    The function listLevels returns a 2D array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperty<N> objects.

  • The function "listLevelsCount" takes a node and returns an array of arrays, where each inner array contains the count property of each node at that level.


    • node: null | N

      The parameter node is of type N | null. This means that it can either be an instance of the class N or null.

    Returns number[][]

    a 2D array of numbers. Each inner array represents a level in the binary tree, and each number in the inner array represents the count property of a node in that level.

  • The morris function performs an in-order, pre-order, or post-order traversal on a binary tree using the Morris traversal algorithm.

    Returns number[]

    an array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties objects.

  • The morris function performs an in-order, pre-order, or post-order traversal on a binary tree using the Morris traversal algorithm.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The pattern parameter determines the traversal pattern for the binary tree. It can have one of three values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "id"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is used to specify the property name of the nodes that you want to retrieve. It can be any valid property name of the nodes in the binary tree.

    Returns number[]

    an array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties objects.

  • The morris function performs an in-order, pre-order, or post-order traversal on a binary tree using the Morris traversal algorithm.


    • Optional pattern: DFSOrderPattern

      The pattern parameter determines the traversal pattern for the binary tree. It can have one of three values:

    • Optional nodeOrPropertyName: "val"

      The nodeOrPropertyName parameter is used to specify the property name of the nodes that you want to retrieve. It can be any valid property name of the nodes in the binary tree.

    Returns N[]

    an array of AbstractBinaryTreeNodeProperties objects.

  • Time complexity is O(n) Space complexity of Iterative DFS equals to recursive DFS which is O(n) because of the stack


    Returns N[]

  • The morrisCount function returns an array of counts for each node in a binary tree, based on a specified traversal pattern.


    • Optional pattern: "in" | "pre" | "post"

      The pattern parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the traversal pattern for the Morris traversal algorithm. It can have one of three values: 'in', 'pre', or 'post'.

    Returns number[]

    The function morrisCount returns an array of numbers.

  • The remove function removes a node from a binary search tree and returns the deleted node along with the parent node that needs to be balanced.


    • nodeOrId: number | N

      The nodeOrId parameter can be one of the following:

    • Optional ignoreCount: boolean

      The ignoreCount parameter is an optional boolean parameter that determines whether to ignore the count of the node being removed. If ignoreCount is set to true, the count of the node will not be taken into account when removing it. If ignoreCount is set to false @returns The function removereturns an array ofBinaryTreeDeletedResult` objects.

    Returns BinaryTreeDeletedResult<N>[]

  • The function subTreeAdd adds a delta value to a specified property of each node in a subtree.


    • subTreeRoot: null | number | N

      The subTreeRoot parameter represents the root node of a binary tree or the ID of a node in the binary tree. It can also be null if there is no subtree to add to.

    • delta: number

      The delta parameter is a number that represents the amount by which the property value of each node in the subtree should be incremented.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      The propertyName parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the property of the binary tree node that should be modified. If not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value.

  • The function subTreeAddCount recursively or iteratively traverses a binary tree and adds a given delta value to the count property of each node.


    • subTreeRoot: null | number | N

      The subTreeRoot parameter represents the root node of a subtree in a binary tree. It can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId (a unique identifier for a node in the binary tree), a BinaryTreeNode object, or null if the subtree is empty.

    • delta: number

      The delta parameter is a number that represents the amount by which the count of each node in the subtree should be increased or decreased.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value.

  • The function subTreeSum calculates the sum of a specified property in a binary tree or subtree.


    • subTreeRoot: null | number | N

      The subTreeRoot parameter represents the root node of a binary tree or the ID of a binary tree node. It can also be null if there is no subtree.

    • Optional propertyName: BinaryTreeNodePropertyName

      propertyName is an optional parameter that specifies the property of the binary tree node to use for calculating the sum. It can be either 'id' or 'val'. If propertyName is not provided, it defaults to 'id'.

    Returns number

    a number, which is the sum of the values of the specified property in the subtree rooted at subTreeRoot.

  • The function subTreeSumCount calculates the sum of the count property of each node in a subtree, either recursively or iteratively.


    • subTreeRoot: null | number | N

      The subTreeRoot parameter represents the root node of a subtree in a binary tree. It can be either a BinaryTreeNodeId (a unique identifier for a node in the binary tree) or null if the subtree is empty.

    Returns number

    the sum of the count values of all nodes in the subtree rooted at subTreeRoot.

  • The function swaps the location of two nodes in a tree data structure.


    • srcNode: N

      The source node that we want to swap with the destination node.

    • destNode: N

      The destNode parameter represents the destination node where the values from srcNode will be swapped with.

    Returns N

    the destNode after swapping its values with the srcNode.

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