import { Deque, DoublyLinkedList, MaxHeap, MaxPriorityQueue, MinHeap, MinPriorityQueue, Queue, SinglyLinkedList, Stack } from '../../src'; const orgArr: number[] = [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]; describe('conversions', () => { it('Array to Queue', () => { const q = new Queue(orgArr); q.print(); }) it('Array to Deque', () => { const dq = new Deque(orgArr); dq.print(); }) it('Array to SinglyLinkedList', () => { const sl = new SinglyLinkedList(orgArr); sl.print(); }) it('Array to DoublyLinkedList', () => { const dl = new DoublyLinkedList(orgArr); dl.print(); }) it('Array to Stack', () => { const stack = new Stack(orgArr); stack.print(); }) it('Array to MinHeap', () => { const minHeap = new MinHeap(orgArr); minHeap.print(); }) it('Array to MaxHeap', () => { const maxHeap = new MaxHeap(orgArr); maxHeap.print(); }) it('Array to MinPriorityQueue', () => { const minPQ = new MinPriorityQueue(orgArr); minPQ.print(); }) it('Array to MaxPriorityQueue', () => { const maxPQ = new MaxPriorityQueue(orgArr); maxPQ.print(); }) })