
Data Structure Typed

Data Structures of Javascript & TypeScript.

A library that provides a variety of JavaScript and TypeScript data structures, as well as implementations of some classic algorithms.

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Built-in classic algorithms

DFS(Depth-First Search), DFSIterative, BFS(Breadth-First Search), morris, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Tarjan's Algorithm.

Installation and Usage


npm i data-structure-typed --save


yarn add data-structure-typed


<script src=""></script>
const {AVLTree} = dataStructureTyped;
const {
} = dataStructureTyped;

API docs & Examples

API Docs

Live Examples

Examples Repository

Code Snippet

Binary Search Tree (BST) snippet


import {BST, BSTNode} from 'data-structure-typed';

const bst = new BST();
bst.addMany([15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5]);
bst.size === 16; // true
bst.has(6); // true
const node6 = bst.get(6); // BSTNode
bst.getHeight(6) === 2; // true
bst.getHeight() === 5; // true
bst.getDepth(6) === 3; // true

bst.getLeftMost()?.id === 1; // true

bst.get(6); // null
bst.isAVLBalanced(); // true
bst.BFS()[0] === 11; // true

const objBST = new BST<BSTNode<{ id: number, keyA: number }>>();
objBST.add(11, {id: 11, keyA: 11});
objBST.add(3, {id: 3, keyA: 3});

objBST.addMany([{id: 15, keyA: 15}, {id: 1, keyA: 1}, {id: 8, keyA: 8},
{id: 13, keyA: 13}, {id: 16, keyA: 16}, {id: 2, keyA: 2},
{id: 6, keyA: 6}, {id: 9, keyA: 9}, {id: 12, keyA: 12},
{id: 14, keyA: 14}, {id: 4, keyA: 4}, {id: 7, keyA: 7},
{id: 10, keyA: 10}, {id: 5, keyA: 5}]);



const {BST, BSTNode} = require('data-structure-typed');

const bst = new BST();
bst.addMany([15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5]);
bst.size === 16; // true
bst.has(6); // true
const node6 = bst.get(6);
bst.getHeight(6) === 2; // true
bst.getHeight() === 5; // true
bst.getDepth(6) === 3; // true
const leftMost = bst.getLeftMost();
leftMost?.id === 1; // true
bst.get(6); // null
bst.isAVLBalanced(); // true or false
const bfsIDs = bst.BFS();
bfsIDs[0] === 11; // true

const objBST = new BST();
objBST.add(11, {id: 11, keyA: 11});
objBST.add(3, {id: 3, keyA: 3});

objBST.addMany([{id: 15, keyA: 15}, {id: 1, keyA: 1}, {id: 8, keyA: 8},
{id: 13, keyA: 13}, {id: 16, keyA: 16}, {id: 2, keyA: 2},
{id: 6, keyA: 6}, {id: 9, keyA: 9}, {id: 12, keyA: 12},
{id: 14, keyA: 14}, {id: 4, keyA: 4}, {id: 7, keyA: 7},
{id: 10, keyA: 10}, {id: 5, keyA: 5}]);


const avlTree = new AVLTree();
avlTree.addMany([11, 3, 15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5])
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true

AVLTree snippet


import {AVLTree} from 'data-structure-typed';

const avlTree = new AVLTree();
avlTree.addMany([11, 3, 15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5])
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true


const {AVLTree} = require('data-structure-typed');

const avlTree = new AVLTree();
avlTree.addMany([11, 3, 15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5])
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true

Directed Graph simple snippet

TS or JS

import {DirectedGraph} from 'data-structure-typed';

const graph = new DirectedGraph();


graph.hasVertex('A'); // true
graph.hasVertex('B'); // true
graph.hasVertex('C'); // false

graph.addEdge('A', 'B');
graph.hasEdge('A', 'B'); // true
graph.hasEdge('B', 'A'); // false

graph.removeEdgeSrcToDest('A', 'B');
graph.hasEdge('A', 'B'); // false


graph.addEdge('A', 'B');
graph.addEdge('B', 'C');

const topologicalOrderIds = graph.topologicalSort(); // ['A', 'B', 'C']

Undirected Graph snippet

TS or JS

import {UndirectedGraph} from 'data-structure-typed';

const graph = new UndirectedGraph();
graph.addEdge('A', 'B');
graph.addEdge('B', 'D');

const dijkstraResult = graph.dijkstra('A');
Array.from(dijkstraResult?.seen ?? []).map(vertex => // ['A', 'B', 'D']

Data Structures

Data Structure Unit Test Performance Test API Documentation Implemented
Binary Tree Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree (BST) BST
AVL Tree AVLTree
Tree Multiset TreeMultiset
Segment Tree SegmentTree
Binary Indexed Tree BinaryIndexedTree
Graph AbstractGraph
Directed Graph DirectedGraph
Undirected Graph UndirectedGraph
Linked List SinglyLinkedList
Singly Linked List SinglyLinkedList
Doubly Linked List DoublyLinkedList
Queue Queue
Object Deque ObjectDeque
Array Deque ArrayDeque
Stack Stack
Coordinate Set CoordinateSet
Coordinate Map CoordinateMap
Heap Heap
Priority Queue PriorityQueue
Max Priority Queue MaxPriorityQueue
Min Priority Queue MinPriorityQueue
Trie Trie

Code design

By strictly adhering to object-oriented design (BinaryTree -> BST -> AVLTree -> TreeMultiset), you can seamlessly inherit the existing data structures to implement the customized ones you need. Object-oriented design stands as the optimal approach to data structure design.


performance of Big O

Big O Notation Type Computations for 10 elements Computations for 100 elements Computations for 1000 elements
O(1) Constant 1 1 1
O(log N) Logarithmic 3 6 9
O(N) Linear 10 100 1000
O(N log N) n log(n) 30 600 9000
O(N^2) Quadratic 100 10000 1000000
O(2^N) Exponential 1024 1.26e+29 1.07e+301
O(N!) Factorial 3628800 9.3e+157 4.02e+2567

Data Structure Complexity

Data Structure Access Search Insertion Deletion Comments
Array 1 n n n
Stack n n 1 1
Queue n n 1 1
Linked List n n 1 n
Hash Table - n n n In case of perfect hash function costs would be O(1)
Binary Search Tree n n n n In case of balanced tree costs would be O(log(n))
B-Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
Red-Black Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
AVL Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
Bloom Filter - 1 1 - False positives are possible while searching

Sorting Complexity

Name Best Average Worst Memory Stable Comments
Bubble sort n n2 n2 1 Yes
Insertion sort n n2 n2 1 Yes
Selection sort n2 n2 n2 1 No
Heap sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) 1 No
Merge sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) n Yes
Quick sort n log(n) n log(n) n2 log(n) No Quicksort is usually done in-place with O(log(n)) stack space
Shell sort n log(n) depends on gap sequence n (log(n))2 1 No
Counting sort n + r n + r n + r n + r Yes r - biggest number in array
Radix sort n * k n * k n * k n + k Yes k - length of longest key
Data Structure C++ STL java.util Python collections
Dynamic Array (ArrayList) std::vector<T> ArrayList<E> list
Linked List std::list<T> LinkedList<E> deque
Set std::set<T> HashSet<E> set
Map std::map<K, V> HashMap<K, V> dict
Stack std::stack<T> Stack<E> N/A
Queue std::queue<T> LinkedList<E> N/A
Priority Queue std::priority_queue<T> PriorityQueue<E> N/A
Hash Table N/A N/A defaultdict, Counter, etc.
Deque std::deque<T> N/A N/A
Multiset std::multiset<T> N/A N/A
Multimap std::multimap<K, V> N/A N/A
Unordered Set std::unordered_set<T> HashSet<E> N/A
Unordered Map std::unordered_map<K, V> HashMap<K, V> N/A
Bitset std::bitset<N> N/A N/A
Ordered Dictionary (OrderedDict) N/A N/A OrderedDict
User-Defined Dictionary N/A N/A UserDict
User-Defined List N/A N/A UserList
User-Defined Set N/A N/A UserSet
Double-Ended Queue (Deque) std::deque<T> N/A N/A
Skip List N/A N/A N/A
Circular Queue N/A N/A N/A
Bit Array N/A N/A N/A
Bloom Filter N/A N/A N/A
Linked Hash Set N/A LinkedHashSet<E> N/A
Linked Hash Map N/A LinkedHashMap<K, V> N/A
Sorted Set N/A TreeSet<E> N/A
Sorted Map N/A TreeMap<K, V> N/A
Tree Set N/A N/A N/A
Tree Map N/A N/A N/A
Persistent Collections N/A N/A N/A
std::unordered_multiset std::unordered_multiset<T> N/A N/A
std::unordered_multimap std::unordered_multimap<K, V> N/A N/A
N/A TreeSet<E> TreeSet<E> N/A
N/A TreeMap<K, V> TreeMap<K, V> N/A
N/A LinkedBlockingQueue<E> N/A N/A
N/A ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> N/A N/A
N/A N/A namedtuple N/A
N/A N/A ChainMap N/A
N/A N/A defaultdict N/A
N/A N/A Counter N/A
Data StructureC++ STLjava.utilPython collectionsCustom Data Structure (Typescript)
Dynamic Array (ArrayList)std::vector<T>ArrayList<E>listN/A
Linked Liststd::list<T>LinkedList<E>dequeSinglyLinkedList, DoublyLinkedList, etc.
Setstd::set<T>HashSet<E>setTreeMultiset, etc.
Mapstd::map<K, V>HashMap<K, V>dictN/A
Priority Queuestd::priority_queue<T>PriorityQueue<E>N/AN/A
Hash TableN/AN/Adefaultdict, Counter, etc.N/A
Multimapstd::multimap<K, V>N/AN/AN/A
Unordered Setstd::unordered_set<T>HashSet<E>N/AN/A
Unordered Mapstd::unordered_map<K, V>HashMap<K, V>N/AN/A
Ordered Dictionary (OrderedDict)N/AN/AOrderedDictN/A
User-Defined DictionaryN/AN/AUserDictN/A
User-Defined ListN/AN/AUserListN/A
User-Defined SetN/AN/AUserSetN/A
Double-Ended Queue (Deque)std::deque<T>N/AN/AN/A
Skip ListN/AN/AN/AN/A
Circular QueueN/AN/AN/AN/A
Bit ArrayN/AN/AN/AN/A
Bloom FilterN/AN/AN/AN/A
Linked Hash SetN/ALinkedHashSet<E>N/AN/A
Linked Hash MapN/ALinkedHashMap<K, V>N/AN/A
Sorted SetN/ATreeSet<E>N/AN/A
Sorted MapN/ATreeMap<K, V>N/AN/A
Tree SetN/AN/AN/AN/A
Tree MapN/AN/AN/AN/A
Persistent CollectionsN/AN/AN/AN/A
std::unordered_multimapstd::unordered_multimap<K, V>N/AN/AN/A
N/ATreeMap<K, V>TreeMap<K, V>N/AN/A
N/AConcurrentHashMap<K, V>N/AN/AN/A

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