Class Queue<T>




2030 Tyler Zeng

Type Parameters

  • T


  • Queue


  • The constructor initializes an instance of a class with an optional array of elements and sets the offset to 0.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • Optional elements: T[]

      The elements parameter is an optional array of elements of type T. If provided, it will be used to initialize the _nodes property of the class. If not provided, the _nodes property will be initialized as an empty array.

    Returns Queue<T>


_nodes: T[]
_offset: number


  • The clone() function returns a new Queue object with the same elements as the original Queue.

    Returns Queue<T>

    The clone() method is returning a new instance of the Queue class.

  • The function checks if a data structure is empty by comparing its size to zero.

    Returns boolean

    A boolean value indicating whether the size of the object is 0 or not.

  • The offer function adds an element to the end of the queue and returns the updated queue.Adds an element at the back of the queue.


    • element: T

      The element parameter represents the element that you want to add to the queue.

    Returns Queue<T>

    The offer method is returning a Queue<T> object.

  • The peek function returns the first element of the array _nodes if it exists, otherwise it returns null.

    Returns null | T

    The peek() method returns the first element of the data structure, represented by the _nodes array at the _offset index. If the data structure is empty (size is 0), it returns null.

  • The peekLast function returns the last element in an array-like data structure, or null if the structure is empty.

    Returns null | T

    The method peekLast() returns the last element of the _nodes array if the array is not empty. If the array is empty, it returns null.

  • The poll function removes and returns the first element in the queue, and adjusts the internal data structure if necessary to optimize performance.

    Returns null | T

    The function poll() returns either the first element in the queue or null if the queue is empty.

  • The size function returns the number of elements in an array.

    Returns number

    The size of the array, which is the difference between the length of the array and the offset.

  • The toArray() function returns an array of elements from the current offset to the end of the _nodes array.

    Returns T[]

    An array of type T is being returned.

  • The function "fromArray" creates a new Queue object from an array of elements.Creates a queue from an existing array.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • elements: T[]

      The "elements" parameter is an array of elements of type T.

    Returns Queue<T>

    The method is returning a new instance of the Queue class, initialized with the elements from the input array.


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