import { AVLTree, BinaryTree, BST, Deque, DoublyLinkedList, HashMap, Heap, MaxHeap, MaxPriorityQueue, MinHeap, MinPriorityQueue, Queue, RedBlackTree, SinglyLinkedList, Stack, TreeMultiMap, Trie } from '../../src'; import { isDebugTest } from '../config'; const isDebug = isDebugTest; const orgArr: number[] = [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]; const orgStrArr: string[] = [ 'trie', 'trial', 'trick', 'trip', 'tree', 'trend', 'triangle', 'track', 'trace', 'transmit' ]; const entries: [number, string][] = [ [6, '6'], [1, '1'], [2, '2'], [7, '7'], [5, '5'], [3, '3'], [4, '4'], [9, '9'], [8, '8'] ]; describe('conversions', () => { it('Array to Queue', () => { const q = new Queue(orgArr); if (isDebug) q.print(); expect([...q]).toEqual([6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to Deque', () => { const dq = new Deque(orgArr); if (isDebug) dq.print(); expect([...dq]).toEqual([6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to SinglyLinkedList', () => { const sl = new SinglyLinkedList(orgArr); if (isDebug) sl.print(); expect([]).toEqual([6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to DoublyLinkedList', () => { const dl = new DoublyLinkedList(orgArr); if (isDebug) dl.print(); expect([...dl]).toEqual([6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to Stack', () => { const stack = new Stack(orgArr); if (isDebug) stack.print(); expect([...stack]).toEqual([6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to MinHeap', () => { const minHeap = new MinHeap(orgArr); if (isDebug) minHeap.print(); expect([...minHeap]).toEqual([1, 5, 2, 7, 6, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to MaxHeap', () => { const maxHeap = new MaxHeap(orgArr); if (isDebug) maxHeap.print(); expect([...maxHeap]).toEqual([9, 8, 4, 7, 5, 2, 3, 1, 6]); }); it('Array to MinPriorityQueue', () => { const minPQ = new MinPriorityQueue(orgArr); if (isDebug) minPQ.print(); expect([...minPQ]).toEqual([1, 5, 2, 7, 6, 3, 4, 9, 8]); }); it('Array to MaxPriorityQueue', () => { const maxPQ = new MaxPriorityQueue(orgArr); if (isDebug) maxPQ.print(); expect([...maxPQ]).toEqual([9, 8, 4, 7, 5, 2, 3, 1, 6]); }); it('Entry Array to BinaryTree', () => { const biTree = new BinaryTree(entries); if (isDebug) biTree.print(); expect([...biTree]).toEqual([ [9, '9'], [7, '7'], [8, '8'], [1, '1'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [3, '3'], [2, '2'], [4, '4'] ]); }); it('Entry Array to BST', () => { const bst = new BST(entries); expect(bst.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) bst.print(); expect([...bst]).toEqual([ [1, '1'], [2, '2'], [3, '3'], [4, '4'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '7'], [8, '8'], [9, '9'] ]); }); it('Entry Array to RedBlackTree', () => { const rbTree = new RedBlackTree(entries); expect(rbTree.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) rbTree.print(); expect([...rbTree]).toEqual([ [1, '1'], [2, '2'], [3, '3'], [4, '4'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '7'], [8, '8'], [9, '9'] ]); }); it('Entry Array to AVLTree', () => { const avl = new AVLTree(entries); expect(avl.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) avl.print(); expect([...avl]).toEqual([ [1, '1'], [2, '2'], [3, '3'], [4, '4'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '7'], [8, '8'], [9, '9'] ]); }); it('Entry Array to TreeMultiMap', () => { const treeMulti = new TreeMultiMap(entries); expect(treeMulti.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) treeMulti.print(); expect([...treeMulti]).toEqual([ [1, '1'], [2, '2'], [3, '3'], [4, '4'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '7'], [8, '8'], [9, '9'] ]); }); it('HashMap to RedBlackTree', () => { const hm = new HashMap(entries); if (isDebug) hm.print(); const rbTree = new RedBlackTree(hm); expect(rbTree.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) rbTree.print(); expect([...rbTree]).toEqual([ [1, '1'], [2, '2'], [3, '3'], [4, '4'], [5, '5'], [6, '6'], [7, '7'], [8, '8'], [9, '9'] ]); }); it('PriorityQueue to BST', () => { const pq = new MinPriorityQueue(orgArr); if (isDebug) pq.print(); const bst = new BST(pq); expect(bst.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) bst.print(); expect([...bst]).toEqual([ [1, undefined], [2, undefined], [3, undefined], [4, undefined], [5, undefined], [6, undefined], [7, undefined], [8, undefined], [9, undefined] ]); }); it('Deque to RedBlackTree', () => { const dq = new Deque(orgArr); if (isDebug) dq.print(); const rbTree = new RedBlackTree(dq); expect(rbTree.size).toBe(9); if (isDebug) rbTree.print(); expect([...rbTree]).toEqual([ [1, undefined], [2, undefined], [3, undefined], [4, undefined], [5, undefined], [6, undefined], [7, undefined], [8, undefined], [9, undefined] ]); }); it('Trie to Heap to Deque', () => { const trie = new Trie(orgStrArr); expect(trie.size).toBe(10); if (isDebug) trie.print(); const heap = new Heap(trie, { comparator: (a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b) }); expect(heap.size).toBe(10); if (isDebug) heap.print(); expect([...heap]).toEqual([ 'transmit', 'trace', 'tree', 'trend', 'track', 'trial', 'trip', 'trie', 'trick', 'triangle' ]); const dq = new Deque(heap); expect(dq.length).toBe(10); if (isDebug) dq.print(); expect([...dq]).toEqual([ 'transmit', 'trace', 'tree', 'trend', 'track', 'trial', 'trip', 'trie', 'trick', 'triangle' ]); const entries =, i) => <[number, string]>[i, el]); const avl = new AVLTree(entries); expect(avl.size).toBe(10); if (isDebug) avl.print(); expect([...avl]).toEqual([ [0, 'transmit'], [1, 'trace'], [2, 'tree'], [3, 'trend'], [4, 'track'], [5, 'trial'], [6, 'trip'], [7, 'trie'], [8, 'trick'], [9, 'triangle'] ]); }); });