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synced 2025-02-22 01:44:05 +00:00
[rbtree] The first successful implementation of Red-Black Tree.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1048,6 +1048,26 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* The function `getSuccessor` returns the next node in a binary tree given a node `x`, or `null` if
* `x` is the last node.
* @param {N} x - N - a node in a binary tree
* @returns The function `getSuccessor` returns a value of type `N` (the successor node), or `null`
* if there is no successor, or `undefined` if the input `x` is `undefined`.
getSuccessor(x: N): N | null | undefined{
if (x.right) {
return this.getLeftMost(x.right);
let y: N | null | undefined = x.parent;
while (y && y && x === y.right) {
x = y;
y = y.parent;
return y;
// --- start additional methods ---
@ -1,358 +1,426 @@
import {BTNKey, RBColor, RBTreeNodeNested, RBTreeOptions} from '../../types';
import {IBinaryTree} from '../../interfaces';
import {BST, BSTNode} from './bst';
export enum RBTNColor {BLACK, RED}
export class RBTreeNode<V = any, N extends RBTreeNode<V, N> = RBTreeNodeNested<V>> extends BSTNode<V, N> {
constructor(key: BTNKey, value?: V) {
super(key, value);
this.color = RBColor.RED;
export class RBTreeNode {
key: number = 0;
parent: RBTreeNode;
left: RBTreeNode;
right: RBTreeNode;
color: number = RBTNColor.BLACK;
constructor() {
this.parent = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
this.left = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
this.right = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
color: RBColor;
export class RBTree<V, N extends RBTreeNode<V, N> = RBTreeNode<V, RBTreeNodeNested<V>>>
extends BST<V, N>
implements IBinaryTree<V, N> {
constructor(options?: RBTreeOptions) {
export class RedBlackTree {
constructor() {
this._NIL = new RBTreeNode();
this.NIL.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
this.NIL.left = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
this.NIL.right = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
this._root = this.NIL;
override createNode(key: BTNKey, value?: V): N {
return new RBTreeNode(key, value) as N;
protected _root: RBTreeNode;
get root(): RBTreeNode {
return this._root;
// override add(keyOrNode: BTNKey | N | null, value?: V): N | null | undefined {
// const inserted = super.add(keyOrNode, value);
// if (inserted) this._fixInsertViolation(inserted);
// return inserted;
// }
// // Method for fixing insert violations in a red-black tree
// protected _fixInsertViolation(node: N) {
// while (node !== this.root! && node.color === RBColor.RED && node.parent!.color === RBColor.RED) {
// const parent = node.parent!;
// const grandparent = parent.parent!;
// let uncle: N | null | undefined = null;
// if (parent === grandparent.left) {
// uncle = grandparent.right;
// // Case 1: The uncle node is red
// if (uncle && uncle.color === RBColor.RED) {
// grandparent.color = RBColor.RED;
// parent.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// uncle.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// node = grandparent;
// } else {
// // Case 2: The uncle node is black, and the current node is a right child
// if (node === parent.right) {
// this._rotateLeft(parent);
// node = parent;
// // Update parent reference
// node.parent = grandparent;
// parent.parent = node;
// }
// // Case 3: The uncle node is black, and the current node is a left child
// parent.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// grandparent.color = RBColor.RED;
// this._rotateRight(grandparent);
// }
// } else {
// // Symmetric case: The parent is the right child of the grandparent
// uncle = grandparent.left;
// // Case 1: The uncle node is red
// if (uncle && uncle.color === RBColor.RED) {
// grandparent.color = RBColor.RED;
// parent.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// uncle.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// node = grandparent;
// } else {
// // Case 2: The uncle node is black, and the current node is a left child
// if (node === parent.left) {
// this._rotateRight(parent);
// node = parent;
// // Update parent reference
// node.parent = grandparent;
// parent.parent = node;
// }
// // Case 3: The uncle node is black, and the current node is a right child
// parent.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// grandparent.color = RBColor.RED;
// this._rotateLeft(grandparent);
// }
// }
// }
// // The root node is always black
// this.root!.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// }
// // Left rotation operation
// protected _rotateLeft(node: N) {
// const rightChild = node.right;
// node.right = rightChild!.left;
// if (rightChild!.left) {
// rightChild!.left.parent = node;
// }
// rightChild!.parent = node.parent;
// if (node === this.root) {
// // @ts-ignore
// this._setRoot(rightChild);
// } else if (node === node.parent!.left) {
// node.parent!.left = rightChild;
// } else {
// node.parent!.right = rightChild;
// }
// rightChild!.left = node;
// node.parent = rightChild;
// }
// // Right rotation operation
// protected _rotateRight(node: N) {
// const leftChild = node.left;
// node.left = leftChild!.right;
// if (leftChild!.right) {
// leftChild!.right.parent = node;
// }
// leftChild!.parent = node.parent;
// if (node === this.root) {
// // @ts-ignore
// this._setRoot(leftChild);
// } else if (node === node.parent!.right) {
// node.parent!.right = leftChild;
// } else {
// node.parent!.left = leftChild;
// }
// leftChild!.right = node;
// node.parent = leftChild;
// }
// protected _isNodeRed(node: N | null | undefined): boolean {
// return node ? node.color === RBColor.RED : false;
// }
// // Find the sibling node
// protected _findSibling(node: N): N | null | undefined {
// if (!node.parent) {
// return undefined;
// }
// return node === node.parent.left ? node.parent.right : node.parent.left;
// }
// // Remove a node
// protected _removeNode(node: N, replacement: N | null | undefined): void {
// if (node === this.root && !replacement) {
// // If there's only the root node and no replacement, simply delete the root node
// this._setRoot(null);
// } else if (node === this.root || this._isNodeRed(node)) {
// // If the node is the root or a red node, delete it directly
// if (node.parent!.left === node) {
// node.parent!.left = replacement;
// } else {
// node.parent!.right = replacement;
// }
// if (replacement) {
// replacement.parent = node.parent!;
// replacement.color = RBColor.BLACK; // Set the replacement node's color to black
// }
// } else {
// // If the node is a black node, perform removal and repair
// const sibling = this._findSibling(node);
// if (node.parent!.left === node) {
// node.parent!.left = replacement;
// } else {
// node.parent!.right = replacement;
// }
// if (replacement) {
// replacement.parent = node.parent;
// }
// if (!this._isNodeRed(sibling)) {
// // If the sibling node is black, perform repair
// this._fixDeleteViolation(replacement || node);
// }
// }
// if (node.parent) {
// node.parent = null;
// }
// node.left = null;
// node.right = null;
// }
// override delete(keyOrNode: BTNKey | N): BinaryTreeDeletedResult<N>[] {
// const node = this.get(keyOrNode);
// const result: BinaryTreeDeletedResult<N>[] = [{deleted: undefined, needBalanced: null}];
// if (!node) return result; // Node does not exist
// const replacement = this._getReplacementNode(node);
// const isRed = this._isNodeRed(node);
// const isRedReplacement = this._isNodeRed(replacement);
// // Remove the node
// this._removeNode(node, replacement);
// if (isRed || isRedReplacement) {
// // If the removed node is red or the replacement node is red, no repair is needed
// return result;
// }
// // Repair any violation introduced by the removal
// this._fixDeleteViolation(replacement);
// return result;
// }
// // Repair operation after node deletion
// protected _fixDeleteViolation(node: N | null | undefined) {
// let sibling;
// while (node && node !== this.root && !this._isNodeRed(node)) {
// if (node === node.parent!.left) {
// sibling = node.parent!.right;
// if (sibling && this._isNodeRed(sibling)) {
// // Case 1: The sibling node is red
// sibling.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// node.parent!.color = RBColor.RED;
// this._rotateLeft(node.parent!);
// sibling = node.parent!.right;
// }
// if (!sibling) return;
// if (
// (!sibling.left || sibling.left.color === RBColor.BLACK) &&
// (!sibling.right || sibling.right.color === RBColor.BLACK)
// ) {
// // Case 2: The sibling node and its children are all black
// sibling.color = RBColor.RED;
// node = node.parent!;
// } else {
// if (!(sibling.right && this._isNodeRed(sibling.right))) {
// // Case 3: The sibling node is black, and the left child is red, the right child is black
// sibling.left!.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// sibling.color = RBColor.RED;
// this._rotateRight(sibling);
// sibling = node.parent!.right;
// }
// // Case 4: The sibling node is black, and the right child is red
// if (sibling) {
// sibling.color = node.parent!.color;
// }
// if (node.parent) {
// node.parent.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// }
// if (sibling!.right) {
// sibling!.right.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// }
// this._rotateLeft(node.parent!);
// node = this.root;
// }
// } else {
// // Symmetric case: The parent is the right child of the grandparent
// sibling = node.parent!.left;
// if (sibling && this._isNodeRed(sibling)) {
// // Case 1: The sibling node is red
// sibling.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// node.parent!.color = RBColor.RED;
// this._rotateRight(node.parent!);
// sibling = node.parent!.left;
// }
// if (!sibling) return;
// if (
// (!sibling.left || sibling.left.color === RBColor.BLACK) &&
// (!sibling.right || sibling.right.color === RBColor.BLACK)
// ) {
// // Case 2: The sibling node and its children are all black
// sibling.color = RBColor.RED;
// node = node.parent!;
// } else {
// if (!(sibling.left && this._isNodeRed(sibling.left))) {
// // Case 3: The sibling node is black, and the right child is red, the left child is black
// sibling.right!.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// sibling.color = RBColor.RED;
// this._rotateLeft(sibling);
// sibling = node.parent!.left;
// }
// // Case 4: The sibling node is black, and the left child is red
// if (sibling) {
// sibling.color = node.parent!.color;
// }
// if (node.parent) {
// node.parent.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// }
// if (sibling!.left) {
// sibling!.left.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// }
// this._rotateRight(node.parent!);
// node = this.root;
// }
// }
// }
// if (node) {
// node.color = RBColor.BLACK;
// }
// }
// protected _findMin(node: N): N {
// while (node.left) {
// node = node.left;
// }
// return node;
// }
// // Get the replacement node
// protected _getReplacementNode(node: N): N | null | undefined {
// if (node.left && node.right) {
// return this._findSuccessor(node);
// }
// if (!node.left && !node.right) {
// return null; // Return a fake node with color black
// }
// return node.left || node.right;
// }
// // Find the successor node
// protected _findSuccessor(node: N): N | null | undefined {
// if (node.right) {
// // If the node has a right child, find the minimum node in the right subtree as the successor
// return this._findMin(node.right);
// }
// // Otherwise, traverse upward until finding the first parent whose left child is the current node
// let parent = node.parent;
// while (parent && node === parent.right) {
// node = parent;
// parent = parent.parent;
// }
// return parent;
// }
protected _NIL: RBTreeNode;
get NIL(): RBTreeNode {
return this._NIL;
* The `insert` function inserts a new node with a given key into a red-black tree and fixes any
* violations of the red-black tree properties.
* @param {number} key - The key parameter is a number that represents the value to be inserted into
* the RBTree.
* @returns The function does not explicitly return anything.
insert(key: number): void {
const node: RBTreeNode = new RBTreeNode();
node.parent = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
node.key = key;
node.left = this.NIL;
node.right = this.NIL;
node.color = RBTNColor.RED;
let y: RBTreeNode = null as unknown as RBTreeNode;
let x: RBTreeNode = this.root;
while (x !== this.NIL) {
y = x;
if (node.key < x.key) {
x = x.left;
} else {
x = x.right;
node.parent = y;
if (y === null) {
this._root = node;
} else if (node.key < y.key) {
y.left = node;
} else {
y.right = node;
if (node.parent === null) {
node.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
if (node.parent.parent === null) {
* The `delete` function in TypeScript is used to remove a node with a specific key from a red-black
* tree.
* @param {RBTreeNode} node - The `node` parameter is of type `RBTreeNode` and represents the current
* node being processed in the delete operation.
* @returns The `delete` function does not return anything. It has a return type of `void`.
delete(key: number): void {
const helper = (node: RBTreeNode): void => {
let z: RBTreeNode = this.NIL;
let x: RBTreeNode, y: RBTreeNode;
while (node !== this.NIL) {
if (node.key === key) {
z = node;
if (node.key <= key) {
node = node.right;
} else {
node = node.left;
if (z === this.NIL) {
console.log("Couldn't find key in the tree");
y = z;
let yOriginalColor: number = y.color;
if (z.left === this.NIL) {
x = z.right;
this._rbTransplant(z, z.right);
} else if (z.right === this.NIL) {
x = z.left;
this._rbTransplant(z, z.left);
} else {
y = this.getLeftMost(z.right);
yOriginalColor = y.color;
x = y.right;
if (y.parent === z) {
x.parent = y;
} else {
this._rbTransplant(y, y.right);
y.right = z.right;
y.right.parent = y;
this._rbTransplant(z, y);
y.left = z.left;
y.left.parent = y;
y.color = z.color;
if (yOriginalColor === 0) {
* The function `getNode` is a recursive depth-first search algorithm that searches for a node with a
* given key in a red-black tree.
* @param {number} key - The key parameter is a number that represents the value we are searching for
* in the RBTree.
* @param beginRoot - The `beginRoot` parameter is an optional parameter that represents the starting
* point for the search in the binary search tree. If no value is provided for `beginRoot`, it
* defaults to the root of the binary search tree (`this.root`).
* @returns a RBTreeNode.
getNode(key: number, beginRoot = this.root): RBTreeNode {
const dfs = (node: RBTreeNode): RBTreeNode => {
if (node === this.NIL || key === node.key) {
return node;
if (key < node.key) {
return dfs(node.left);
return dfs(node.right);
return dfs(beginRoot);
* The function returns the leftmost node in a red-black tree.
* @param {RBTreeNode} node - The parameter "node" is of type RBTreeNode, which represents a node in
* a Red-Black Tree.
* @returns The leftmost node in the given RBTreeNode.
getLeftMost(node: RBTreeNode): RBTreeNode {
while (node.left !== null && node.left !== this.NIL) {
node = node.left;
return node;
* The function returns the rightmost node in a red-black tree.
* @param {RBTreeNode} node - The parameter "node" is of type RBTreeNode.
* @returns the rightmost node in a red-black tree.
getRightMost(node: RBTreeNode): RBTreeNode {
while (node.right !== null && node.right !== this.NIL) {
node = node.right;
return node;
* The function returns the successor of a given node in a red-black tree.
* @param {RBTreeNode} x - RBTreeNode - The node for which we want to find the successor.
* @returns the successor of the given RBTreeNode.
getSuccessor(x: RBTreeNode): RBTreeNode {
if (x.right !== this.NIL) {
return this.getLeftMost(x.right);
let y: RBTreeNode = x.parent;
while (y !== this.NIL && y !== null && x === y.right) {
x = y;
y = y.parent;
return y;
* The function returns the predecessor of a given node in a red-black tree.
* @param {RBTreeNode} x - The parameter `x` is of type `RBTreeNode`, which represents a node in a
* Red-Black Tree.
* @returns the predecessor of the given RBTreeNode 'x'.
getPredecessor(x: RBTreeNode): RBTreeNode {
if (x.left !== this.NIL) {
return this.getRightMost(x.left);
let y: RBTreeNode = x.parent;
while (y !== this.NIL && x === y.left) {
x = y;
y = y.parent;
return y;
* The function performs a left rotation on a red-black tree node.
* @param {RBTreeNode} x - The parameter `x` is a RBTreeNode object.
protected _leftRotate(x: RBTreeNode): void {
const y: RBTreeNode = x.right;
x.right = y.left;
if (y.left !== this.NIL) {
y.left.parent = x;
y.parent = x.parent;
if (x.parent === null) {
this._root = y;
} else if (x === x.parent.left) {
x.parent.left = y;
} else {
x.parent.right = y;
y.left = x;
x.parent = y;
* The function performs a right rotation on a red-black tree node.
* @param {RBTreeNode} x - x is a RBTreeNode, which represents the node that needs to be right
* rotated.
protected _rightRotate(x: RBTreeNode): void {
const y: RBTreeNode = x.left;
x.left = y.right;
if (y.right !== this.NIL) {
y.right.parent = x;
y.parent = x.parent;
if (x.parent === null) {
this._root = y;
} else if (x === x.parent.right) {
x.parent.right = y;
} else {
x.parent.left = y;
y.right = x;
x.parent = y;
* The fixDelete function is used to rebalance the Red-Black Tree after a node deletion.
* @param {RBTreeNode} x - The parameter `x` is of type `RBTreeNode`, which represents a node in a
* red-black tree.
protected fixDelete(x: RBTreeNode): void {
let s: RBTreeNode;
while (x !== this.root && x.color === 0) {
if (x === x.parent.left) {
s = x.parent.right;
if (s.color === 1) {
s.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
x.parent.color = RBTNColor.RED;
s = x.parent.right;
if (s.left.color === 0 && s.right.color === 0) {
s.color = RBTNColor.RED;
x = x.parent;
} else {
if (s.right.color === 0) {
s.left.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
s.color = RBTNColor.RED;
s = x.parent.right;
s.color = x.parent.color;
x.parent.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
s.right.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
x = this.root;
} else {
s = x.parent.left;
if (s.color === 1) {
s.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
x.parent.color = RBTNColor.RED;
s = x.parent.left;
if (s.right.color === 0 && s.right.color === 0) {
s.color = RBTNColor.RED;
x = x.parent;
} else {
if (s.left.color === 0) {
s.right.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
s.color = RBTNColor.RED;
s = x.parent.left;
s.color = x.parent.color;
x.parent.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
s.left.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
x = this.root;
x.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
* The function `_rbTransplant` replaces one node in a red-black tree with another node.
* @param {RBTreeNode} u - The parameter "u" represents a RBTreeNode object.
* @param {RBTreeNode} v - The parameter "v" is a RBTreeNode object.
protected _rbTransplant(u: RBTreeNode, v: RBTreeNode): void {
if (u.parent === null) {
this._root = v;
} else if (u === u.parent.left) {
u.parent.left = v;
} else {
u.parent.right = v;
v.parent = u.parent;
* The `_fixInsert` function is used to fix the red-black tree after an insertion operation.
* @param {RBTreeNode} k - The parameter `k` is a RBTreeNode object, which represents a node in a
* red-black tree.
protected _fixInsert(k: RBTreeNode): void {
let u: RBTreeNode;
while (k.parent.color === 1) {
if (k.parent === k.parent.parent.right) {
u = k.parent.parent.left;
if (u.color === 1) {
u.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
k.parent.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
k.parent.parent.color = RBTNColor.RED;
k = k.parent.parent;
} else {
if (k === k.parent.left) {
k = k.parent;
k.parent.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
k.parent.parent.color = RBTNColor.RED;
} else {
u = k.parent.parent.right;
if (u.color === 1) {
u.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
k.parent.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
k.parent.parent.color = RBTNColor.RED;
k = k.parent.parent;
} else {
if (k === k.parent.right) {
k = k.parent;
k.parent.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
k.parent.parent.color = RBTNColor.RED;
if (k === this.root) {
this.root.color = RBTNColor.BLACK;
@ -1,109 +1,136 @@
import {RBTree, RBTreeNode} from '../../../../src';
import { RedBlackTree, RBTreeNode } from '../../../../src';
describe('RBTreeNode', () => {
it('should create an instance of RBTreeNode', () => {
const node = new RBTreeNode<number>(1);
it('should set and get the ID correctly', () => {
const node = new RBTreeNode<number>(1);
node.key = 2;
it('should set and get the value correctly', () => {
const node: RBTreeNode<number> = new RBTreeNode<number>(1, 42);
node.value = 55;
it('should set and get the left child correctly', () => {
const node1 = new RBTreeNode<number>(1);
const node2 = new RBTreeNode<number>(2);
node1.left = node2;
it('should set and get the right child correctly', () => {
const node1 = new RBTreeNode<number>(1);
const node2 = new RBTreeNode<number>(2);
node1.right = node2;
it('should set and get the parent correctly', () => {
const node1 = new RBTreeNode<number>(1);
const node2 = new RBTreeNode<number>(2);
node1.left = node2;
it('should determine family position correctly', () => {
const root = new RBTreeNode<number>(1);
const leftChild = new RBTreeNode<number>(2);
const rightChild = new RBTreeNode<number>(3);
root.left = leftChild;
root.right = rightChild;
describe('Red-Black Tree Tests', () => {
let tree: RBTree<RBTreeNode<number>>;
describe('RedBlackTree', () => {
let tree: RedBlackTree;
beforeEach(() => {
tree = new RBTree<RBTreeNode<number>>();
tree = new RedBlackTree();
test('Insertion and In-order Traverse', () => {
// tree.add(3);
// tree.add(7);
// tree.add(2);
// tree.add(4);
// tree.add(6);
// tree.add(8);
// const inOrderTraverse: number[] = tree.DFS('in')
// expect(inOrderTraverse).toEqual([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
describe('insert and getNode', () => {
test('should insert and find a node in the tree', () => {
test('should insert and find nodes with negative keys', () => {
test('Deletion', () => {
// tree.add(5);
// tree.add(3);
// tree.add(7);
// tree.add(2);
// tree.add(4);
// tree.add(6);
// tree.add(8);
// // Delete a node (e.g., 3) and check if it's gone
// tree.delete(3);
// expect(tree.has(3)).toBe(false);
// // Perform in-order traversal to check if the tree is still balanced
// const inOrderTraverse: number[] = tree.DFS('in');
// expect(inOrderTraverse).toEqual([2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
describe('deleteNode', () => {
test('should delete a node from the tree', () => {
test('should handle deleting a non-existent node', () => {
describe('minimum', () => {
test('should find the minimum node in the tree', () => {
const minNode = tree.getLeftMost(tree.root);
test('should handle an empty tree', () => {
const minNode = tree.getLeftMost(tree.root);
describe('getRightMost', () => {
test('should find the getRightMost node in the tree', () => {
const maxNode = tree.getRightMost(tree.root);
test('should handle an empty tree', () => {
const maxNode = tree.getRightMost(tree.root);
describe('getSuccessor', () => {
test('should find the getSuccessor of a node', () => {
const node = tree.getNode(15);
const successorNode = tree.getSuccessor(node);
test('should handle a node with no getSuccessor', () => {
const node = tree.getNode(10);
const successorNode = tree.getSuccessor(node);
// TODO not sure if it should be null or tree.NIL
describe('getPredecessor', () => {
test('should find the getPredecessor of a node', () => {
const node = tree.getNode(20);
const predecessorNode = tree.getPredecessor(node);
test('should handle a node with no getPredecessor', () => {
const node = tree.getNode(20);
const predecessorNode = tree.getPredecessor(node);
// TODO not sure if it should be tree.NIL or something else.
Reference in a new issue