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# Data Structure Typed
# data-structure-typed
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<p><a href="">English</a> | <a href="">简体中文</a></p>
Data Structures of Javascript & TypeScript.
Do you envy C++ with [STL]() (std::), Python with [collections](), and Java with [java.util]() ? Well, no need to envy

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# data-structure-typed
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是否羡慕C++ [STL]() (std::)、Python的 [collections]() 和Java的 [java.util]()
不再需要羡慕了JavaScript和TypeScript现在拥有 [data-structure-typed]()。
**`基准测试`** 与C++ STL相比。**`API 标准`** 与ES6和Java对齐。**`易用性`** 可与Python媲美。
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## 安装和使用
现在你可以在 Node.js 和浏览器环境中使用它
CommonJS**`require export.modules =`**
ESModule&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**`import export`**
Typescript&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**`import export`**
UMD&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**`var Deque = dataStructureTyped.Deque`**
### npm
npm i data-structure-typed --save
### yarn
yarn add data-structure-typed
import {
BinaryTree, Graph, Queue, Stack, PriorityQueue, BST, Trie, DoublyLinkedList,
AVLTree, MinHeap, SinglyLinkedList, DirectedGraph, TreeMultimap,
DirectedVertex, AVLTreeNode
} from 'data-structure-typed';
### CDN
将下面的代码复制到 HTML 文档的头标签中。
#### 开发环境
<script src=''></script>
#### 生产环境
<script src=''></script>
将下面的代码复制到你的 HTML 的 script 标签中,你就可以开始你的开发了。
const {Heap} = dataStructureTyped;
const {
BinaryTree, Graph, Queue, Stack, PriorityQueue, BST, Trie, DoublyLinkedList,
AVLTree, MinHeap, SinglyLinkedList, DirectedGraph, TreeMultimap,
DirectedVertex, AVLTreeNode
} = dataStructureTyped;
## 生动示例
### Binary Tree二叉树
[试一下](,或者你可以使用我们的可视化工具运行自己的代码 [visual tool](
### Binary Tree DFS (二叉搜索树深度遍历)
### AVL TreeAVL树
### Tree Multi Map
### Matrix
### 有向图
### 地图
## 代码片段
### 二叉搜索树 (BST) 代码示例
#### TS
import {BST, BSTNode} from 'data-structure-typed';
const bst = new BST<number>();
bst.addMany([15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5]);
bst.size === 16; // true
bst.has(6); // true
const node6 = bst.getNode(6); // BSTNode
bst.getHeight(6) === 2; // true
bst.getHeight() === 5; // true
bst.getDepth(6) === 3; // true
bst.getLeftMost()?.key === 1; // true
bst.get(6); // undefined
bst.isAVLBalanced(); // true
bst.bfs()[0] === 11; // true
// ______________11_____
// / \
// ___3_______ _13_____
// / \ / \
// 1_ _____8____ 12 _15__
// \ / \ / \
// 2 4_ _10 14 16
// \ /
// 5_ 9
// \
// 7
const objBST = new BST<number, {height: number, age: number}>();
objBST.add(11, { "name": "Pablo", "age": 15 });
objBST.add(3, { "name": "Kirk", "age": 1 });
objBST.addMany([15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5], [
{ "name": "Alice", "age": 15 },
{ "name": "Bob", "age": 1 },
{ "name": "Charlie", "age": 8 },
{ "name": "David", "age": 13 },
{ "name": "Emma", "age": 16 },
{ "name": "Frank", "age": 2 },
{ "name": "Grace", "age": 6 },
{ "name": "Hannah", "age": 9 },
{ "name": "Isaac", "age": 12 },
{ "name": "Jack", "age": 14 },
{ "name": "Katie", "age": 4 },
{ "name": "Liam", "age": 7 },
{ "name": "Mia", "age": 10 },
{ "name": "Noah", "age": 5 }
#### JS
const {BST, BSTNode} = require('data-structure-typed');
const bst = new BST();
bst.addMany([15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5]);
bst.size === 16; // true
bst.has(6); // true
const node6 = bst.getNode(6);
bst.getHeight(6) === 2; // true
bst.getHeight() === 5; // true
bst.getDepth(6) === 3; // true
const leftMost = bst.getLeftMost();
leftMost?.key === 1; // true
bst.get(6); // undefined
bst.isAVLBalanced(); // true or false
const bfsIDs = bst.bfs();
bfsIDs[0] === 11; // true
### AVL树 代码示例
import {AVLTree} from 'data-structure-typed';
const avlTree = new AVLTree<number>();
avlTree.addMany([11, 3, 15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5])
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
avlTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
### 红黑树 代码示例
import {RedBlackTree} from 'data-structure-typed';
const rbTree = new RedBlackTree<number>();
rbTree.addMany([11, 3, 15, 1, 8, 13, 16, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 4, 7, 10, 5])
rbTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
rbTree.isAVLBalanced(); // true
// ___6________
// / \
// ___4_ ___11________
// / \ / \
// _2_ 5 _8_ ____14__
// / \ / \ / \
// 1 3 7 9 12__ 15__
// \ \
// 13 16
### 有向图代码示例
import {DirectedGraph} from 'data-structure-typed';
const graph = new DirectedGraph<string>();
graph.hasVertex('A'); // true
graph.hasVertex('B'); // true
graph.hasVertex('C'); // false
graph.addEdge('A', 'B');
graph.hasEdge('A', 'B'); // true
graph.hasEdge('B', 'A'); // false
graph.deleteEdgeSrcToDest('A', 'B');
graph.hasEdge('A', 'B'); // false
graph.addEdge('A', 'B');
graph.addEdge('B', 'C');
const topologicalOrderKeys = graph.topologicalSort(); // ['A', 'B', 'C']
### 无向图代码示例
import {UndirectedGraph} from 'data-structure-typed';
const graph = new UndirectedGraph<string>();
graph.addEdge('A', 'B');
graph.addEdge('B', 'D');
const dijkstraResult = graph.dijkstra('A');
Array.from(dijkstraResult?.seen ?? []).map(vertex => vertex.key) // ['A', 'B', 'D']
### 不同数据结构之间互相转换
const orgArr = [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8];
const orgStrArr = ["trie", "trial", "trick", "trip", "tree", "trend", "triangle", "track", "trace", "transmit"];
const entries = [[6, 6], [1, 1], [2, 2], [7, 7], [5, 5], [3, 3], [4, 4], [9, 9], [8, 8]];
const queue = new Queue(orgArr);
// [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const deque = new Deque(orgArr);
// [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const sList = new SinglyLinkedList(orgArr);
// [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const dList = new DoublyLinkedList(orgArr);
// [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const stack = new Stack(orgArr);
// [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const minHeap = new MinHeap(orgArr);
// [1, 5, 2, 7, 6, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const maxPQ = new MaxPriorityQueue(orgArr);
// [9, 8, 4, 7, 5, 2, 3, 1, 6]
const biTree = new BinaryTree(entries);
// ___6___
// / \
// ___1_ _2_
// / \ / \
// _7_ 5 3 4
// / \
// 9 8
const bst = new BST(entries);
// _____5___
// / \
// _2_ _7_
// / \ / \
// 1 3_ 6 8_
// \ \
// 4 9
const rbTree = new RedBlackTree(entries);
// ___4___
// / \
// _2_ _6___
// / \ / \
// 1 3 5 _8_
// / \
// 7 9
const avl = new AVLTree(entries);
// ___4___
// / \
// _2_ _6___
// / \ / \
// 1 3 5 _8_
// / \
// 7 9
const treeMulti = new TreeMultimap(entries);
// ___4___
// / \
// _2_ _6___
// / \ / \
// 1 3 5 _8_
// / \
// 7 9
const hm = new HashMap(entries);
// [[6, 6], [1, 1], [2, 2], [7, 7], [5, 5], [3, 3], [4, 4], [9, 9], [8, 8]]
const rbTreeH = new RedBlackTree(hm);
// ___4___
// / \
// _2_ _6___
// / \ / \
// 1 3 5 _8_
// / \
// 7 9
const pq = new MinPriorityQueue(orgArr);
// [1, 5, 2, 7, 6, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const bst1 = new BST(pq);
// _____5___
// / \
// _2_ _7_
// / \ / \
// 1 3_ 6 8_
// \ \
// 4 9
const dq1 = new Deque(orgArr);
// [6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 9, 8]
const rbTree1 = new RedBlackTree(dq1);
// _____5___
// / \
// _2___ _7___
// / \ / \
// 1 _4 6 _9
// / /
// 3 8
const trie2 = new Trie(orgStrArr);
// ['trie', 'trial', 'triangle', 'trick', 'trip', 'tree', 'trend', 'track', 'trace', 'transmit']
const heap2 = new Heap(trie2, { comparator: (a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b) });
// ['transmit', 'trace', 'tree', 'trend', 'track', 'trial', 'trip', 'trie', 'trick', 'triangle']
const dq2 = new Deque(heap2);
// ['transmit', 'trace', 'tree', 'trend', 'track', 'trial', 'trip', 'trie', 'trick', 'triangle']
const entries2 =, i) => [i, el]);
const avl2 = new AVLTree(entries2);
// ___3_______
// / \
// _1_ ___7_
// / \ / \
// 0 2 _5_ 8_
// / \ \
// 4 6 9
## API 文档 & 演示
[API 文档](
<a href="" target="_blank">演示项目代码仓库</a>
## 包含的数据结构
<table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;">
<th>Data Structure</th>
<th>Unit Test</th>
<th>Performance Test</th>
<th>API Docs</th>
<td>Binary Tree</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Binary Search Tree (BST)</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>AVL Tree</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Red Black Tree</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Tree Multimap</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Priority Queue</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Max Priority Queue</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Min Priority Queue</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Directed Graph</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Undirected Graph</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Hash Map</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Linked List</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Singly Linked List</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Doubly Linked List</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Segment Tree</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
<td>Binary Indexed Tree</td>
<td><img src="" alt=""></td>
<td><a href=""><span>View</span></a></td>
## 不同编程语言中的数据结构对应关系
<table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;">
<th>Data Structure Typed</th>
<th>C++ STL</th>
<th>Python collections</th>
<td>HashMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>unordered_map&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>HashMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>BinaryTree&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>BST&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>RedBlackTree&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>map&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>TreeMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>TreeMultimap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>multimap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>DirectedGraph&lt;V, E&gt;</td>
<td>UndirectedGraph&lt;V, E&gt;</td>
<td>LinkedHashMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>LinkedHashMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
<td>unordered_multimap&lt;K, V&gt;</td>
## 基准测试
[//]: # (No deletion!!! Start of Replace Section)
<div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>avl-tree</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>10,000 add randomly</td><td>72.48</td><td>13.80</td><td>0.03</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 add & delete randomly</td><td>144.14</td><td>6.94</td><td>0.03</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 addMany</td><td>69.71</td><td>14.35</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 get</td><td>54.21</td><td>18.45</td><td>0.01</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>binary-tree</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000 add randomly</td><td>15.84</td><td>63.14</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 add & delete randomly</td><td>24.62</td><td>40.62</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 addMany</td><td>17.85</td><td>56.01</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 get</td><td>20.83</td><td>48.00</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 has</td><td>20.78</td><td>48.13</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 dfs</td><td>186.06</td><td>5.37</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 bfs</td><td>66.58</td><td>15.02</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 morris</td><td>298.23</td><td>3.35</td><td>0.02</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>bst</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>10,000 add randomly</td><td>55.04</td><td>18.17</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 add & delete randomly</td><td>129.85</td><td>7.70</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 addMany</td><td>50.40</td><td>19.84</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 get</td><td>63.39</td><td>15.78</td><td>0.01</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>rb-tree</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>100,000 add</td><td>113.25</td><td>8.83</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>100,000 add & delete randomly</td><td>305.28</td><td>3.28</td><td>0.03</td></tr><tr><td>100,000 getNode</td><td>73.20</td><td>13.66</td><td>0.03</td></tr><tr><td>100,000 add & iterator</td><td>159.80</td><td>6.26</td><td>0.06</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>comparison</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>SRC PQ 10,000 add</td><td>0.17</td><td>5872.02</td><td>4.08e-5</td></tr><tr><td>CJS PQ 10,000 add</td><td>0.20</td><td>4961.22</td><td>1.14e-4</td></tr><tr><td>MJS PQ 10,000 add</td><td>0.74</td><td>1351.47</td><td>2.98e-4</td></tr><tr><td>SRC PQ 10,000 add & pop</td><td>4.62</td><td>216.49</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>CJS PQ 10,000 add & pop</td><td>4.36</td><td>229.40</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>MJS PQ 10,000 add & pop</td><td>3.92</td><td>255.23</td><td>0.00</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>directed-graph</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000 addVertex</td><td>0.12</td><td>8557.70</td><td>2.46e-5</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 addEdge</td><td>7.37</td><td>135.70</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 getVertex</td><td>0.05</td><td>1.91e+4</td><td>1.12e-5</td></tr><tr><td>1,000 getEdge</td><td>22.75</td><td>43.96</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>tarjan</td><td>196.98</td><td>5.08</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>tarjan all</td><td>217.25</td><td>4.60</td><td>0.03</td></tr><tr><td>topologicalSort</td><td>177.30</td><td>5.64</td><td>0.02</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>hash-map</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 set</td><td>153.74</td><td>6.50</td><td>0.07</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 Map set</td><td>330.02</td><td>3.03</td><td>0.16</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 Set add</td><td>258.64</td><td>3.87</td><td>0.06</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 set & get</td><td>138.80</td><td>7.20</td><td>0.06</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 Map set & get</td><td>352.63</td><td>2.84</td><td>0.05</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 Set add & has</td><td>217.97</td><td>4.59</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 ObjKey set & get</td><td>414.87</td><td>2.41</td><td>0.06</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 Map ObjKey set & get</td><td>389.17</td><td>2.57</td><td>0.07</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 Set ObjKey add & has</td><td>352.67</td><td>2.84</td><td>0.03</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>heap</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>100,000 add & pop</td><td>90.67</td><td>11.03</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>100,000 add & dfs</td><td>40.30</td><td>24.81</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 fib add & pop</td><td>414.94</td><td>2.41</td><td>0.02</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>doubly-linked-list</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push</td><td>290.62</td><td>3.44</td><td>0.10</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 unshift</td><td>253.88</td><td>3.94</td><td>0.10</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 unshift & shift</td><td>259.65</td><td>3.85</td><td>0.14</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 insertBefore</td><td>463.16</td><td>2.16</td><td>0.10</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>singly-linked-list</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push & shift</td><td>250.27</td><td>4.00</td><td>0.08</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 push & pop</td><td>261.13</td><td>3.83</td><td>0.03</td></tr><tr><td>10,000 insertBefore</td><td>282.46</td><td>3.54</td><td>0.02</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>max-priority-queue</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>10,000 refill & poll</td><td>10.49</td><td>95.29</td><td>0.00</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>priority-queue</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>100,000 add & pop</td><td>110.63</td><td>9.04</td><td>0.01</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>deque</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push</td><td>15.89</td><td>62.92</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push & pop</td><td>26.45</td><td>37.81</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push & shift</td><td>27.52</td><td>36.34</td><td>0.00</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 unshift & shift</td><td>28.82</td><td>34.70</td><td>0.01</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>queue</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push</td><td>51.21</td><td>19.53</td><td>0.02</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push & shift</td><td>105.56</td><td>9.47</td><td>0.05</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>stack</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push</td><td>43.57</td><td>22.95</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>1,000,000 push & pop</td><td>55.18</td><td>18.12</td><td>0.01</td></tr></table></div>
</div><div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix 0">
<div class='collapsible level0' ><span class='json-to-html-label'>trie</span></div>
<div class="content"><table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><th>test name</th><th>time taken (ms)</th><th>executions per sec</th><th>sample deviation</th></tr><tr><td>100,000 push</td><td>54.08</td><td>18.49</td><td>0.01</td></tr><tr><td>100,000 getWords</td><td>77.77</td><td>12.86</td><td>0.02</td></tr></table></div>
[//]: # (No deletion!!! End of Replace Section)
## 内建的经典算法
<table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;">
<td>递归 + 迭代</td>
<td>递归 + 迭代</td>
<td>递归 + 迭代</td>
## 软件工程标准
<table style="display: table; width:100%; table-layout: fixed;">

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "data-structure-typed",
"version": "1.48.6",
"description": "Data Structures of Javascript & TypeScript. Heap, Binary Tree, RedBlack Tree, Linked List, Deque, Trie, HashMap, Directed Graph, Undirected Graph, Binary Search Tree(BST), AVL Tree, Priority Queue, Graph, Queue, Tree Multiset, Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Max Heap, Max Priority Queue, Min Heap, Min Priority Queue, Stack.",
"description": "Data Structures of Javascript & TypeScript. Heap, Binary Tree, RedBlack Tree, Linked List, Deque, Trie, HashMap, Directed Graph, Undirected Graph, Binary Search Tree(BST), AVL Tree, Priority Queue, Graph, Queue, Tree Multiset, Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Max Heap, Max Priority Queue, Min Heap, Min Priority Queue, Stack. Benchmark compared with C++ STL. API aligned with ES6 and Java. Usability is comparable to Python",
"main": "dist/cjs/index.js",
"module": "dist/mjs/index.js",
"types": "dist/mjs/index.d.ts",

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { magnitude } from '../../../utils';
import { isCompetitor } from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const { LINEAR } = magnitude;
const { LINEAR, HUNDRED_THOUSAND } = magnitude;
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const queue = new Queue<number>();
@ -23,13 +23,36 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push & shift`, () => {
suite.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} push & shift`, () => {
const queue = new Queue<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < HUNDRED_THOUSAND; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < HUNDRED_THOUSAND; i++) {
suite.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} Array push & shift`, () => {
const arr = new Array<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < HUNDRED_THOUSAND; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < HUNDRED_THOUSAND; i++) {
.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} Array push & pop`, () => {
const arr = new Array<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < HUNDRED_THOUSAND; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < HUNDRED_THOUSAND; i++) {
export { suite };