style: Try to synchronize Prettier with the coding style of the IDE.

This commit is contained in:
Revone 2023-11-13 22:27:29 +08:00
parent 1064ad4a58
commit 8f1f6d6f52
59 changed files with 317 additions and 425 deletions

View file

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ module.exports = {
"brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }],
"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"]
"brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", {"allowSingleLine": true}],
"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "never"]
"settings": {
"import/parsers": {

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module.exports = {
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"bracketSpacing": true,
"bracketSpacing": false,
"htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
"insertPragma": false,
"bracketSameLine": true,
"bracketSameLine": false,
"jsxSingleQuote": true,
"printWidth": 120,
"proseWrap": "preserve",

View file

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ export class AVLTree<V = any, N extends AVLTreeNode<V, N> = AVLTreeNode<V, AVLTr
// Balance Restoration: If a balance issue is discovered after inserting a node, it requires balance restoration operations. Balance restoration includes four basic cases where rotation operations need to be performed to fix the balance:
switch (
this._balanceFactor(A) // second O(1)
) {
) {
case -2:
if (A && A.left) {
if (this._balanceFactor(A.left) <= 0) {

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export class BinaryIndexedTree {
* @param - - `frequency`: The default frequency value. It is optional and has a default
* value of 0.
constructor({frequency = 0, max}: { frequency?: number; max: number }) {
constructor({frequency = 0, max}: {frequency?: number; max: number}) {
this._freq = frequency;
this._max = max;
this._freqMap = {0: 0};

View file

@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ export class BinaryTreeNode<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTree
* Represents a binary tree data structure.
* @template N - The type of the binary tree's nodes.
export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode<V, BinaryTreeNodeNested<V>>>
implements IBinaryTree<V, N> {
export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode<V, BinaryTreeNodeNested<V>>> implements IBinaryTree<V, N> {
iterationType: IterationType = IterationType.ITERATIVE;
@ -301,7 +300,8 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
): BiTreeDeleteResult<N>[] {
const deletedResult: BiTreeDeleteResult<N>[] = [];
if (!this.root) return deletedResult;
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode) callback = (node => node) as C;
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode)
callback = (node => node) as C;
const curr = this.getNode(identifier, callback);
if (!curr) return deletedResult;
@ -330,14 +330,12 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
const parentOfLeftSubTreeMax = leftSubTreeRightMost.parent;
orgCurrent = this._swap(curr, leftSubTreeRightMost);
if (parentOfLeftSubTreeMax) {
if (parentOfLeftSubTreeMax.right === leftSubTreeRightMost)
parentOfLeftSubTreeMax.right = leftSubTreeRightMost.left;
if (parentOfLeftSubTreeMax.right === leftSubTreeRightMost) parentOfLeftSubTreeMax.right = leftSubTreeRightMost.left;
else parentOfLeftSubTreeMax.left = leftSubTreeRightMost.left;
needBalanced = parentOfLeftSubTreeMax;
this._size = this.size - 1;
@ -383,7 +381,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* Best Case - O(log n) (when using recursive iterationType), Worst Case - O(n) (when using iterative iterationType)
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(log n)
@ -412,7 +409,7 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
return _getMaxHeight(beginRoot);
} else {
const stack: { node: N; depth: number }[] = [{node: beginRoot, depth: 0}];
const stack: {node: N; depth: number}[] = [{node: beginRoot, depth: 0}];
let maxHeight = 0;
while (stack.length > 0) {
@ -539,7 +536,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* Space Complexity: O(log n).
* Time Complexity: O(n)
* Space Complexity: O(log n).
@ -572,7 +568,8 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
beginRoot: BTNKey | N | null | undefined = this.root,
iterationType = this.iterationType
): N[] {
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode) callback = (node => node) as C;
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode)
callback = (node => node) as C;
beginRoot = this.ensureNotKey(beginRoot);
if (!beginRoot) return [];
@ -660,7 +657,8 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
beginRoot: BTNKey | N | null | undefined = this.root,
iterationType = this.iterationType
): boolean {
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode) callback = (node => node) as C;
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode)
callback = (node => node) as C;
return this.getNodes(identifier, callback, true, beginRoot, iterationType).length > 0;
@ -718,7 +716,8 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
beginRoot: BTNKey | N | null | undefined = this.root,
iterationType = this.iterationType
): N | null | undefined {
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode) callback = (node => node) as C;
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode)
callback = (node => node) as C;
return this.getNodes(identifier, callback, true, beginRoot, iterationType)[0] ?? null;
@ -836,7 +835,8 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
beginRoot: BTNKey | N | null | undefined = this.root,
iterationType = this.iterationType
): V | undefined {
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode) callback = (node => node) as C;
if ((!callback || callback === this._defaultOneParamCallback) && (identifier as any) instanceof BinaryTreeNode)
callback = (node => node) as C;
return this.getNode(identifier, callback, beginRoot, iterationType)?.value ?? undefined;
@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* @param {any} node - The parameter `node` is of type `any`, which means it can be any data type.
* @returns a boolean value.
isNodeOrNull(node: any): node is (N | null) {
isNodeOrNull(node: any): node is N | null {
return this.isRealNode(node) || node === null;
@ -1238,7 +1238,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
iterationType: IterationType = IterationType.ITERATIVE,
includeNull = false
): ReturnType<C>[] {
beginRoot = this.ensureNotKey(beginRoot);
if (!beginRoot) return [];
const ans: ReturnType<C>[] = [];
@ -1285,7 +1284,7 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
} else {
// 0: visit, 1: print
const stack: { opt: 0 | 1; node: N | null | undefined }[] = [{opt: 0, node: beginRoot}];
const stack: {opt: 0 | 1; node: N | null | undefined}[] = [{opt: 0, node: beginRoot}];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const cur = stack.pop();
@ -1454,7 +1453,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
@ -1523,8 +1521,7 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
return levelsNodes;
getPredecessor(node: N): N
getPredecessor(node: N): N;
* The function `getPredecessor` returns the predecessor node of a given node in a binary tree.
@ -1549,7 +1546,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* The function `getSuccessor` returns the next node in a binary tree given a current node.
* @param {BTNKey | N | null} [x] - The parameter `x` can be of type `BTNKey`, `N`, or `null`.
@ -1681,7 +1677,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
return ans;
* The above function is an iterator for a binary tree that can be used to traverse the tree in
* either an iterative or recursive manner.
@ -1691,7 +1686,7 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
* @returns The `*[Symbol.iterator]` method returns a generator object that yields the keys of the
* binary tree nodes in a specific order.
* [Symbol.iterator](node = this.root): Generator<BTNKey, void, undefined> {
*[Symbol.iterator](node = this.root): Generator<BTNKey, void, undefined> {
if (!node) {
@ -1817,7 +1812,6 @@ export class BinaryTree<V = any, N extends BinaryTreeNode<V, N> = BinaryTreeNode
return destNode;
return undefined;

View file

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ export class BSTNode<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNodeNested<V>> extend
this._left = v;
protected override _right?: N;
@ -63,10 +62,7 @@ export class BSTNode<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNodeNested<V>> extend
export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>>
extends BinaryTree<V, N>
implements IBinaryTree<V, N> {
export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>> extends BinaryTree<V, N> implements IBinaryTree<V, N> {
* The constructor function initializes a binary search tree with an optional comparator function.
* @param {BSTOptions} [options] - An optional object that contains additional configuration options
@ -109,7 +105,6 @@ export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>
* Space Complexity: O(1) - Constant space is used.
* Time Complexity: O(log n) - Average case for a balanced tree. In the worst case (unbalanced tree), it can be O(n).
* Space Complexity: O(1) - Constant space is used.
@ -230,9 +225,7 @@ export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>
const inserted: (N | undefined)[] = [];
const combinedArr: [BTNKey | N, V][] =
(value: BTNKey | N, index) => [value, data?.[index]] as [BTNKey | N, V]
const combinedArr: [BTNKey | N, V][] = BTNKey | N, index) => [value, data?.[index]] as [BTNKey | N, V]);
let sorted = [];
@ -244,7 +237,7 @@ export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>
const _isBinaryTreeKeyOrNullTuple = (arr: [BTNKey | N, V][]): arr is [BTNKey, V][] => {
for (const [keyOrNode] of arr) if (this.isNodeKey(keyOrNode)) return true;
return false;
let sortedKeysOrNodes: (number | N | undefined)[] = [],
sortedData: (V | undefined)[] | undefined = [];
@ -580,7 +573,7 @@ export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>
if (l <= r) {
const m = l + Math.floor((r - l) / 2);
const midNode = sorted[m];
this.add(midNode.key, midNode.value);
stack.push([m + 1, r]);
stack.push([l, m - 1]);
@ -672,5 +665,4 @@ export class BST<V = any, N extends BSTNode<V, N> = BSTNode<V, BSTNodeNested<V>>
else if (compared < 0) return;
else return CP.eq;

View file

@ -6,18 +6,10 @@
* @license MIT License
import {
} from '../../types';
import {BST, BSTNode} from "./bst";
import {IBinaryTree} from "../../interfaces";
import {BinaryTreeNode} from "./binary-tree";
import {BiTreeDeleteResult, BTNCallback, BTNKey, IterationType, RBTNColor, RBTreeOptions, RedBlackTreeNodeNested} from '../../types';
import {BST, BSTNode} from './bst';
import {IBinaryTree} from '../../interfaces';
import {BinaryTreeNode} from './binary-tree';
export class RedBlackTreeNode<V = any, N extends RedBlackTreeNode<V, N> = RedBlackTreeNodeNested<V>> extends BSTNode<V, N> {
color: RBTNColor;
@ -38,7 +30,6 @@ export class RedBlackTreeNode<V = any, N extends RedBlackTreeNode<V, N> = RedBla
export class RedBlackTree<V = any, N extends RedBlackTreeNode<V, N> = RedBlackTreeNode<V, RedBlackTreeNodeNested<V>>>
extends BST<V, N>
implements IBinaryTree<V, N> {
NIL: N = new RedBlackTreeNode<V>(NaN) as unknown as N;

View file

@ -10,10 +10,7 @@ import {BiTreeDeleteResult, BTNCallback, CP, FamilyPosition, IterationType} from
import {IBinaryTree} from '../../interfaces';
import {AVLTree, AVLTreeNode} from './avl-tree';
export class TreeMultimapNode<
V = any,
N extends TreeMultimapNode<V, N> = TreeMultimapNodeNested<V>
> extends AVLTreeNode<V, N> {
export class TreeMultimapNode<V = any, N extends TreeMultimapNode<V, N> = TreeMultimapNodeNested<V>> extends AVLTreeNode<V, N> {
count: number;
@ -284,7 +281,8 @@ export class TreeMultimap<V = any, N extends TreeMultimapNode<V, N> = TreeMultim
if (!curr) return deletedResult;
const parent: N | undefined = curr?.parent ? curr.parent : undefined;
let needBalanced: N | undefined = undefined, orgCurrent: N | undefined = curr;
let needBalanced: N | undefined = undefined,
orgCurrent: N | undefined = curr;
if (curr.count > 1 && !ignoreCount) {
@ -418,4 +416,4 @@ export class TreeMultimap<V = any, N extends TreeMultimapNode<V, N> = TreeMultim
return undefined;

View file

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
return [];
const stack: { vertex: VO; path: VO[] }[] = [];
const stack: {vertex: VO; path: VO[]}[] = [];
stack.push({vertex: vertex1, path: [vertex1]});
while (stack.length > 0) {
@ -514,12 +514,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
* shortest paths from the source vertex to all other vertices in the graph. If `genPaths
* @returns The function `dijkstraWithoutHeap` returns an object of type `DijkstraResult<VO>`.
src: VO | VertexKey,
dest?: VO | VertexKey | null,
getMinDist?: boolean,
genPaths?: boolean
): DijkstraResult<VO> {
dijkstraWithoutHeap(src: VO | VertexKey, dest?: VO | VertexKey | null, getMinDist?: boolean, genPaths?: boolean): DijkstraResult<VO> {
if (getMinDist === undefined) getMinDist = false;
if (genPaths === undefined) genPaths = false;
@ -614,14 +609,14 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
getMinDist &&
distMap.forEach((d, v) => {
if (v !== srcVertex) {
if (d < minDist) {
minDist = d;
if (genPaths) minDest = v;
distMap.forEach((d, v) => {
if (v !== srcVertex) {
if (d < minDist) {
minDist = d;
if (genPaths) minDest = v;
genPaths && getPaths(minDest);
@ -662,12 +657,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
* shortest paths from the source vertex to all other vertices in the graph. If `genPaths
* @returns The function `dijkstra` returns an object of type `DijkstraResult<VO>`.
src: VO | VertexKey,
dest?: VO | VertexKey | null,
getMinDist?: boolean,
genPaths?: boolean
): DijkstraResult<VO> {
dijkstra(src: VO | VertexKey, dest?: VO | VertexKey | null, getMinDist?: boolean, genPaths?: boolean): DijkstraResult<VO> {
if (getMinDist === undefined) getMinDist = false;
if (genPaths === undefined) genPaths = false;
@ -691,7 +681,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
if (vertexOrKey instanceof AbstractVertex) distMap.set(vertexOrKey, Infinity);
const heap = new PriorityQueue<{ key: number; value: VO }>({comparator: (a, b) => a.key - b.key});
const heap = new PriorityQueue<{key: number; value: VO}>({comparator: (a, b) => a.key - b.key});
heap.add({key: 0, value: srcVertex});
distMap.set(srcVertex, 0);
@ -923,7 +913,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
* `predecessor` property is a 2D array of vertices (or `null`) representing the predecessor vertices in the shortest
* path between vertices in the
floydWarshall(): { costs: number[][]; predecessor: (VO | null)[][] } {
floydWarshall(): {costs: number[][]; predecessor: (VO | null)[][]} {
const idAndVertices = [...this._vertices];
const n = idAndVertices.length;
@ -992,12 +982,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractGraph<
* are arrays of vertices that form cycles within the SCCs.
* @returns The function `tarjan` returns an object with the following properties:
needCutVertexes: boolean = false,
needBridges: boolean = false,
needSCCs: boolean = true,
needCycles: boolean = false
) {
tarjan(needCutVertexes: boolean = false, needBridges: boolean = false, needSCCs: boolean = true, needCycles: boolean = false) {
// !! in undirected graph we will not let child visit parent when dfs
// !! articulation point(in dfs search tree not in graph): (cur !== root && cur.has(child)) && (low(child) >= dfn(cur)) || (cur === root && cur.children() >= 2)
// !! bridge: low(child) > dfn(cur)

View file

@ -45,12 +45,7 @@ export class DirectedEdge<E = any> extends AbstractEdge<E> {
export class DirectedGraph<
V = any,
E = any,
VO extends DirectedVertex<V> = DirectedVertex<V>,
EO extends DirectedEdge<E> = DirectedEdge<E>
export class DirectedGraph<V = any, E = any, VO extends DirectedVertex<V> = DirectedVertex<V>, EO extends DirectedEdge<E> = DirectedEdge<E>>
extends AbstractGraph<V, E, VO, EO>
implements IGraph<V, E, VO, EO> {
@ -590,4 +585,4 @@ export class DirectedGraph<
return false;

View file

@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ export class MapEdge<E = any> extends DirectedEdge<E> {
export class MapGraph<
V = any,
E = any,
VO extends MapVertex<V> = MapVertex<V>,
EO extends MapEdge<E> = MapEdge<E>
> extends DirectedGraph<V, E, VO, EO> {
export class MapGraph<V = any, E = any, VO extends MapVertex<V> = MapVertex<V>, EO extends MapEdge<E> = MapEdge<E>> extends DirectedGraph<
> {
* The constructor function initializes the origin and bottomRight properties of a MapGraphCoordinate object.
* @param {MapGraphCoordinate} origin - The `origin` parameter is a `MapGraphCoordinate` object that represents the

View file

@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ export class UndirectedEdge<E = number> extends AbstractEdge<E> {
export class UndirectedGraph<
V = any,
E = any,
VO extends UndirectedVertex<V> = UndirectedVertex<V>,
EO extends UndirectedEdge<E> = UndirectedEdge<E>
V = any,
E = any,
VO extends UndirectedVertex<V> = UndirectedVertex<V>,
EO extends UndirectedEdge<E> = UndirectedEdge<E>
extends AbstractGraph<V, E, VO, EO>
implements IGraph<V, E, VO, EO> {

View file

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ export class HashMap<K, V> {
* entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {
*entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {
for (const bucket of this.table) {
if (bucket) {
for (const [key, value] of bucket) {

View file

@ -1,2 +1 @@
export class TreeMap {
export class TreeMap {}

View file

@ -1,2 +1 @@
export class TreeSet {
export class TreeSet {}

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import type {Comparator, DFSOrderPattern} from '../../types';
export class Heap<E = any> {
constructor(options: { comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[] }) {
constructor(options: {comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[]}) {
this._comparator = options.comparator;
if (options.nodes && options.nodes.length > 0) {
this._nodes = options.nodes;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export class Heap<E = any> {
* @returns A new Heap instance.
* @param options
static heapify<E>(options: { nodes: E[]; comparator: Comparator<E> }): Heap<E> {
static heapify<E>(options: {nodes: E[]; comparator: Comparator<E>}): Heap<E> {
return new Heap<E>(options);
@ -445,7 +445,6 @@ export class FibonacciHeap<E> {
return this.push(element);
* Time Complexity: O(1)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
@ -473,7 +472,6 @@ export class FibonacciHeap<E> {
return this;
* Time Complexity: O(1)
* Space Complexity: O(1)
@ -743,10 +741,7 @@ export class FibonacciHeap<E> {
protected consolidate(): void {
const A: (FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined)[] = new Array(this.size);
const nodes = this.consumeLinkedList(this.root);
let x: FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined,
y: FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined,
d: number,
t: FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined;
let x: FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined, y: FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined, d: number, t: FibonacciHeapNode<E> | undefined;
for (const node of nodes) {
x = node;

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import type {Comparator} from '../../types';
export class MaxHeap<E = any> extends Heap<E> {
options: { comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[] } = {
options: {comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[]} = {
comparator: (a: E, b: E) => {
if (!(typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number')) {
throw new Error('The a, b params of compare function must be number');

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import type {Comparator} from '../../types';
export class MinHeap<E = any> extends Heap<E> {
options: { comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[] } = {
options: {comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[]} = {
comparator: (a: E, b: E) => {
if (!(typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number')) {
throw new Error('The a, b params of compare function must be number');

View file

@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ export class DoublyLinkedList<E = any> {
* The function returns an iterator that iterates over the values of a linked list.
* [Symbol.iterator]() {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
let current = this.head;
while (current) {

View file

@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ export class SinglyLinkedList<E = any> {
* The function returns an iterator that iterates over the values of a linked list.
* [Symbol.iterator]() {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
let current = this.head;
while (current) {

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export class MatrixNTI2D<V = any> {
* given initial value or 0 if not provided.
* @param options - An object containing the following properties:
constructor(options: { row: number; col: number; initialVal?: V }) {
constructor(options: {row: number; col: number; initialVal?: V}) {
const {row, col, initialVal} = options;
this._matrix = new Array(row).fill(undefined).map(() => new Array(col).fill(initialVal || 0));

View file

@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ export class Vector2D {
public x: number = 0,
public y: number = 0,
public w: number = 1 // needed for matrix multiplication
) {
) {}
* The function checks if the x and y values of a point are both zero.

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import type {Comparator} from '../../types';
export class MaxPriorityQueue<E = any> extends PriorityQueue<E> {
options: { comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[] } = {
options: {comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[]} = {
comparator: (a: E, b: E) => {
if (!(typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number')) {
throw new Error('The a, b params of compare function must be number');

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import type {Comparator} from '../../types';
export class MinPriorityQueue<E = any> extends PriorityQueue<E> {
options: { comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[] } = {
options: {comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[]} = {
comparator: (a: E, b: E) => {
if (!(typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number')) {
throw new Error('The a, b params of compare function must be number');

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {Heap} from '../heap';
import {Comparator} from '../../types';
export class PriorityQueue<E = any> extends Heap<E> {
constructor(options: { comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[] }) {
constructor(options: {comparator: Comparator<E>; nodes?: E[]}) {

View file

@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ import {DoublyLinkedList} from '../linked-list';
// O(n) time complexity of obtaining the value
// O(1) time complexity of adding at the beginning and the end
export class Deque<E = any> extends DoublyLinkedList<E> {
export class Deque<E = any> extends DoublyLinkedList<E> {}
// O(1) time complexity of obtaining the value
// O(n) time complexity of adding at the beginning and the end
@ -20,9 +19,9 @@ export class ObjectDeque<E = number> {
if (capacity !== undefined) this._capacity = capacity;
protected _nodes: { [key: number]: E } = {};
protected _nodes: {[key: number]: E} = {};
get nodes(): { [p: number]: E } {
get nodes(): {[p: number]: E} {
return this._nodes;

View file

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ export class Queue<E = any> {
return new Queue(this.nodes.slice(this.offset));
* [Symbol.iterator]() {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (const item of this.nodes) {
yield item;

View file

@ -342,4 +342,4 @@ export class Trie {
return str;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export type Direction = 'up' | 'right' | 'down' | 'left';
export type Turning = { [key in Direction]: Direction };
export type Turning = {[key in Direction]: Direction};
export type NavigatorParams<T = any> = {
matrix: T[][];

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export type ToThunkFn = () => ReturnType<TrlFn>;
export type Thunk = () => ReturnType<ToThunkFn> & { __THUNK__: symbol };
export type Thunk = () => ReturnType<ToThunkFn> & {__THUNK__: symbol};
export type TrlFn = (...args: any[]) => any;
export type TrlAsyncFn = (...args: any[]) => any;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export type KeyValueObject = { [key: string]: any };
export type KeyValueObject = {[key: string]: any};
export type KeyValueObjectWithKey = { [key: string]: any; key: string | number | symbol };
export type KeyValueObjectWithKey = {[key: string]: any; key: string | number | symbol};
export type NonNumberNonObjectButDefined = string | boolean | symbol | null;
@ -16,20 +16,6 @@ export type ObjectWithNumberKey = {
key: number;
export type RestrictValByKey =
| NonNumberNonObjectButDefined
| ObjectWithoutKey
| ObjectWithNonNumberKey
| ObjectWithNumberKey;
export type RestrictValByKey = NonNumberNonObjectButDefined | ObjectWithoutKey | ObjectWithNonNumberKey | ObjectWithNumberKey;
export type DummyAny =
| string
| number
| boolean
| null
| undefined
| object
| symbol
| void
| ((...args: []) => any)
| never;
export type DummyAny = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | object | symbol | void | ((...args: []) => any) | never;

View file

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ describe('Individual package BST operations test', () => {
it('should perform various operations on a Binary Search Tree with object values', () => {
const objBST = new BST<{ key: number; keyA: number }>();
const objBST = new BST<{key: number; keyA: number}>();
objBST.add(11, {key: 11, keyA: 11});
objBST.add(3, {key: 3, keyA: 3});

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {RedBlackTree} from '../../../../src';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {getRandomIntArray, magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {OrderedMap} from 'js-sdsl';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const rbTree = new RedBlackTree();
@ -10,32 +10,31 @@ const {HUNDRED_THOUSAND} = magnitude;
const arr = getRandomIntArray(HUNDRED_THOUSAND, 0, HUNDRED_THOUSAND, true);
const competitor = new OrderedMap<number, number>();
.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} add`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
suite.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} add`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} competitor add`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
competitor.setElement(arr[i], arr[i]);
suite.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} add & delete randomly`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} add & delete randomly`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
.add(`${HUNDRED_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} getNode`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

View file

@ -2,28 +2,26 @@ import {HashMap} from '../../../../src';
import {HashMap as CHashMap} from 'js-sdsl';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {TEN_THOUSAND} = magnitude;
.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} set`, () => {
const hm = new HashMap<number, number>();
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} set`, () => {
const hm = new HashMap<number, number>();
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
hm.set(i, i);
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
hm.set(i, i);
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} competitor set`, () => {
const hm = new CHashMap<number, number>();
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
hm.setElement(i, i);
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} set & get`, () => {
const hm = new HashMap<number, number>();
@ -34,8 +32,7 @@ suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} set & get`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} competitor set & get`, () => {
const hm = new CHashMap<number, number>();
@ -46,6 +43,6 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
export {suite};

View file

@ -2,19 +2,18 @@ import {DoublyLinkedList, DoublyLinkedListNode} from '../../../../src';
import {LinkList as CLinkedList} from 'js-sdsl';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {LINEAR} = magnitude;
.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} unshift`, () => {
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} unshift`, () => {
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} competitor unshift`, () => {
const list = new CLinkedList<number>();
@ -22,18 +21,19 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} unshift & shift`, () => {
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} unshift & shift`, () => {
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} insertBefore`, () => {
const doublyList = new DoublyLinkedList<number>();
let midNode: DoublyLinkedListNode | null = null;

View file

@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {TEN_THOUSAND} = magnitude;
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} refill & poll`, () => {
const nodes = Array.from(
new Set<number>(Array.from(new Array(TEN_THOUSAND), () => Math.floor(Math.random() * TEN_THOUSAND * 100)))
const nodes = Array.from(new Set<number>(Array.from(new Array(TEN_THOUSAND), () => Math.floor(Math.random() * TEN_THOUSAND * 100))));
const maxPQ = new MaxPriorityQueue<number>();
while (maxPQ.size > 0) {

View file

@ -2,23 +2,22 @@ import {PriorityQueue as CPriorityQueue} from 'js-sdsl';
import {PriorityQueue} from '../../../../src';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {TEN_THOUSAND} = magnitude;
.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} add & pop`, () => {
const pq = new PriorityQueue<number>({comparator: (a, b) => b - a});
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} add & pop`, () => {
const pq = new PriorityQueue<number>({comparator: (a, b) => b - a});
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < TEN_THOUSAND; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${TEN_THOUSAND.toLocaleString()} competitor add & pop`, () => {
const pq = new CPriorityQueue<number>();
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
export {suite};

View file

@ -2,25 +2,24 @@ import {Deque} from '../../../../src';
import {Deque as CDeque} from 'js-sdsl';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
export const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {LINEAR} = magnitude;
.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const deque = new Deque<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const deque = new Deque<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} competitor push`, () => {
const deque = new CDeque<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} shift`, () => {
const deque = new Deque<number>();

View file

@ -2,19 +2,18 @@ import {Queue} from '../../../../src';
import {Queue as CQueue} from 'js-sdsl';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {LINEAR} = magnitude;
.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const queue = new Queue<number>();
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const queue = new Queue<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} competitor push`, () => {
const queue = new CQueue<number>();
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push & shift`, () => {
const queue = new Queue<number>();

View file

@ -2,19 +2,18 @@ import {Stack} from '../../../../src';
import {Stack as CStack} from 'js-sdsl';
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
import {magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isCompetitor} from "../../../config";
import {isCompetitor} from '../../../config';
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite();
const {LINEAR} = magnitude;
.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const stack = new Stack<number>();
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push`, () => {
const stack = new Stack<number>();
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} competitor push`, () => {
const queue = new CStack<number>();
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push & pop`, () => {
const queue = new Stack<number>();
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} push & pop`, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
if (isCompetitor) {
suite.add(`${LINEAR.toLocaleString()} competitor push & pop`, () => {
const queue = new CStack<number>();
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ if (isCompetitor) {
for (let i = 0; i < LINEAR; i++) {
export {suite};

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const reportDistPath = path.join(parentDirectory, 'benchmark');
const testDir = path.join(__dirname, 'data-structures');
const testFiles = fastGlob.sync(path.join(testDir, '**', '*.test.ts'));
const report: { [key: string]: any } = {};
const report: {[key: string]: any} = {};
let completedCount = 0;
@ -173,9 +173,7 @@ performanceTests.forEach(item => {
// `Files: ${GREEN}${testFileCount}${END} `,
// `Suites: ${GREEN}${performanceTests.length}${END} `,
`Suites Progress: ${isDone ? GREEN : YELLOW}${completedCount}${END}/${isDone ? GREEN : YELLOW}${
`Suites Progress: ${isDone ? GREEN : YELLOW}${completedCount}${END}/${isDone ? GREEN : YELLOW}${performanceTests.length}${END}`,
`Time: ${isTimeWarn ? YELLOW : GREEN}${runTime}s${END}`
if (isDone) {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import * as Benchmark from 'benchmark';
export type PerformanceTest = { testName: string; suite: Benchmark.Suite; file: string };
export type PerformanceTest = {testName: string; suite: Benchmark.Suite; file: string};

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
export type Json2htmlOptions = { plainHtml?: boolean } & Partial<{ [key: string]: any }>;
export type Json2htmlOptions = {plainHtml?: boolean} & Partial<{[key: string]: any}>;

View file

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ describe('AVL Tree Test recursively', () => {
describe('AVLTree APIs test', () => {
const avl = new AVLTree<{ id: number; text: string }>();
const avl = new AVLTree<{id: number; text: string}>();
beforeEach(() => {
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ describe('AVLTree', () => {
describe('BinaryTree APIs test', () => {
const avl = new AVLTree<{ id: number; text: string }>();
const avl = new AVLTree<{id: number; text: string}>();
beforeEach(() => {
@ -285,5 +285,4 @@ describe('AVLTree', () => {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {BinaryTree, BinaryTreeNode, IterationType} from '../../../../src';
import {getRandomIntArray} from "../../../utils";
import {FamilyPosition} from "binary-tree-typed";
import {getRandomIntArray} from '../../../utils';
import {FamilyPosition} from 'binary-tree-typed';
// import {isDebugTest} from '../../../config';
// const isDebug = isDebugTest;
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ describe('BinaryTreeNode', () => {
rightChild.left = new BinaryTreeNode<number>(5);
it('should determine only right child family position correctly', () => {
@ -106,8 +105,8 @@ describe('BinaryTree', () => {
it('should delete nodes', () => {
expect(tree.getHeight(tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toBe(-1)
expect(tree.getHeight(tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toBe(-1);
const node = tree.add(1);
@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ describe('BinaryTree', () => {
const root = tree.root;
tree.add(new BinaryTreeNode<number>(4));
@ -128,15 +126,14 @@ describe('BinaryTree', () => {
tree.delete(new BinaryTreeNode<number>(200));
if (node) {
const result = tree.delete(node);
expect(tree.getMinHeight(tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toBe(1)
expect(tree.getMinHeight(tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toBe(1);
it('should add and find nodes', () => {
@ -155,11 +152,10 @@ describe('BinaryTree', () => {
expect(tree.has('3', node => node.value?.toString())).toBe(true);
it('should be a balance tree after malicious manipulation', () => {
tree.addMany(getRandomIntArray(100, 1, 100))
tree.addMany(getRandomIntArray(100, 1, 100));
@ -238,20 +234,16 @@ describe('BinaryTree', () => {
expect(tree.isSubtreeBST(tree.getNode(4), IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toBe(true);
expect(tree.isSubtreeBST(tree.getNode(4), IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toBe(true);
expect(tree.getNodes(2, undefined, false, null)).toEqual([])
expect(tree.getNodes(tree.getNodeByKey(2), undefined, false, tree.root)).toEqual([tree.getNodeByKey(2)])
expect(tree.getNodes(2, undefined, false, null)).toEqual([]);
expect(tree.getNodes(tree.getNodeByKey(2), undefined, false, tree.root)).toEqual([tree.getNodeByKey(2)]);
it('should subTreeTraverse', () => {
tree.addMany([4, 2, 6, null, 1, 3, null, 5, null, 7]);
expect(tree.subTreeTraverse(node => node.key, tree.getNode(6), IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([6, 3, 7]);
expect(tree.subTreeTraverse(node => node.key, tree.getNode(6), IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([6, 3, 7]);
tree.subTreeTraverse(node => (node ? node.key : null), tree.getNode(6), IterationType.ITERATIVE, true)
).toEqual([6, 3, 7, null]);
tree.subTreeTraverse(node => (node ? node.key : null), tree.getNode(6), IterationType.RECURSIVE, true)
).toEqual([6, 3, 7, null]);
expect(tree.subTreeTraverse(node => (node ? node.key : null), tree.getNode(6), IterationType.ITERATIVE, true)).toEqual([6, 3, 7, null]);
expect(tree.subTreeTraverse(node => (node ? node.key : null), tree.getNode(6), IterationType.RECURSIVE, true)).toEqual([6, 3, 7, null]);
it('should clear the tree', () => {
@ -323,45 +315,81 @@ describe('BinaryTree traversals', () => {
const arr = [35, 20, 40, 15, 29, null, 50, null, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55];
tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE, true).map(node => (node ? node.key : null))
).toEqual([35, 20, 40, 15, 29, null, 50, null, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55]);
tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE, true).map(node => (node ? node.key : null))
).toEqual([35, 20, 40, 15, 29, null, 50, null, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55]);
tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE).map(node => (node === null ? null : node.key))
).toEqual([35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55]);
tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE).map(node => (node === null ? null : node.key))
).toEqual([35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55]);
expect(tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE, true).map(node => (node ? node.key : null))).toEqual([
expect(tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE, true).map(node => (node ? node.key : null))).toEqual([
expect(tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE).map(node => (node === null ? null : node.key))).toEqual([
35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55
expect(tree.bfs(node => node, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE).map(node => (node === null ? null : node.key))).toEqual([
35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'pre')).toEqual([35, 20, 15, 16, 29, 28, 30, 40, 50, 45, 55]);
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'pre', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([
35, 20, 15, 16, 29, 28, 30, 40, 50, 45, 55
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'pre', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([35, 20, 15, 16, 29, 28, 30, 40, 50, 45, 55]);
expect(tree.dfs(node => node, 'pre', tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE, true).map(node => (node ? node.key : null))).toEqual([
expect(tree.dfs(node => node, 'pre', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE, true).map(node => (node ? node.key : null))).toEqual([
.dfs(node => node, 'pre', tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE, true)
.map(node => (node ? node.key : null))
).toEqual([35, 20, 15, null, 16, 29, 28, 30, 40, null, 50, 45, 55]);
.dfs(node => node, 'pre', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE, true)
.map(node => (node ? node.key : null))
).toEqual([35, 20, 15, null, 16, 29, 28, 30, 40, null, 50, 45, 55]);
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'in')).toEqual([15, 16, 20, 28, 29, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55]);
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'post')).toEqual([16, 15, 28, 30, 29, 20, 45, 55, 50, 40, 35]);
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'post', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([
16, 15, 28, 30, 29, 20, 45, 55, 50, 40, 35
expect(tree.bfs(node => node.key, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([
35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55
expect(tree.bfs(node => node.key, tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([
35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55
expect(tree.dfs(node => node.key, 'post', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([16, 15, 28, 30, 29, 20, 45, 55, 50, 40, 35]);
expect(tree.bfs(node => node.key, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55]);
expect(tree.bfs(node => node.key, tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([35, 20, 40, 15, 29, 50, 16, 28, 30, 45, 55]);
expect(tree.listLevels(node => node.key)).toEqual([[35], [20, 40], [15, 29, 50], [16, 28, 30, 45, 55]]);
@ -532,13 +560,7 @@ describe('BinaryTree', () => {
const nodesRec = tree.getNodes(
(node: BinaryTreeNode<string>) => node.value,
const nodesRec = tree.getNodes('B', (node: BinaryTreeNode<string>) => node.value, false, tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE);

View file

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ describe('BST operations test', () => {
it('should perform various operations on a Binary Search Tree with object values', () => {
const objBST = new BST<{ key: number; keyA: number }>();
const objBST = new BST<{key: number; keyA: number}>();
objBST.add(11, {key: 11, keyA: 11});
objBST.add(3, {key: 3, keyA: 3});
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ describe('BST operations test', () => {
const bfsNodesAfterBalanced: BSTNode<{ key: number; keyA: number }>[] = [];
const bfsNodesAfterBalanced: BSTNode<{key: number; keyA: number}>[] = [];
objBST.bfs(node => bfsNodesAfterBalanced.push(node));
expect(bfsNodesAfterBalanced[bfsNodesAfterBalanced.length - 1].key).toBe(16);
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ describe('BST operations test', () => {
const bfsNodes: BSTNode<{ key: number; keyA: number }>[] = [];
const bfsNodes: BSTNode<{key: number; keyA: number}>[] = [];
objBST.bfs(node => bfsNodes.push(node));
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ describe('BST operations test recursively', () => {
it('should perform various operations on a Binary Search Tree with object values', () => {
const objBST = new BST<{ key: number; keyA: number }>();
const objBST = new BST<{key: number; keyA: number}>();
objBST.add(11, {key: 11, keyA: 11});
objBST.add(3, {key: 3, keyA: 3});
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ describe('BST operations test recursively', () => {
const bfsNodesAfterBalanced: BSTNode<{ key: number; keyA: number }>[] = [];
const bfsNodesAfterBalanced: BSTNode<{key: number; keyA: number}>[] = [];
objBST.bfs(node => bfsNodesAfterBalanced.push(node));
expect(bfsNodesAfterBalanced[bfsNodesAfterBalanced.length - 1].key).toBe(16);
@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ describe('BST operations test recursively', () => {
const bfsNodes: BSTNode<{ key: number; keyA: number }>[] = [];
const bfsNodes: BSTNode<{key: number; keyA: number}>[] = [];
objBST.bfs(node => bfsNodes.push(node));
@ -843,11 +843,7 @@ describe('BST Performance test', function () {
bst.addMany([4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7]);
expect(bst.subTreeTraverse(node => node.key, bst.getNode(6), IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([6, 5, 7]);
expect(bst.subTreeTraverse(node => node.key, bst.getNode(6), IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([6, 5, 7]);
bst.subTreeTraverse(node => (node?.key ?? undefined), bst.getNode(6), IterationType.ITERATIVE, true)
).toEqual([6, 5, 7]);
bst.subTreeTraverse(node => (node?.key ?? undefined), bst.getNode(6), IterationType.RECURSIVE, true)
).toEqual([6, 5, 7]);
expect(bst.subTreeTraverse(node => node?.key ?? undefined, bst.getNode(6), IterationType.ITERATIVE, true)).toEqual([6, 5, 7]);
expect(bst.subTreeTraverse(node => node?.key ?? undefined, bst.getNode(6), IterationType.RECURSIVE, true)).toEqual([6, 5, 7]);

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ describe('Overall BinaryTree Test', () => {
bfsIDs[0] === 11; // true
const objBST = new BST<{ key: number; keyA: number }>();
const objBST = new BST<{key: number; keyA: number}>();
objBST.add(11, {key: 11, keyA: 11});
objBST.add(3, {key: 3, keyA: 3});

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import {IterationType, RBTNColor, RedBlackTree, RedBlackTreeNode} from '../../../../src';
import {getRandomInt, getRandomIntArray, magnitude} from '../../../utils';
import {isDebugTest} from '../../../config';
import {OrderedMap} from "js-sdsl";
import {OrderedMap} from 'js-sdsl';
const isDebug = isDebugTest;
@ -421,14 +421,10 @@ describe('RedBlackTree', () => {
isDebug && tree.print();
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 33, 50, 110, 111,
155, 225
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 33, 50, 110, 111, 155, 225
it('should fix the tree after insertion and deletion', () => {
@ -441,20 +437,14 @@ describe('RedBlackTree', () => {
expect(tree.dfs(n => n.key, "in", tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,
93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
expect(tree.dfs(n => n.key, "in", tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,
93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
expect(tree.dfs(n => n.key, 'in', tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
expect(tree.dfs(n => n.key, 'in', tree.root, IterationType.RECURSIVE)).toEqual([
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
it('should fix the tree after large scale insertion and deletion', () => {
@ -467,12 +457,12 @@ describe('RedBlackTree', () => {
expect(tree.dfs(n => n.key, "in", tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([])
expect(tree.dfs(n => n.key, 'in', tree.root, IterationType.ITERATIVE)).toEqual([]);
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
tree.add(getRandomInt(-100, 1000))
tree.delete(getRandomInt(-100, 1000))
tree.add(getRandomInt(-100, 1000));
tree.delete(getRandomInt(-100, 1000));
// TODO there is a bug when dfs the tree with NIL node
@ -482,7 +472,6 @@ describe('RedBlackTree', () => {
const arr = getRandomIntArray(HUNDRED_THOUSAND, 0, HUNDRED_THOUSAND, true);
const competitor = new OrderedMap<number, number>();
it('should fix the tree after large scale insertion and deletion', () => {
const tS =;
@ -497,6 +486,5 @@ describe('RedBlackTree', () => {
competitor.setElement(arr[i], arr[i]);
console.log( - cS);

View file

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ describe('TreeMultimap operations test', () => {
it('should perform various operations on a Binary Search Tree with object values', () => {
const objTreeMultimap = new TreeMultimap<{ key: number; keyA: number }>();
const objTreeMultimap = new TreeMultimap<{key: number; keyA: number}>();
objTreeMultimap.add(11, {key: 11, keyA: 11});
objTreeMultimap.add(3, {key: 3, keyA: 3});
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ describe('TreeMultimap operations test recursively', () => {
it('should perform various operations on a Binary Search Tree with object values', () => {
const objTreeMultimap = new TreeMultimap<{ key: number; keyA: number }>();
const objTreeMultimap = new TreeMultimap<{key: number; keyA: number}>();
objTreeMultimap.add(11, {key: 11, keyA: 11});
objTreeMultimap.add(3, {key: 3, keyA: 3});

View file

@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ class MyEdge<E = any> extends AbstractEdge<E> {
class MyGraph<
V = any,
E = any,
VO extends MyVertex<V> = MyVertex<V>,
EO extends MyEdge<E> = MyEdge<E>
> extends AbstractGraph<V, E, VO, EO> {
class MyGraph<V = any, E = any, VO extends MyVertex<V> = MyVertex<V>, EO extends MyEdge<E> = MyEdge<E>> extends AbstractGraph<
> {
createVertex(key: VertexKey, value?: V): VO {
return new MyVertex(key, value) as VO;
@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ class MyGraph<
describe('AbstractGraph Operation Test', () => {
const myGraph: MyGraph<number, string> = new MyGraph<number, string>();
beforeEach(() => {
beforeEach(() => {});
it('should edge cases', function () {
myGraph.addVertex('A', 1);
myGraph.addVertex('B', 2);

View file

@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ class MyEdge<E = any> extends DirectedEdge<E> {
class MyDirectedGraph<
V = any,
E = any,
VO extends MyVertex<V> = MyVertex<V>,
EO extends MyEdge<E> = MyEdge<E>
> extends DirectedGraph<V, E, VO, EO> {
class MyDirectedGraph<V = any, E = any, VO extends MyVertex<V> = MyVertex<V>, EO extends MyEdge<E> = MyEdge<E>> extends DirectedGraph<
> {
createVertex(key: VertexKey, value: V): VO {
return new MyVertex(key, value) as VO;
@ -351,29 +351,9 @@ describe('Inherit from DirectedGraph and perform operations test2.', () => {
expect(costs[2]).toEqual([3, 15, 38, 17, 35, Infinity, 64, Infinity, 22]);
expect(costs[3]).toEqual([123, 135, 120, 137, 155, Infinity, 47, Infinity, 126]);
expect(costs[4]).toEqual([133, 145, 130, 147, 165, Infinity, 57, Infinity, 136]);
expect(costs[5]).toEqual([Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]);
expect(costs[6]).toEqual([76, 88, 73, 90, 108, Infinity, 137, Infinity, 79]);
expect(costs[7]).toEqual([Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]);
expect(costs[8]).toEqual([173, 185, 170, 187, 205, Infinity, 97, Infinity, 176]);

View file

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ describe('UndirectedGraph', () => {
it('should getAllPathsBetween work well in 66 vertexes 97 edges graph', () => {
const graph = new UndirectedGraph<{ name: string }, number>();
const graph = new UndirectedGraph<{name: string}, number>();
for (const v of saltyVertexes) {
graph.addVertex(, v);

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('Heap Operation Test', () => {
it('should object heap work well', function () {
const minHeap = new MinHeap<{ a: string; key: number }>({comparator: (a, b) => a.key - b.key});
const minHeap = new MinHeap<{a: string; key: number}>({comparator: (a, b) => a.key - b.key});
minHeap.add({key: 1, a: 'a1'});
minHeap.add({key: 6, a: 'a6'});
minHeap.add({key: 2, a: 'a2'});
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe('Heap Operation Test', () => {
const maxHeap = new MaxHeap<{ key: number; a: string }>({comparator: (a, b) => b.key - a.key});
const maxHeap = new MaxHeap<{key: number; a: string}>({comparator: (a, b) => b.key - a.key});
maxHeap.add({key: 1, a: 'a1'});
maxHeap.add({key: 6, a: 'a6'});
maxHeap.add({key: 5, a: 'a5'});
@ -45,14 +45,7 @@ describe('Heap Operation Test', () => {
maxHeap.add({key: 0, a: 'a0'});
maxHeap.add({key: 9, a: 'a9'});
expect(maxHeap.peek()).toEqual({a: 'a9', key: 9});
expect(maxHeap.toArray().map(item => ({a: item.a}))).toEqual([
{a: 'a9'},
{a: 'a2'},
{a: 'a6'},
{a: 'a1'},
{a: 'a0'},
{a: 'a5'}
expect(maxHeap.toArray().map(item => ({a: item.a}))).toEqual([{a: 'a9'}, {a: 'a2'}, {a: 'a6'}, {a: 'a1'}, {a: 'a0'}, {a: 'a5'}]);
const maxExpectPolled = [{a: 'a9'}, {a: 'a6'}, {a: 'a5'}, {a: 'a2'}, {a: 'a1'}, {a: 'a0'}];
let maxI = 0;
while (maxHeap.size > 0) {

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ describe('DoublyLinkedList Operation Test', () => {
describe('DoublyLinkedList Operation Test', () => {
let list: DoublyLinkedList<number>;
let objectList: DoublyLinkedList<{ keyA: number }>;
let objectList: DoublyLinkedList<{keyA: number}>;
beforeEach(() => {
list = new DoublyLinkedList();

View file

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ describe('SinglyLinkedListNode', () => {
describe('SinglyLinkedList Operation Test', () => {
let list: SinglyLinkedList<number>;
let objectList: SinglyLinkedList<{ keyA: number }>;
let objectList: SinglyLinkedList<{keyA: number}>;
beforeEach(() => {
list = new SinglyLinkedList<number>();
objectList = new SinglyLinkedList<{ keyA: number }>();
objectList = new SinglyLinkedList<{keyA: number}>();
describe('push', () => {

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe('MaxPriorityQueue Operation Test', () => {
it('should add elements and maintain heap property in a object MaxPriorityQueue', () => {
const priorityQueue = new MaxPriorityQueue<{ keyA: number }>({comparator: (a, b) => b.keyA - a.keyA});
const priorityQueue = new MaxPriorityQueue<{keyA: number}>({comparator: (a, b) => b.keyA - a.keyA});
priorityQueue.refill([{keyA: 5}, {keyA: 3}, {keyA: 1}]);
priorityQueue.add({keyA: 7});
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ describe('MaxPriorityQueue Operation Test', () => {
it('should correctly heapify an object array', () => {
const nodes = [{keyA: 5}, {keyA: 3}, {keyA: 7}, {keyA: 1}];
const maxPQ = MaxPriorityQueue.heapify<{ keyA: number }>({nodes: nodes, comparator: (a, b) => b.keyA - a.keyA});
const maxPQ = MaxPriorityQueue.heapify<{keyA: number}>({nodes: nodes, comparator: (a, b) => b.keyA - a.keyA});

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {PriorityQueue} from '../../../../src';
import {PriorityQueue as CPriorityQueue} from 'js-sdsl';
import {isDebugTest} from "../../../config";
import {isDebugTest} from '../../../config';
const isDebug = isDebugTest;
describe('PriorityQueue Operation Test', () => {
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ describe('PriorityQueue Operation Test', () => {
expect(minPQ.toArray()).toEqual([4, 5, 6]);
expect(PriorityQueue.heapify({nodes: [3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], comparator: (a, b) => a - b}).toArray()).toEqual(
[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
expect(PriorityQueue.heapify({nodes: [3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], comparator: (a, b) => a - b}).toArray()).toEqual([
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
it('should Max PriorityQueue poll, peek, heapify, toArray work well', function () {
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ describe('PriorityQueue Operation Test', () => {
expect(maxPriorityQueue.toArray()).toEqual([3, 2, 1]);
expect(PriorityQueue.heapify({nodes: [3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], comparator: (a, b) => a - b}).toArray()).toEqual(
[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
expect(PriorityQueue.heapify({nodes: [3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], comparator: (a, b) => a - b}).toArray()).toEqual([
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
it('should PriorityQueue clone, sort, getNodes, dfs work well', function () {

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export const bigO = {
function findPotentialN(input: any): number {
let longestArray: any[] = [];
let mostProperties: { [key: string]: any } = {};
let mostProperties: {[key: string]: any} = {};
function recurse(obj: any) {
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {

View file

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ function makeLabelDiv(options: any, level: number, keyName: string | number, dat
return `<div class='index'><span class='json-to-html-label'>${keyName}&nbsp;</span></div>`;
} else if (typeof keyName === 'string') {
if (datatype === 'array') {
return `<div class='collapsible level${level}' ${toggleJS(
)}><span class='json-to-html-label'>${keyName}</span></div>`;
return `<div class='collapsible level${level}' ${toggleJS(options)}><span class='json-to-html-label'>${keyName}</span></div>`;
} else if (datatype === 'object') {
return `<div class='attribute collapsible level${level}' ${toggleJS(
@ -122,9 +120,7 @@ function _render(name: string, data: any, options: Json2htmlOptions, level: numb
} else {
subs =
"<div class='altRows'>" +
.map((val: any, idx: number) => _render(idx.toString(), val, options, level + 1, idx % 2))
.join("</div><div class='altRows'>") + any, idx: number) => _render(idx.toString(), val, options, level + 1, idx % 2)).join("</div><div class='altRows'>") +
return `<div class="json-to-html-collapse clearfix ${altRow}">