diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f7a08d3..612d1b6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,63 +1,195 @@ -# data-structure-ts +# data-structure-typed + +## install + +### yarn + +```bash +yarn add data-structure-typed +``` + +### npm + +```bash +npm install data-structure-typed +``` ## data structures + - + + + - - - + + + + + + + + + - + + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +[//]: # ( ) + +[//]: # ( ) + +[//]: # ( ) + +[//]: # ( ) + +[//]: # ( ) + +[//]: # ( ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Data StructureDescriptionDerivedBasic FeaturesAdditional Features
HashCoordinateSet, CoordinateMap
Binary TreeAVL Tree, Binary Search Tree, Tree Multisetput, has, get, remove, size, insertTo, insertMany, fill, getDepth, getHeight, getMinHeight, getPathToRoot, isBalanced getLeftMost, isBST, getSubTreeSizeAndCount, subTreeSum, subTreeAdd, BFS, DFS, DFSIterative, levelIterative, listLevels, getPredecessor, morris,
HeapAVL TreeAll the features inherited from Binary Tree, balanceFactor, updateHeight, balancePath, balanceLL, balanceLR, balanceRR, balanceRL
Binary TreeAVL Tree, Binary Indexed Tree, Binary Search Tree, Segment Tree, Tree MultisetBinary Search Tree (BST)All the features inherited from Binary Tree, lastKeyAll the features inherited from Binary Tree, lesserSum, allGreaterNodesAdd, balance, isAVLBalanced
Tree MultisetAll the features inherited from Binary TreeAll the features inherited from Binary Tree
Segment Treebuild, updateNode, querySumByRange
Binary Indexed Treeupdate, getPrefixSum, getRangeSum, BinaryIndexedTree.lowBit
Graph Directed Graph, Undirected GraphgetVertex, getVertexId, containsVertex, vertexSet, addVertex, removeVertex, removeAllVertices, containsEdge, setEdgeWeight, getAllPathsBetween, getPathSumWeight, getMinCostBetween, getMinPathBetween, dijkstra, dijkstraWithoutHeap, bellmanFord, floyd, tarjan
Linked ListSingly Linked List, Doubly Linked ListDirected GraphAll the features inherited from Graph, getEdge, addEdge, removeEdgeBetween, removeEdge, removeAllEdges, incomingEdgesOf, outgoingEdgesOf, degreeOf, inDegreeOf, outDegreeOf, edgesOf, getEdgeSrc, getEdgeDest, getDestinations, edgeSet, getNeighbors, getEndsOfEdgeAll the features inherited from Graph, topologicalSort
MatrixUndirected GraphAll the features inherited from Graph, getEdge, addEdge, removeEdgeBetween, removeEdge, degreeOf, edgesOf, edgeSet, getEdgesOf, getNeighbors, getEndsOfEdgeAll the features inherited from Graph
Singly Linked Listlength, head, tail, size, get, getNode, findNodeIndex, findNode, find, findIndex, append, push, prepend, insertAt, removeNode, removeAt, insertBefore, sort, insertAfter, shift, pop, merge, clear, slice, reverse, forEach, map, filter, reduce, toArray, toString
HashCoordinateSet, CoordinateMap
CoordinateSethas, set, get, delete
CoordinateMaphas, add, delete
Doubly Linked Listsize, offerFirst, offerLast, peekFirst, peekLast, pollFirst, pollLast, get, isEmpty, insert, remove,
Priority Queue Max Priority Queue, Min Priority Queueoffer, peek, poll, leaf, isEmpty, clear, toArray, cloneisValid, sort, DFS
Max Priority QueueAll the features inherited from Priority QueueAll the features inherited from Priority Queue
Min Priority QueueAll the features inherited from Priority QueueAll the features inherited from Priority Queue
Queue Queue, Dequeueoffer, poll, peek, peekLast, size, isEmpty, toArray, clear, clone, Queue.fromArray
ObjectDequesize, offerFirst, offerLast, pollFirst, peekFirst, pollLast, peekLast, get, isEmpty
ArrayDequeofferLast, pollLast, pollFirst, offerFirst, peekFirst, peekLast, get, set, insert, remove, isEmpty
Stack isEmpty, size, peek, push, pop, toArray, clear, clone, Stack.fromArray
Trie put, has, remove, isAbsPrefix, isPrefix, getAll
-## install - -```bash -yarn add data-structure-ts - -npm install data-structure-ts -``` ![complexities](src/assets/complexities-diff.jpg)