diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c6aeb2b..9291dc7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -186,127 +186,127 @@ We provide data structures that are not available in JS/TS Binary Tree -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Binary Search Tree (BST) -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads AVL Tree -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Red Black Tree -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Tree Multimap -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Heap -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Priority Queue -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Max Priority Queue -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Min Priority Queue -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Trie -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Graph -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Directed Graph -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Undirected Graph -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Queue -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Deque -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Hash Map -View +Docs @@ -314,39 +314,39 @@ We provide data structures that are not available in JS/TS Linked List -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Singly Linked List -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Doubly Linked List -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Stack -View -View +Docs +NPM NPM Downloads Segment Tree -View +Docs @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ We provide data structures that are not available in JS/TS Binary Indexed Tree -View +Docs